B00046.00 [PSTRAN_GPA.01] Survey Year: PSTR PRIMARY VARIABLE OVERALL GPA REPORTED FOR YOUTH-SCHOOL PAIR 01 Variable reports student's institution-specific cumulative GPA as it appears in the transcript. If not available, variable shows cumulative GPA including both transcript-issuing institution and any institutions transferring credits to that institution. If neither of these measures were available in the transcript, this variable uses the cumulative GPA available for the last (most recent) term reported in the transcript. Variable has implied 2 implied decimal places. For example, GPA 3.00 is displayed as 300. For disclosure reasons, values higher than 400 are coded as invalid skips (-3). 428 0 TO 100: 490 101 TO 200: 1272 201 TO 300: 1250 301 TO 400: ------- 3440 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 378 TOTAL =========> 3818 VALID SKIP(-4) 891 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 4275 Min: 0 Max: 400 Mean: 247.86 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [9999] Lead In: B00045.00[Default] Default Next Question: B00047.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E80431.00 [INCARC_TOTNUM] Survey Year: XRND PRIMARY VARIABLE TOTAL NUMBER OF INCARCERATIONS Total number of separate incarcerations reported by the respondent. 8054 0: No incarcerations 716 1 TO 2: incarcerations 146 3 TO 4: incarcerations 38 5 TO 6: incarcerations 7 7 TO 8: incarcerations 1 9 TO 10: incarcerations 1 11 TO 12: incarcerations 0 13 TO 14: incarcerations 0 15 TO 16: incarcerations 0 17 TO 18: incarcerations 0 19 TO 20: incarcerations ------- 8963 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 21 TOTAL =========> 8984 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 0 Max: 11 Mean: .19 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [999999] Lead In: E80430.00[Default] Default Next Question: E80432.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E80432.00 [INCARC_AGE_FIRST] Survey Year: XRND PRIMARY VARIABLE AGE AT FIRST INCARCERATION Age of respondent when first incarcerated. 2 0 TO 12: years 19 13 TO 15: years 163 16 TO 18: years 225 19 TO 21: years 251 22 TO 25: years 200 26 TO 30: years 60 31 TO 99: years ------- 920 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 10 TOTAL =========> 930 VALID SKIP(-4) 8054 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 12 Max: 37 Mean: 22.86 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [999999] Lead In: E80431.00[Default] Default Next Question: E80433.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E80434.00 [INCARC_LENGTH_LONGEST] Survey Year: XRND PRIMARY VARIABLE LENGTH OF LONGEST INCARCERATION Number of months for the longest spell of incarceration. 316 0 TO 3: months 84 4 TO 6: months 60 7 TO 9: months 60 10 TO 12: months 87 13 TO 18: months 52 19 TO 24: months 80 25 TO 36: months 40 37 TO 48: months 125 49 TO 999: months ------- 904 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 26 TOTAL =========> 930 VALID SKIP(-4) 8054 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 1 Max: 207 Mean: 21.16 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [999999] Lead In: E80433.00[Default] Default Next Question: E80435.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R00001.00 [PUBID] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE PUBID, YOUTH CASE IDENTIFICATION CODE COMMENT: YOUTH CASE IDENTIFICATION CODE 0 0 998 1 TO 999 999 1000 TO 1999 997 2000 TO 2999 996 3000 TO 3999 998 4000 TO 4999 996 5000 TO 5999 994 6000 TO 6999 994 7000 TO 7999 989 8000 TO 8999 23 9000 TO 9999 ------- 8984 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 TOTAL =========> 8984 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 1 Max: 9022 Mean: 4504.3 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [99999999] Lead In: R72976.00[Default] Default Next Question: R05363.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R00694.00 [YSCH-36400] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE TEACHERS GOOD (AGREE/DISAGREE) Thinking about your (last) school in general, how much do you agree with each of the following statements about your school and teachers? ... The teachers are good. Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree? UNIVERSE: R has been enrolled in regular school 1573 1 Strongly agree 6192 2 Agree 964 3 Disagree 236 4 Strongly Disagree ------- 8965 Refusal(-1) 2 Don't Know(-2) 3 TOTAL =========> 8970 VALID SKIP(-4) 14 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 1 Max: 4 Mean: 1.98 Lead In: R00693.00[Default] R00688.00[1:1] Default Next Question: R00695.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R00700.00 [YSCH-37000] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE FEEL SAFE AT SCHOOL AGREE/DISAGREE ... I [feel /felt] safe at this school. UNIVERSE: R has been enrolled in regular school 2798 1 Strongly agree 4870 2 Agree 1018 3 Disagree 273 4 Strongly Disagree ------- 8959 Refusal(-1) 2 Don't Know(-2) 9 TOTAL =========> 8970 VALID SKIP(-4) 14 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 1 Max: 4 Mean: 1.86 Lead In: R00699.00[Default] Default Next Question: R00701.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R03239.00 [YSAQ-010] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE # DAYS PER WEEK TYPICALLY FAMILY DOES SOMETHING RELIGIOUS In a typical week, how many days from 0 to 7 do you do something religious as a family such as go to church, pray or read the scriptures together? UNIVERSE: R <= 14 at end of prev year; lives with parent/guardian 1814 0 1737 1 677 2 341 3 158 4 140 5 91 6 406 7 ------- 5364 Refusal(-1) 7 Don't Know(-2) 7 Invalid Skip(-3) 2 TOTAL =========> 5380 VALID SKIP(-4) 3604 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 0 Max: 7 Mean: 1.65 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [7] Soft Minimum: [0] Soft Maximum: [7] Lead In: R03238.00[Default] Default Next Question: R03240.