--- title: Lecture 11 - Final project discussion, stratfied regressions author: Prof. Chouldechova date: 94842 output: html_document: toc: true toc_depth: 5 --- ```{r} library(tidyverse) library(knitr) options(scipen = 4) ``` ### Final project practice: A first look at the nlsy data Let's start by loading the data for the final project. ```{r} nlsy <- read_csv("http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/achoulde/94842/final_project/nlsy79/nlsy79_income.csv") # Change column names (mostly) to question name abbreviations colnames(nlsy) <- c("VERSION_R25_2012", "CASEID_1979", "FAM-2A_1979", "FAM-POB_1979", "FAM-3_1979", "FAM-3A_1979", "FAM-RES_1979", "FAM-6_1979", "R_REL-1_COL_1979", "SCHOOL-31_1979", "MIL-6_1979", "WOMENS-ROLES_000001_1979", "WOMENS-ROLES_000002_1979", "WOMENS-ROLES_000003_1979", "WOMENS-ROLES_000004_1979", "WOMENS-ROLES_000006_1979", "WOMENS-ROLES_000007_1979", "WOMENS-ROLES_000008_1979", "EXP-OCC_1979", "EXP-9_1979", "race", "gender", "MARSTAT-KEY_1979", "FAMSIZE_1979", "POVSTATUS_1979", "POLICE-1_1980", "POLIC-1C_1980", "POLICE-2_1980", "ALCH-2_1983", "DS-8_1984", "DS-9_1984", "Q13-5_TRUNC_REVISED_1990", "POVSTATUS_1990", "HGCREV90_1990", "jobs.num", "NUMCH90_1990", "AGEYCH90_1990", "DS-12_1998", "DS-13_1998", "INDALL-EMP.01_2000", "CPSOCC80.01_2000", "OCCSP-55I_CODE_2000", "Q2-15B_2000", "Q10-2_2000", "Q13-5_TRUNC_REVISED_2000", "FAMSIZE_2000", "TNFI_TRUNC_2000", "POVSTATUS_2000", "MARSTAT-COL_2000", "MARSTAT-KEY_2000", "MO1M1B_XRND", "Q2-10B~Y_2012", "INDALL-EMP.01_2012", "OCCALL-EMP.01_2012", "OCCSP-55I_CODE_2012", "Q2-15A_2012", "Q12-6_2012", "income", "Q13-5_SR000001_2012", "Q13-5_SR000002_2012", "Q13-18_TRUNC_2012", "Q13-18_SR000001_TRUNC_2012", "FAMSIZE_2012", "REGION_2012", "HGC_2012", "URBAN-RURAL_2012", "JOBSNUM_2012") # Map all negative values to missing (NA) # DO NOT DO THIS IN YOUR PROJECT WITHOUT CAREFUL JUSTIFICATION nlsy[nlsy < 0] <- NA ``` #### **(a)** Run a linear regression modeling `income` as a linear function of `gender`, `race` and `jobs.num`. ```{r} # Transform and relabel gender and race variables nlsy <- mutate(nlsy, gender = recode_factor(gender, `2` = "Female", `1` = "Male"), race = recode_factor(race, `2` = "Black", `1` = "Hispanic", `3` = "Other")) ``` Note that "Other" is a much more reasonable baseline category (so is Male). That's not what the code above is doing. In your final project you'll want to pick reasonable baselines. ```{r} # Run regression nlsy.lm <- lm(income ~ gender + race + jobs.num, data = nlsy) # Output summary summary(nlsy.lm) ``` #### **(d)** Use the `anova()` function to assess whether race is a statistically significant predictor of income by comparing your model from part (a) to a model with just `gender` and `jobs.num`. **Hint**: You can use the `update()` function to drop predictors from a model. ```{r} anova(update(nlsy.lm, . ~ . - race), nlsy.lm) ``` Race turns out to be a highly statistically signficant predictor of income in the model. You can see also by looking at the coefficient estimates and standard errors --- the estimated coefficients are very large, with relatively small standard errors. #### **(e)** Update your linear regression model from part (a) to also include an interaction term between `race` and `gender`. ```{r} nlsy.lm.interact <- update(nlsy.lm, . ~ . + race*gender) summary(nlsy.lm.interact) ``` #### **(f)** How many coefficients are estimated for this interaction term? There are 2 estimated coefficients. #### **(g)** What do you think these coefficients mean? How would you interpret them? ```{r} coef.race.other <- round(coef(nlsy.lm.interact)["genderMale:raceOther"], 0) coef.race.other ``` These coefficients correspond to differences in earnings across gender and race that aren't accounted for by a model that assumes independent effects for race and gender. That is, the income difference between men and women appears to depend strongly on the individual's race. For instance, the income difference among mixed-race men and mixed-race women is $`r coef.race.other` more than the difference between black men and black women. Race is a factor that is highly associated with the income gap between men and women. **Note**: This is different from saying that race is associated with income. The interaction terms are estimates of how the **income gap** differs across the race