Isaac Levi
Columbia University

"Escaping Epistemic Hell is Routine"

ABSTRACT: In *Enterprise of Knowledge* and *Fixation of Belief*, it was observed that acquiring new information by ampliative reasoning should never import inconsistency if the initial information is consistent. Acquiring new information by observation, relying on witness, etc. can lead to inconsistency even if the methods of relying on observation and testimony are well designed. Such "routine expansion" is conflict injecting. If we are to rely on information acquired empirically, we need some account of how to extricate ourself from inconsistency or "epistemic hell" as Gardenfors called it. Erik Olsson has recently criticized my approach to escaping epistemic hell and concluded that we should avoid it at all costs. The criticisms seem well taken; but Olsson's conclusion is, in my view, mistaken. I explain why I think so and offer an alternative to Olsson's approach that finesses, I believe, the objections to my previous proposals.


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