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R03589.00 [YSAQ-369] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE R EVER USE MARIJUANA? Have you ever used marijuana, for example: grass or pot, in your lifetime? UNIVERSE: All 1795 1 Yes (Go To R03590.00) 7148 0 No ------- 8943 Refusal(-1) 34 Don't Know(-2) 5 Invalid Skip(-3) 2 TOTAL =========> 8984 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 0 Max: 1 Mean: .2 Lead In: R03583.00[Default] R03588.00[Default] R03585.00[0:0] Default Next Question: R03593.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R05135.00 [YEXP-300] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE PERCENT CHANCE GET FLU NEXT YEAR What do you think is the percent chance that you will get the flu sometime in the next year? UNIVERSE: R >= 15 251 0: 0% 495 1 TO 10: 1%-10% 233 11 TO 20: 11%-20% 314 21 TO 30: 21%-30% 79 31 TO 40: 31%-40% 875 41 TO 50: 41%-50% 68 51 TO 60: 51%-60% 53 61 TO 70: 61%-70% 311 71 TO 80: 71%-80% 162 81 TO 90: 81%-90% 662 91 TO 100: 91%-100% ------- 3503 Refusal(-1) 1 Don't Know(-2) 32 Invalid Skip(-3) 28 TOTAL =========> 3564 VALID SKIP(-4) 5420 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 0 Max: 100 Mean: 49.65 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [100] Lead In: R05134.00[Default] Default Next Question: R05136.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R05147.00 [YEXP-1500] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE PERCENT CHANCE R HAS HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA BY 20 YEARS OLD The next questions ask about your school and work situation at the time of your 20th birthday. What is the percent chance that you will have received a high school diploma by the time you turn 20? UNIVERSE: R >= 15 50 0: 0% 27 1 TO 10: 1%-10% 13 11 TO 20: 11%-20% 17 21 TO 30: 21%-30% 7 31 TO 40: 31%-40% 124 41 TO 50: 41%-50% 16 51 TO 60: 51%-60% 14 61 TO 70: 61%-70% 138 71 TO 80: 71%-80% 169 81 TO 90: 81%-90% 2948 91 TO 100: 91%-100% ------- 3523 Refusal(-1) 3 Don't Know(-2) 10 Invalid Skip(-3) 29 TOTAL =========> 3565 VALID SKIP(-4) 5419 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 0 Max: 100 Mean: 93.42 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [100] Lead In: R05146.00[Default] Default Next Question: R05148.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R05148.00 [YEXP-1600] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE PERCENT CHANCE R IN JAIL BY 20 YEARS OLD What is the percent chance you will serve time in jail or prison between now and when you turn 20? UNIVERSE: R >= 15 2364 0: 0% 740 1 TO 10: 1%-10% 144 11 TO 20: 11%-20% 103 21 TO 30: 21%-30% 21 31 TO 40: 31%-40% 104 41 TO 50: 41%-50% 12 51 TO 60: 51%-60% 2 61 TO 70: 61%-70% 14 71 TO 80: 71%-80% 5 81 TO 90: 81%-90% 10 91 TO 100: 91%-100% ------- 3519 Refusal(-1) 2 Don't Know(-2) 15 Invalid Skip(-3) 29 TOTAL =========> 3565 VALID SKIP(-4) 5419 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 0 Max: 100 Mean: 5.31 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [100] Lead In: R05147.00[Default] Default Next Question: R05149.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R05149.00 [YEXP-1800] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE PERCENT CHANCE R A PARENT BY 20 YEARS OLD What is the percent chance that you will become the [mom/dad] of a baby sometime between now and when you turn 20? UNIVERSE: R >= 15 1567 0: 0% 670 1 TO 10: 1%-10% 258 11 TO 20: 11%-20% 225 21 TO 30: 21%-30% 60 31 TO 40: 31%-40% 425 41 TO 50: 41%-50% 31 51 TO 60: 51%-60% 30 61 TO 70: 61%-70% 88 71 TO 80: 71%-80% 29 81 TO 90: 81%-90% 106 91 TO 100: 91%-100% ------- 3489 Refusal(-1) 4 Don't Know(-2) 43 Invalid Skip(-3) 29 TOTAL =========> 3565 VALID SKIP(-4) 5419 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 0 Max: 100 Mean: 17.76 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [100] Lead In: R05148.00[Default] Default Next Question: R05150.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R05151.00 [YEXP-2000] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE PERCENT CHANCE R HAS COLLEGE DEGREE BY 30 YEARS OLD Now think ahead to when you turn 30 years old. What is the percent chance that you will have a four-year college degree by the time you turn 30? UNIVERSE: R >= 15 185 0: 0% 98 1 TO 10: 1%-10% 84 11 TO 20: 11%-20% 146 21 TO 30: 21%-30% 51 31 TO 40: 31%-40% 538 41 TO 50: 41%-50% 69 51 TO 60: 51%-60% 79 61 TO 70: 61%-70% 457 71 TO 80: 71%-80% 324 81 TO 90: 81%-90% 1480 91 TO 100: 91%-100% ------- 3511 Refusal(-1) 2 Don't Know(-2) 23 Invalid Skip(-3) 29 TOTAL =========> 3565 VALID SKIP(-4) 5419 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 0 Max: 100 Mean: 72.78 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [100] Lead In: R05150.00[Default] Default Next Question: R05152.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R05363.00 [KEY!SEX] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE KEY!SEX, RS GENDER (SYMBOL) COMMENT: Gender of Youth 4599 1 Male 4385 2 Female 0 0 No Information ------- 8984 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 TOTAL =========> 8984 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 1 Max: 2 Mean: 1.49 Lead In: R00001.00[Default] Default Next Question: R05364.