categories. #### Main effects vs. interactions The final project asks you to explore the question of whether there are any factors that exacerbate or mitigate the **income gap** between men and women. It's important to note that this is different from asking whether there are factors that affect income. While it is interesting to investigate factors that affect income, there may be factors that affect income but do not affect the income gap. This is the difference between significant main effects and significant interactions. Let's look at the two linear models again. ```{r, results = 'asis'} # Note how digits is specified here to round each column to a different number of decimal values kable(coef(summary(nlsy.lm)), digits = c(0, 0, 2, 4)) ``` ```{r, results = 'asis'} kable(coef(summary(nlsy.lm.interact)), digits = c(0, 0, 2, 4)) ``` According to the first model, the average income difference between an Hispanic male and a Hispanic female (both of whom have held, say, 3 jobs) is just: Estimated.income(Male, Hispanic, 3 jobs) - Estimated.income(Female, Hispanic, 3 jobs) = ( `(Intercept)` + `genderMale` + `raceHispanic` + 3 * `jobs.num`) - (`(Intercept)` + `raceHispanic` + 3 * `jobs.num`) = `gendermale` = `r round(coef(nlsy.lm)["genderMale"], 0)` Indeed, this is the average difference in income between men and women of the same jobs.num and same race, regardless of their specific jobs.num and race. According to the second model, the one that contains race-gender interactions, the average difference between the same two individuals is given by: Estimated.income(Male, Hispanic, 3 jobs) - Estimated.income(Female, Hispanic,3 jobs) = ( `(Intercept)` + `genderMale` + `raceHispanic` + 3 * `jobs.num` + `gendermale:raceHispanic`) - (`(Intercept)` + `raceHispanic` + 3 * `jobs.num`) = `genderMale` + `genderMale:raceHispanic` = `r round(coef(nlsy.lm.interact)["genderMale"], 0) + round(coef(nlsy.lm.interact)["genderMale:raceHispanic"], 0)` This difference doesn't depend on the number of jobs that we assumed both individuals have held---we would get the same difference if we assumed that both individuals held 1 prior job, or 10 prior jobs---but it **does depend on the assumed race**. Running the same calculation to compare a non-Black, non-Hispanic race man and a non-Black non-Hispanic race woman both of whom held `x` prior jobs, we would get that the average income difference is: Estimated.income(Male, Other, x jobs) - Estimated.income(Female, Other, x jobs) = `gendermale` + `genderMale:raceOther` = `r round(coef(nlsy.lm.interact)["genderMale"], 0) + round(coef(nlsy.lm.interact)["genderMale:raceOther"], 0)` The baseline level here is race = 'Black'. So the model also tells us that the average income difference between Black men and women with the same number of prior jobs: Estimated.income(Male, Black, x jobs) - Estimated.income(Female, Black, x jobs) = `gendermale` + 0 = `r round(coef(nlsy.lm.interact)["genderMale"], 0)` By looking at the interaction effect between `race` and `gender`, we do find evidence that race is a factor affecting the **income gap** between men and women. E.g., There is a significantly larger gap (in an absolute $ sense) between Hispanic men and women race compared to Black men and women. #### Testing significance of the interacton term with `anova` By looking at the individual p-values for the interaction term coefficients, we can answer the question of whether the difference in income gap differs between Black individuals and those of a different given race category. To more directly answer the question of whether the observed differences in income gap across the race categories are statistically significant, we need to use the `anova` command. ```{r} anova(nlsy.lm, nlsy.lm.interact) ``` The p-value is statistically significant, so we can reject the null hypothesis that the income gap is the same across all the race categories. In other words, the data suggests that the income gap between men and women does vary with race. #### The regression-free approach In the previous examples we used a regression because we wanted to adjust for the `jobs.num` variable. However, before delving into a regression, you can get a lot of the same insights with some simple plots and tables. Here's a set of commands that calculates the difference in average income between men and women for each