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R05364.01 [KEY!BDATE_M] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE KEY!BDATE, RS BIRTHDATE MONTH/YEAR (SYMBOL) COMMENT: Birthdate of Youth 816 1: January 693 2: February 760 3: March 659 4: April 689 5: May 720 6: June 762 7: July 782 8: August 839 9: September 765 10: October 763 11: November 736 12: December ------- 8984 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 TOTAL =========> 8984 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 1 Max: 12 Mean: 6.56 Earliest (NonMissing): JANUARY/1980 Latest (NonMissing): DECEMBER/1984 Hard Minimum: [01/01/1880] Hard Maximum: [the current date] Lead In: None. Default Next Question: R05364.02 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R05364.02 [KEY!BDATE_Y] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE KEY!BDATE, RS BIRTHDATE MONTH/YEAR (SYMBOL) COMMENT: Birthdate of Youth Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 TOTAL =========> 8984 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 1980 Max: 1984 Mean: 1982.01 Earliest (NonMissing): JANUARY/1980 Latest (NonMissing): DECEMBER/1984 Hard Minimum: [01/01/1880] Hard Maximum: [the current date] Lead In: R05364.01[Default] Default Next Question: R05366.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R06489.00 [PC8-090] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE R EVER LIVE THROUGH HARD TIMES? Sometimes children go through hard times. For example, they live in a place without water or electricity, or in a homeless shelter. To the best of your knowledge, has [this youth] ever experienced such hard times? 435 1 Yes (Go To R06490.00) 7440 0 No ------- 7875 Refusal(-1) 7 Don't Know(-2) 18 TOTAL =========> 7900 VALID SKIP(-4) 1084 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 0 Max: 1 Mean: .06 Lead In: R06476.00[Default] R06488.00[Default] R06434.00[1:1] Default Next Question: R06491.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R06491.00 [PC8-092] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE R SPEND 20+ HOURS IN CHILD CARE 1ST YEAR Next, I'm going to ask you some questions about childcare and schooling. We'll start with childcare. We define childcare as any care given by someone OTHER THAN A PARENT. Childcare includes care by relatives, babysitters, and nannies. It also includes time when the child attends daycare centers or preschools. During [this youth]'s FIRST year of life, did [he/she] ever spend twenty or more hours a week in childcare? 2264 1 Yes 5549 0 No ------- 7813 Refusal(-1) 11 Don't Know(-2) 76 TOTAL =========> 7900 VALID SKIP(-4) 1084 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 0 Max: 1 Mean: .29 Lead In: R06489.00[Default] R06490.19[Default] Default Next Question: R06492.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R06813.00 [PC9-002] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE R HAVE PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL CONDITION LIMITS SCHOOL/WORK? (Excluding pregnancy), does [this youth] have or has [he/she] ever had any physical, emotional, or mental condition that limits or has limited [his/her] ability to attend school regularly, do regular school work, or work at a job for pay? 570 1 Yes 7314 0 No ------- 7884 Refusal(-1) 2 Don't Know(-2) 6 TOTAL =========> 7892 VALID SKIP(-4) 1092 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 0 Max: 1 Mean: .07 Lead In: R06812.00[Default] Default Next Question: R06814.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R06908.00 [PC12-024] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE R UNHAPPY, SAD, DEPRESSED (FEMALE) [this youth] is unhappy, sad or depressed. Copyright Items: TM Achenbach. Reproduced by Permission 1070 0 Not true 472 1 Sometimes true 42 2 Often true ------- 1584 Refusal(-1) 2 Don't Know(-2) 2 TOTAL =========> 1588 VALID SKIP(-4) 7396 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 0 Max: 2 Mean: .35 Lead In: R06907.00[Default] Default Next Question: R06913.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R06912.00 [PC12-028] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE R UNHAPPY, SAD, DEPRESSED (MALE) [this youth] is unhappy, sad or depressed. Copyright Items: TM Achenbach. Reproduced by Permission 1179 0 Not true 486 1 Sometimes true 44 2 Often true ------- 1709 Refusal(-1) 1 Don't Know(-2) 3 TOTAL =========> 1713 VALID SKIP(-4) 7271 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 0 Max: 2 Mean: .34 Lead In: R06911.00[Default] Default Next Question: R06913.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R11940.00 [CV_AGE_12/31/96] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE RS AGE AS OF 12/31/96 Age as of 12/31/96 0 0 TO 11: LESS THAN 12 1771 12 1807 13 1841 14 1874 15 1691 16 0 17 0 18 0 19 TO 999: GREATER THAN 18 ------- 8984 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 TOTAL =========> 8984 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 12 Max: 16 Mean: 13.99 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [25] Lead In: R11939.00[Default] Default Next Question: R11941.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R12001.00 [CV_BIO_MOM_AGE_CHILD1] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE AGE OF BIO MOTHER AT FIRST BIRTH Age of biological mother at first birth. /* EXTREME RESPONSES REFLECT UNEDITED INTERVIEW DATA THAT WERE REPORTED DURING THE SURVEY; RESEARCHERS MAY WANT TO EVALUATE THESE DATA BEFORE DRAWING CONCLUSIONS. */ 0 0 10 1 TO 4 10 5 TO 8 87 9 TO 14 2179 15 TO 19 3309 20 TO 24 1890 25 TO 29 633 30 TO 34 132 35 TO 39 11 40 TO 44 3 45 TO 49 3 50 TO 99999999: 50+ ------- 8267 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 717 TOTAL =========> 8984 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 1 Max: 63 Mean: 22.74 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [118] Lead In: R12000.00[Default] Default Next Question: R12002.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R12002.00 [CV_BIO_MOM_AGE_YOUTH] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE AGE OF BIO MOTHER WHEN R BORN Age of biological mother when respondent born. /* EXTREME RESPONSES REFLECT UNEDITED INTERVIEW DATA THAT WERE REPORTED DURING THE SURVEY; RESEARCHERS MAY WANT TO EVALUATE THESE DATA BEFORE DRAWING CONCLUSIONS. */ 0 0 0 1 TO 4 0 5 TO 8 34 9 TO 14 1089 15 TO 19 2725 20 TO 24 2633 25 TO 29 1387 30 TO 34 435 35 TO 39 57 40 TO 44 8 45 TO 49 8 50 TO 99999999: 50+ ------- 8376 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 608 TOTAL =========> 8984 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 10 Max: 101 Mean: 25.5 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [118] Lead In: R12001.00[Default] Default Next Question: R12003.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R12013.00 [CV_CITIZENSHIP] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE CITIZENSHIP STATUS BASED ON BIRTH U.S. citizenship status based on place of birth. 6869 1 Citizen, born in the U.S. 279 2 Unknown, not born in U.S. 794 3 Unknown, can't determine birthplace ------- 7942 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 TOTAL =========> 7942 VALID SKIP(-4) 1042 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 1 Max: 3 Mean: 1.24 Lead In: R12012.00[Default] Default Next Question: R12014.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R12014.00 [CV_ENROLLSTAT] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE RS CURRENT ENROLLMENT STATUS Enrollment status as of the survey date. Note (1): This variable refers to the type of college the R attended, not the college degree that R reported working towards or that R attained. Note(2): Rs who are working towards a GED are coded as an '8' regardless of where that course of study took place. 226 1 Not enrolled, no high school degree, no GED 3 2 Not enrolled, GED 4 3 Not enrolled, high school degree 0 4 Not enrolled, some college 0 5 Not enrolled, 2-year college graduate 0 6 Not enrolled, 4-year college graduate 0 7 Not enrolled, graduate degree 8742 8 Enrolled in grades 1-12, not a high school graduate 5 9 Enrolled in a 2-year college 2 10 Enrolled in a 4-year college 0 11 Enrolled in a graduate program ------- 8982 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 2 TOTAL =========> 8984 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 1 Max: 10 Mean: 7.82 Lead In: R12013.00[Default] Default Next Question: R12015.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R12047.00 [CV_HH_NET_WORTH_P] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE NET WORTH OF HOUSEHOLD ACCORDING TO PARENT Household net worth. COMMENT: from parent interview /*Topcoded at predetermined values. Respondents with household net worth values above $600,000 were topcoded to a value of $600,000. Negative values of -1, -2, -3, -4, or -5 do not reflect negative monetary amounts; these numbers represent standard NLSY97 codes.*/ 286 -999999 TO -3000: < -2999 37 -2999 TO -2000 56 -1999 TO -1000 47 -999 TO -6 3 0 313 1 TO 1000 273 1001 TO 2000 160 2001 TO 3000 426 3001 TO 5000 507 5001 TO 10000 602 10001 TO 20000 435 20001 TO 30000 334 30001 TO 40000 285 40001 TO 50000 393 50001 TO 65000 304 65001 TO 80000 321 80001 TO 100000 567 100001 TO 150000 350 150001 TO 200000 677 200001 TO 500000 243 500001 TO 1000000 0 1000001 TO 1500000 0 1500001 TO 2000000 0 2000001 TO 999999999: 2000001+ ------- 6619 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 1314 TOTAL =========> 7933 VALID SKIP(-4) 1051 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: -935251 Max: 600000 Mean: 90180.98 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [9999999] Lead In: R12046.00[Default] Default Next Question: R12048.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R12053.00 [CV_YTH_REL_HH_CURRENT] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE RS RELATIONSHIP TO HOUSEHOLD PARENT FIGURE Relationship of the parent figure(s)/guardian(s) in household to the youth as of the survey date. Note: This variable was renamed in round 2; the round 1 name was CV_HH_REL_BIRTH. 4395 1 Both biological parents 991 2 Two parents, biological mother 214 3 Two parents, biological father 2531 4 Biological mother only 295 5 Biological father only 103 6 Adoptive parent(s) 44 7 Foster parent(s) 197 8 No parents, grandparents 114 9 No parents, other relatives 69 10 Anything else ------- 8953 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 31 TOTAL =========> 8984 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 1 Max: 10 Mean: 2.55 Lead In: R12052.00[Default] Default Next Question: R12054.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R12105.00 [CV_MSA_AGE_12] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE R RESIDE IN MSA AT AGE 12 Residence in a MSA at the age of 12 as reported by parent-figure during the round 1 interview. A similar variable, CV_MSA_AGE_12_YCHR, contains the report by respondents in the childhood retrospective section (YCHR) during the round 6 to round 9 interviews. UNIVERSE: Respondents whose parent answered the set of questions in the 'PC8' section of the parent questionnaire. 1072 1 not in MSA 3343 2 in MSA, not in central city 2349 3 in MSA, in central city 22 4 in MSA, not known 50 5 not in country ------- 6836 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 1064 TOTAL =========> 7900 VALID SKIP(-4) 1084 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 1 Max: 5 Mean: 2.22 Lead In: R12104.00[Default] Default Next Question: R12105.10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R12176.00 [CV_URBAN-RURAL_AGE_12] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE RS RESIDENCE URBAN OR RURAL AT AGE 12 Residence in an urban or a rural area at age of 12 as reported by parent-figure during the round 1 interview. A similar variable, CV_URBAN-RURAL_AGE_12_YCHR, contains the report by respondents in the childhood retrospective section (YCHR) during the round 6 to round 9 interviews. UNIVERSE: Respondents whose parent answered the set of questions in the 'PC8' section of the parent questionnaire. 1484 0 Rural 5227 1 Urban 75 2 Unknown ------- 6786 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 1064 TOTAL =========> 7850 VALID SKIP(-4) 1134 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 0 Max: 2 Mean: .79 Lead In: R12175.00[Default] Default Next Question: R12176.10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R12358.00 [CV_SAMPLE_TYPE] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE SAMPLE TYPE. CROSS-SECTIONAL OR OVERSAMPLE Sample type: Is the respondent a member of the cross-sectional sample or the oversample? 