race category. ```{r} nlsy %>% group_by(race) %>% summarize(income.gap = mean(income[gender == "Male"], na.rm = TRUE) - mean(income[gender == "Female"], na.rm = TRUE)) ``` This is a great, easy-to-interpret table that you can include in your analysis. (Remember to round! --- not shown here.) By changing out `race` for other categorical variables, you can try to identify other factors that may affect the income gap. Here's a one-line plotting command that summarizes the previous table in an east-to-interpret plot. ```{r, fig.width = 5} gap.data <- nlsy %>% group_by(race) %>% summarize(income.gap = mean(income[gender == "Male"], na.rm = TRUE) - mean(income[gender == "Female"], na.rm = TRUE)) ggplot(data = gap.data, aes(x = race, y = income.gap, fill = race)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + xlab("Race") + ylab("Income gap($)") + ggtitle("Income gap between men and women, by race") + guides(fill = FALSE) ``` We'll now look at a couple of ways of modifying/improving this graphic. 1) Re-order the variables on the x axis so that the bars are sorted by in descending order of height. i.e., plot the bars in descending order of wage gap. 2) By running t-tests you can obtain confidence intervals for the income gaps. You can plot these using the `geom_errorbar` layer in ggplot. #### Improving the figure ##### Step 1: Reordering the bars This is a simple matter of reordering the `race` variable in the `gap.data` data frame according to the value of `income.gap`. The plotting command itself remains unchanged. ```{r, fig.width = 5} # Reorder race factor levels according to -income.gap # this is the same as reordering in *descending* order of # income gap gap.data <- mutate(gap.data, race = reorder(race, -income.gap)) # Same plotting command as before ggplot(data = gap.data, aes(x = race, y = income.gap, fill = race)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + xlab("Race") + ylab("Income gap($)") + ggtitle("Income gap between men and women, by race") + guides(fill = FALSE) ``` **Note**: This changes which bar color gets used for which race. If race is used several times in your analysis, you probably don't want the mapping between colors and race to keep changing. To address this, you may want to manually specify the color mapping, or just use a single color for all the bars in the above plot. E.g., ```{r, fig.width = 5} ggplot(data = gap.data, aes(x = race, y = income.gap)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = I('#548696')) + xlab("Race") + ylab("Income gap($)") + ggtitle("Income gap between men and women, by race") + guides(fill = FALSE) ``` ##### Step 2: Adding error bars using t-test confidence intervals Now that we've introduced the plyr package, we can quite easily put together all the information we need in order to add error bars to our plot. First, note that when we run a t.test with formula `income ~ gender` the difference that's calculated is **female income - male income**. We want **male income - female income**. Thus when we get a confidence interval from the t-test, we want to flip it and change the sign. i.e., if [-8000, -2000] is a 95% confidence interval for $\mu_F - \mu_M$, then [2000, 8000] is a 95% confidence interval for $\mu_M - \mu_F$. This is what the code below does to calculate error bars for our plot. ```{r, fig.width = 5} # Calculate income gaps (male - female) and 95% confidence intervals # for the gap gap.data.conf <- nlsy %>% group_by(race) %>% summarize(income.gap = mean(income[gender == "Male"], na.rm = TRUE) - mean(income[gender == "Female"], na.rm = TRUE), upper = -t.test(income ~ gender)$conf.int[1], lower = -t.test(income ~ gender)$conf.int[2], is.significant = as.numeric(t.test(income ~ gender)$p.value < 0.05)) # Re-order the race factor according to gap size gap.data.conf <- mutate(gap.data.conf, race = reorder(race, income.gap)) # Plot, with error bars ggplot(data = gap.data.conf, aes(x = race, y = income.gap, fill = is.significant)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + xlab("Race") + ylab("Income gap($)") + ggtitle("Income gap between men and women, by race") + guides(fill = FALSE) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymax = upper, ymin = lower), width = 0.1, size = 1) + theme(text = element_text(size=12)) ```