6748 1 Cross-sectional 2236 0 Oversample ------- 8984 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 TOTAL =========> 8984 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 0 Max: 1 Mean: .75 Lead In: R12338.00[Default] Default Next Question: R12359.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R13024.00 [CV_HGC_BIO_DAD] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE BIOLOGICAL FATHERS HIGHEST GRADE COMPLETED Highest grade completed by respondent's biological father (includes both residential and non-residential fathers). 0 0 NONE 1 1 1ST GRADE 19 2 2ND GRADE 68 3 3RD GRADE 59 4 4TH GRADE 68 5 5TH GRADE 188 6 6TH GRADE 92 7 7TH GRADE 169 8 8TH GRADE 240 9 9TH GRADE 329 10 10TH GRADE 396 11 11TH GRADE 2728 12 12TH GRADE 381 13 1ST YEAR COLLEGE 736 14 2ND YEAR COLLEGE 176 15 3RD YEAR COLLEGE 840 16 4TH YEAR COLLEGE 113 17 5TH YEAR COLLEGE 270 18 6TH YEAR COLLEGE 85 19 7TH YEAR COLLEGE 162 20 8TH YEAR COLLEGE OR MORE 8 95 UNGRADED ------- 7128 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 1188 TOTAL =========> 8316 VALID SKIP(-4) 668 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 1 Max: 95 Mean: 12.66 Lead In: R12044.00[Default] Default Next Question: R13025.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R13025.00 [CV_HGC_BIO_MOM] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE BIOLOGICAL MOTHERS HIGHEST GRADE COMPLETED Highest grade completed by respondent's biological mother (includes both residential and non-residential mothers). 0 0 NONE 6 1 1ST GRADE 29 2 2ND GRADE 54 3 3RD GRADE 52 4 4TH GRADE 57 5 5TH GRADE 222 6 6TH GRADE 69 7 7TH GRADE 205 8 8TH GRADE 273 9 9TH GRADE 428 10 10TH GRADE 562 11 11TH GRADE 3038 12 12TH GRADE 642 13 1ST YEAR COLLEGE 1002 14 2ND YEAR COLLEGE 248 15 3RD YEAR COLLEGE 908 16 4TH YEAR COLLEGE 157 17 5TH YEAR COLLEGE 227 18 6TH YEAR COLLEGE 34 19 7TH YEAR COLLEGE 77 20 8TH YEAR COLLEGE OR MORE 6 95 UNGRADED ------- 8296 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 523 TOTAL =========> 8819 VALID SKIP(-4) 165 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 1 Max: 95 Mean: 12.5 Lead In: R13024.00[Default] Default Next Question: R13026.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R13026.00 [CV_HGC_RES_DAD] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE RESIDENTIAL FATHERS HIGHEST GRADE COMPLETED Highest grade completed by respondent's residential father (includes both biological and non-biological fathers). 0 0 NONE 1 1 1ST GRADE 12 2 2ND GRADE 51 3 3RD GRADE 56 4 4TH GRADE 51 5 5TH GRADE 150 6 6TH GRADE 69 7 7TH GRADE 117 8 8TH GRADE 186 9 9TH GRADE 195 10 10TH GRADE 277 11 11TH GRADE 1917 12 12TH GRADE 345 13 1ST YEAR COLLEGE 720 14 2ND YEAR COLLEGE 164 15 3RD YEAR COLLEGE 780 16 4TH YEAR COLLEGE 119 17 5TH YEAR COLLEGE 255 18 6TH YEAR COLLEGE 86 19 7TH YEAR COLLEGE 153 20 8TH YEAR COLLEGE OR MORE 3 95 UNGRADED ------- 5707 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 367 TOTAL =========> 6074 VALID SKIP(-4) 2910 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 1 Max: 95 Mean: 12.92 Lead In: R13025.00[Default] Default Next Question: R13027.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R13027.00 [CV_HGC_RES_MOM] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE RESIDENTIAL MOTHERS HIGHEST GRADE COMPLETED Highest grade completed by respondent's residential mother (includes both biological and non-biological mothers). 0 0 NONE 3 1 1ST GRADE 28 2 2ND GRADE 51 3 3RD GRADE 54 4 4TH GRADE 54 5 5TH GRADE 221 6 6TH GRADE 67 7 7TH GRADE 183 8 8TH GRADE 260 9 9TH GRADE 373 10 10TH GRADE 517 11 11TH GRADE 2870 12 12TH GRADE 639 13 1ST YEAR COLLEGE 996 14 2ND YEAR COLLEGE 251 15 3RD YEAR COLLEGE 902 16 4TH YEAR COLLEGE 163 17 5TH YEAR COLLEGE 246 18 6TH YEAR COLLEGE 38 19 7TH YEAR COLLEGE 89 20 8TH YEAR COLLEGE OR MORE 5 95 UNGRADED ------- 8010 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 316 TOTAL =========> 8326 VALID SKIP(-4) 658 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 1 Max: 95 Mean: 12.58 Lead In: R13026.00[Default] Default Next Question: R12045.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R14826.00 [KEY!RACE_ETHNICITY] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE KEY!RACE_ETHNICITY, COMBINED RACE AND ETHNICITY (SYMBOL) COMMENT: Combined race - ethnicity variable 2335 1 Black 1901 2 Hispanic 83 3 Mixed Race (Non-Hispanic) 4665 4 Non-Black / Non-Hispanic ------- 8984 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 TOTAL =========> 8984 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 1 Max: 4 Mean: 2.79 Lead In: R05387.00[Default] Default Next Question: R05389.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R17005.00 [YSCH-6800] Survey Year: 1998 PRIMARY VARIABLE GRADES R RECEIVED IN 8TH GRADE (HAND R SHOWCARD C) Overall, what grades did you receive in 8th grade? UNIVERSE: R with history of formal schooling; not asked about grades in 8th grade at DLI; HGC is 8th grade or higher 52 1 1. Mostly below Ds 99 2 2. Mostly Ds 291 3 3. About half Cs and half Ds 460 4 4. Mostly Cs 783 5 5. About half Bs and half Cs 450 6 6. Mostly Bs 758 7 7. About half As and Bs 484 8 8. Mostly As 7 9 9. Other (SPECIFY) 9 10 10. A's to C's 11 11 11. Mixed 4 12 12. Ungraded 0 13 13. Skipped 8th grade ------- 3408 Refusal(-1) 2 Don't Know(-2) 8 TOTAL =========> 3418 VALID SKIP(-4) 4968 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 598 Min: 1 Max: 12 Mean: 5.6 Lead In: R17002.00[1:1] R17003.00[1:1] R17004.00[1:1] Default Next Question: R17006.