## Stratified regressions with ggplot and dplyr #### Gapminder life expectancy data ```{r} gapminder <- read_delim("http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/achoulde/94842/data/gapminder_five_year.txt", delim = "\t") # Load data gapminder # A look at the data ``` #### Example (more involved): Fitting a linear model for each country We're now going to go through an example where we get the life expectancy in 1952 and the rate of change in life expectancy over time for each country. The rate of change will be obtained by regressing `lifeExp` on `year`. ##### (1) Figure out how to extract the desired information. Let's start with the data for a single country. ```{r, fig.align='center', fig.height=4, fig.width=5} country.name <- "Ireland" # Pick a country gapminder.sub <- filter(gapminder, country == country.name) # Pull data for this country gapminder.sub # Scatterplot of life exp vs year # with a regression line overlaid qplot(year, lifeExp, data = gapminder.sub, main = paste("Life expectancy in", country.name)) + geom_smooth(method = "lm") ``` We can confirm that it's a pretty good model for other countries as well, though not for all of them ```{r, fig.height = 20} ggplot(data = gapminder, aes(x = year, y = lifeExp)) + facet_wrap( ~ country) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm") ``` Now let's fit a regression and extract the slope. ```{r} life.exp.lm <- lm(lifeExp ~ year, data = gapminder.sub) # Fit model coef(life.exp.lm) # Get coefficients coef(life.exp.lm)["year"] # The slope that we wanted ``` Here's how we can do everything in one line: ```{r} coef(lm(lifeExp ~ year, data = gapminder.sub))["year"] ``` ##### (2) Extract information for each country Here we'll extract the slope in the way we practiced above, and we'll also extract the "origin" life expectancy: the given country's life expectancy in 1952, the first year of our data. For the purpose of plotting we'll also want the continent information, so we'll capture that in this call too. ```{r} progress.df <- gapminder %>% group_by(country) %>% summarize(continent = continent[1], origin = lifeExp[year == 1952], slope = lm(lifeExp ~ year)$coef["year"]) progress.df ``` #### What can we learn from this output? Let's summarize our findings by creating a bar chart for the origin and slope, with the bars colored by continent. We'll do this in ggplot. #### Plotting origins coloured by continent This code is analogous to that presented at the end of Lecture 6 ```{r, fig.width = 18, warning = FALSE} # Reorder country factor by origin # Construct bar chart progress.df %>% mutate(country = reorder(country, origin)) %>% ggplot(aes(x = country, y = origin, fill = continent)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 60, vjust = 1, hjust = 1)) ``` #### Plotting slopes coloured by continent ```{r, fig.width = 18, warning = FALSE} # Reorder country factor by slope # Construct bar chart progress.df %>% mutate(country = reorder(country, slope)) %>% ggplot(aes(x = country, y = slope, fill = continent)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 60, vjust = 1, hjust = 1)) ``` These are very interesting plots. What can you tell from looking at them? #### Looking at per capita GDP by year Let's start by looking at some plots of how GDP per capita varied by year ```{r, fig.height = 20, fig.width = 15, cache = TRUE} # Use qplot from ggplot2 to generate plots qplot(year, gdpPercap, facets = ~ country, data = gapminder, colour = continent) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) ``` What if we want to rearrange the plots by continent? This can be done by changing the order of the `country` level. ```{r, fig.height = 20, fig.width = 15, cache = TRUE} # First step: reorder the countries by continent # Produce a data frame that has the countries ordered alphabetically within continent # Arrange sorts the data according to the variable(s) provided country.df <- gapminder %>% group_by(country) %>% summarize(continent = continent[1]) %>% arrange(continent) gapminder.ordered <- gapminder %>% mutate(country = factor(country, levels = country.df$country)) # Let's make sure that things are now ordered correctly... levels(gapminder.ordered$country) # Use qplot from ggplot2 to generate plots qplot(year, gdpPercap, facets = ~ country, data = gapminder.ordered, colour = continent) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + stat_smooth(method = "lm") ```