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R17011.00 [YSCH-7300] Survey Year: 1998 PRIMARY VARIABLE GRADES R RECEIVED IN HIGH SCHOOL (HAND R SHOWCARD C) Overall, what grades did you receive in high school? UNIVERSE: R with history of formal schooling; attended 9th grade/higher; asked about grades in 9th grade/higher at DLI; DLI HS grades not DK/RF; not asked about HS grades at DLI; not currently attending high school 31 1 1. Mostly below Ds 41 2 2. Mostly Ds 123 3 3. About half Cs and half Ds 170 4 4. Mostly Cs 299 5 5. About half Bs and half Cs 192 6 6. Mostly Bs 202 7 7. About half As and Bs 117 8 8. Mostly As 10 9 9. Other (SPECIFY) 0 10 10. A's to C's 4 11 11. Mixed 3 12 12. Ungraded 0 13 13. Skipped 8th grade ------- 1192 Refusal(-1) 1 Don't Know(-2) 4 TOTAL =========> 1197 VALID SKIP(-4) 7189 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 598 Min: 1 Max: 12 Mean: 5.31 Lead In: R17009.00[1:1] R17010.00[1:1] Default Next Question: R17012.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R21915.00 [YSAQ-372B] Survey Year: 1998 PRIMARY VARIABLE R EVER USE COCAINE/HARD DRUGS? Have you ever used any drugs like cocaine or crack or heroin, or any other substance not prescribed by a doctor, in order to get high or to achieve an altered state? UNIVERSE: All 521 1 Yes (Go To R21916.00) 7831 0 No ------- 8352 Refusal(-1) 28 Don't Know(-2) 6 TOTAL =========> 8386 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 598 Min: 0 Max: 1 Mean: .06 Lead In: R21909.00[Default] R21912.00[Default] R21914.00[Default] R21913.00[0:0] Default Next Question: R21919.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R49085.00 [YSAQ-371] Survey Year: 2000 PRIMARY VARIABLE # DAYS USE MARIJUANA IN LAST 30 DAYS? On how many days have you used marijuana in the last 30 days? UNIVERSE: R answered question if had ever tried marijuana; has used marijuana since DLI 559 0 (Go To R49087.00) 703 1 TO 4 153 5 TO 9 111 10 TO 14 78 15 TO 19 80 20 TO 24 90 25 TO 29 230 30 ------- 2004 Refusal(-1) 7 Don't Know(-2) 4 TOTAL =========> 2015 VALID SKIP(-4) 6065 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 904 Min: 0 Max: 30 Mean: 7.75 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [30] Lead In: R49084.00[1:1] Default Next Question: R49086.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S09200.00 [YSAQ-282J] Survey Year: 2002 PRIMARY VARIABLE R IS DISORGANIZED OR ORGANIZED How much do you feel that disorganized describes you as a person? Where 1 means organized and 5 means disorganized. NOTE: THE SLIDER BAR MUST BE MOVED TO ACTIVATE THE QUESTION EVEN IF YOU WISH TO SELECT "3". UNIVERSE: R <= 14 at end of 1996 0 0 941 1 1848 2 1358 3 612 4 113 5 ------- 4872 Refusal(-1) 15 Don't Know(-2) 4 TOTAL =========> 4891 VALID SKIP(-4) 3005 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1088 Min: 1 Max: 5 Mean: 2.41 Hard Minimum: [1] Hard Maximum: [5] Soft Minimum: [1] Soft Maximum: [1] Lead In: S09199.00[1:1] Default Next Question: S09201.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S09207.00 [YSAQ-282Q] Survey Year: 2002 PRIMARY VARIABLE R IS TRUSTFUL OR DISTRUSTFUL How much do you feel that trustful describes you as a person? Where 1 means distrustful and 5 means trustful. NOTE: THE SLIDER BAR MUST BE MOVED TO ACTIVATE THE QUESTION EVEN IF YOU WISH TO SELECT "3". UNIVERSE: R <= 14 at end of 1996 0 0 128 1 189 2 271 3 1344 4 2943 5 ------- 4875 Refusal(-1) 13 Don't Know(-2) 3 TOTAL =========> 4891 VALID SKIP(-4) 3005 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1088 Min: 1 Max: 5 Mean: 4.39 Hard Minimum: [1] Hard Maximum: [5] Soft Minimum: [1] Soft Maximum: [1] Lead In: S09206.00[Default] Default Next Question: S09208.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S20116.00 [CV_HH_NET_WORTH_Y] Survey Year: 2003 PRIMARY VARIABLE NET WORTH OF HOUSEHOLD ACCORDING TO R Household net worth. COMMENT: from youth interview /*Topcoded at predetermined values. Respondents with household net worth values above $600,000 were topcoded to a value of $600,000. Negative values of -1, -2, -3, -4, or -5 do not reflect negative monetary amounts; these numbers represent standard NLSY97 codes.*/ 119 -999999 TO -3000: < -2999 19 -2999 TO -2000 26 -1999 TO -1000 26 -999 TO -1 7 0 44 1 TO 1000 63 1001 TO 2000 555 2001 TO 3000 258 3001 TO 5000 431 5001 TO 10000 248 10001 TO 20000 70 20001 TO 30000 47 30001 TO 40000 16 40001 TO 50000 10 50001 TO 65000 17 65001 TO 80000 6 80001 TO 100000 7 100001 TO 150000 6 150001 TO 200000 19 200001 TO 999999999: 200001+ ------- 1994 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 205 TOTAL =========> 2199 VALID SKIP(-4) 5555 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1230 Min: -47500 Max: 500002 Mean: 10659.65 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [9999999] Lead In: S20115.00[Default] Default Next Question: S20117.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S38052.00 [CV_BA_CREDITS.01] Survey Year: 2004 PRIMARY VARIABLE CREDITS EARNED TOWARD BACHELORS DEGREE AT SCHOOL 01 Fraction of credits earned toward a bachelor's degree as of the survey date. NOTE: 2 IMPLIED DECIMAL PLACES 34 0 12 1 TO 9 39 10 TO 19 75 20 TO 29 102 30 TO 39 124 40 TO 49 154 50 TO 59 181 60 TO 69 170 70 TO 79 182 80 TO 89 194 90 TO 99 231 100 TO 99999999: 100+ ------- 1498 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 345 TOTAL =========> 1843 VALID SKIP(-4) 5659 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1482 Min: 0 Max: 100 Mean: 67.48 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [100] Lead In: S38050.00[Default] Default Next Question: S38053.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S46772.00 [YSAQ-000B] Survey Year: 2004 PRIMARY VARIABLE R'S WEIGHT - POUNDS Approximately what is your weight? UNIVERSE: All 0 0 2 1 TO 24 1 25 TO 49 7 50 TO 74 33 75 TO 99 791 100 TO 124 1809 125 TO 149 1762 150 TO 174 1350 175 TO 199 769 200 TO 224 384 225 TO 249 395 250 TO 99999999: 250+ ------- 7303 Refusal(-1) 81 Don't Know(-2) 118 TOTAL =========> 7502 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1482 Min: 5 Max: 450 Mean: 168.64 Hard Minimum: [1] Hard Maximum: [999] Soft Minimum: [50] Soft Maximum: [300] Lead In: S46771.00[Default] Default Next Question: S46773.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S46858.00 [YSAQ-373] Survey Year: 2004 PRIMARY VARIABLE R DESCRIBE WEIGHT How do you describe your weight? UNIVERSE: All except prisoners in an insecure environment 57 1 VERY UNDERWEIGHT 717 2 SLIGHTLY UNDERWEIGHT 3694 3 ABOUT THE RIGHT WEIGHT 2397 4 SLIGHTLY OVERWEIGHT 539 5 VERY OVERWEIGHT ------- 7404 Refusal(-1) 36 Don't Know(-2) 31 TOTAL =========> 7471 VALID SKIP(-4) 31 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1482 Min: 1 Max: 5 Mean: 3.36 Lead In: S46852.00[Default] S46855.00[Default] S46857.00[Default] S46856.00[0:0] Default Next Question: S46859.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S63200.00 [YSAQ-369] Survey Year: 2005 PRIMARY VARIABLE R EVER USE MARIJUANA? Have you ever used marijuana, for example: grass or pot, in your lifetime? UNIVERSE: All except prisoners in an insecure environment; did not answer question if had ever used marijuana as of DLI 1 1 YES (Go To S63202.00) 1 0 NO ------- 2 Refusal(-1) 3 Don't Know(-2) 0 TOTAL =========> 5 VALID SKIP(-4) 7333 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1646 Min: 0 Max: 1 Mean: .5 Lead In: S63198.00[1:1] Default Next Question: S63206.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T00260.00 [CV_BIO_CHILD_HH] Survey Year: 2007 PRIMARY VARIABLE # BIO CHILDREN R HAS IN HOUSEHOLD Number of biological children born and residing in the household as of the survey date. Note: Rs without any biological children are assigned a valid skip (-4). 562 0 1318 1 831 2 306 3 83 4 8 5 2 6 1 7 1 8 0 9 0 10 TO 999: 10+ ------- 3112 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 3 TOTAL =========> 3115 VALID SKIP(-4) 4303 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1566 Min: 0 Max: 8 Mean: 1.38 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [10] Lead In: T00259.00[Default] Default Next Question: T00261.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T10691.00 [YTEL-52~000001] Survey Year: 2007 PRIMARY VARIABLE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY QUESTIONS - PEOPLE SHOULD HELP LESS FORTUNATE Please tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements: UNIVERSE: R is in sample group 4 RESPONSE CHOICE: "People should be willing to help others who are less fortunate." 814 4 Strongly Agree 940 3 Agree 65 2 Neither Agree nor Disagree 17 1 Disagree 4 0 Strongly Disagree ------- 1840 Refusal(-1) 1 Don't Know(-2) 7 TOTAL =========> 1848 VALID SKIP(-4) 5570 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1566 Min: 0 Max: 4 Mean: 3.38 Lead In: T10690.04[Default] Default Next Question: T10691.01 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T10691.01 [YTEL-52~000002] Survey Year: 2007 PRIMARY VARIABLE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY QUESTIONS - PEOPLE SHOULD TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES Please tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements: UNIVERSE: R is in sample group 4 RESPONSE CHOICE: "Those in need have to learn to take care of themselves and not depend on others." 281 4 Strongly Agree 860 3 Agree 308 2 Neither Agree nor Disagree 323 1 Disagree 57 0 Strongly Disagree ------- 1829 Refusal(-1) 3 Don't Know(-2) 16 TOTAL =========> 1848 VALID SKIP(-4) 5570 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1566 Min: 0 Max: 4 Mean: 2.54 Lead In: T10691.00[Default] Default Next Question: T10691.02 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T10691.02 [YTEL-52~000003] Survey Year: 2007 PRIMARY VARIABLE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY QUESTIONS - HELPING PEOPLE IS IMPORTANT TO R Please tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements: UNIVERSE: R is in sample group 4 RESPONSE CHOICE: "Personally assisting people in trouble is very important to me." 414 4 Strongly Agree 1045 3 Agree 256 2 Neither Agree nor Disagree 103 1 Disagree 18 0 Strongly Disagree ------- 1836 Refusal(-1) 1 Don't Know(-2) 11 TOTAL =========> 1848 VALID SKIP(-4) 5570 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1566 Min: 0 Max: 4 Mean: 2.94 Lead In: T10691.01[Default] Default Next Question: T10691.03 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T10691.03 [YTEL-52~000004] Survey Year: 2007 PRIMARY VARIABLE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY QUESTIONS - PEOPLE NEED TO LOOK AFTER THEMSELVES Please tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements: UNIVERSE: R is in sample group 4 RESPONSE CHOICE: "These days people need to look after themselves and not overly worry about others." 145 4 Strongly Agree 619 3 Agree 290 2 Neither Agree nor Disagree 593 1 Disagree 174 0 Strongly Disagree ------- 1821 Refusal(-1) 6 Don't Know(-2) 21 TOTAL =========> 1848 VALID SKIP(-4) 5570 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1566 Min: 0 Max: 4 Mean: 1.98 Lead In: T10691.02[Default] Default Next Question: T10692.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T36116.00 [CV_BIO_CHILD_HH] Survey Year: 2009 PRIMARY VARIABLE # BIO CHILDREN R HAS IN HOUSEHOLD Number of biological children born and residing in the household as of the survey date. Note: Rs without any biological children are assigned a valid skip (-4). 638 0 1444 1 1067 2 441 3 130 4 29 5 7 6 1 7 1 8 0 9 0 10 TO 999: 10+ ------- 3758 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 11 TOTAL =========> 3769 VALID SKIP(-4) 3790 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1425 Min: 0 Max: 8 Mean: 1.5 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [10] Lead In: T36115.00[Default] Default Next Question: T36117.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T66501.00 [CV_COLLEGE_TYPE.01] Survey Year: 2011 PRIMARY VARIABLE COLLEGE 01 PUBLIC OR PRIVATE This variable indicates whether the college is public, private not-for-profit, or private for-profit; the information is from the IPEDS database (Nation Center for Education Statistics). 960 1 Public institution 213 2 Private not-for-profit institution 261 3 Private for-profit institution ------- 1434 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 52 TOTAL =========> 1486 VALID SKIP(-4) 5937 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1561 Min: 1 Max: 3 Mean: 1.51 Lead In: T66500.00[Default] Default Next Question: T66502.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T66567.00 [CV_INCOME_FAMILY] Survey Year: 2011 PRIMARY VARIABLE GROSS FAMILY INCOME Gross family income in the previous year. /*Topcoded at the 2% level. Truncated values are applied to the top 2 percent of respondents with valid non-missing responses. The average value of the top 2 percent of cases is used as the value. Negative values of -1, -2, -3, -4, or -5 do not reflect negative monetary amounts; these numbers represent standard NLSY97 codes.*/ 0 -999999 TO -3000: < -2999 0 -2999 TO -2000 0 -1999 TO -1000 0 -999 TO -1 177 0 81 1 TO 1000 39 1001 TO 2000 41 2001 TO 3000 70 3001 TO 5000 246 5001 TO 10000 594 10001 TO 20000 692 20001 TO 30000 735 30001 TO 40000 637 40001 TO 50000 813 50001 TO 65000 697 65001 TO 80000 647 80001 TO 100000 697 100001 TO 150000 155 150001 TO 200000 207 200001 TO 999999: 200001+ ------- 6528 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 895 TOTAL =========> 7423 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1561 Min: 0 Max: 316618 Mean: 63160.07 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [9999999] Lead In: T66566.00[Default] Default Next Question: T66568.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T66569.00 [CV_HH_SIZE] Survey Year: 2011 PRIMARY VARIABLE HOUSEHOLD SIZE Household size as of the survey date. 0 0 938 1 1845 2 1684 3 1455 4 841 5 359 6 172 7 68 8 36 9 12 10 7 11 3 12 1 13 0 14 2 15 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 19 0 20 TO 99: 20+ ------- 7423 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 TOTAL =========> 7423 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1561 Min: 1 Max: 15 Mean: 3.26 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [20] Lead In: T66568.00[Default] Default Next Question: T66570.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T66570.00 [CV_HH_UNDER_18] Survey Year: 2011 PRIMARY VARIABLE NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS UNDER AGE 18 Number of household members under the age of 18 as of the survey date. 3510 0 1449 1 1341 2 701 3 270 4 86 5 27 6 9 7 2 8 1 9 0 10 0 11 0 12 0 13 0 14 0 15 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 19 0 20 TO 99: 20+ ------- 7396 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 27 TOTAL =========> 7423 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1561 Min: 0 Max: 9 Mean: 1.08 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [20] Lead In: T66569.00[Default] Default Next Question: T66571.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T66571.00 [CV_HH_UNDER_6] Survey Year: 2011 PRIMARY VARIABLE NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS UNDER AGE 6 Number of household members under the age of 6 as of the survey date. 4560 0 1860 1 819 2 141 3 15 4 1 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 0 12 0 13 0 14 0 15 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 19 0 20 TO 99: 20+ ------- 7396 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 27 TOTAL =========> 7423 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1561 Min: 0 Max: 5 Mean: .54 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [20] Lead In: T66570.00[Default] Default Next Question: T66572.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T66573.00 [CV_HIGHEST_DEGREE_1112] Survey Year: 2011 PRIMARY VARIABLE HIGHEST DEGREE RECEIVED PRIOR TO THE 11/12 ACAD YEAR The highest degree received prior to the start of the 2011/2012 academic school year. 748 0 None 917 1 GED 3276 2 High school diploma (Regular 12 year program) 532 3 Associate/Junior college (AA) 1463 4 Bachelor's degree (BA, BS) 341 5 Master's degree (MA, MS) 13 6 PhD 73 7 Professional degree (DDS, JD, MD) ------- 7363 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 60 TOTAL =========> 7423 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1561 Min: 0 Max: 7 Mean: 2.34 Lead In: T66572.00[Default] Default Next Question: T66574.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T66631.00 [CV_BIO_CHILD_HH] Survey Year: 2011 PRIMARY VARIABLE # BIO CHILDREN R HAS IN HOUSEHOLD Number of biological children born and residing in the household as of the survey date. Note: Rs without any biological children are assigned a valid skip (-4). 711 0 1455 1 1246 2 562 3 175 4 47 5 12 6 4 7 1 8 0 9 0 10 TO 999: 10+ ------- 4213 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 7 TOTAL =========> 4220 VALID SKIP(-4) 3203 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1561 Min: 0 Max: 8 Mean: 1.58 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [10] Lead In: T66630.00[Default] Default Next Question: T66632.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T67670.00 [YSCH-3112] Survey Year: 2011 PRIMARY VARIABLE WHAT IS CURRENT HIGHEST GRADE EVER COMPLETED? What is the highest grade you have ever completed as of today? UNIVERSE: R enrolled since DLI 2 0 NONE 3 1 1ST GRADE 10 2 2ND GRADE 4 3 3RD GRADE 4 4 4TH GRADE 4 5 5TH GRADE 11 6 6TH GRADE 3 7 7TH GRADE 9 8 8TH GRADE 12 9 9TH GRADE 20 10 10TH GRADE 37 11 11TH GRADE 190 12 12TH GRADE 213 13 1ST YEAR COLLEGE 277 14 2ND YEAR COLLEGE 170 15 3RD YEAR COLLEGE 188 16 4TH YEAR COLLEGE 103 17 5TH YEAR COLLEGE 120 18 6TH YEAR COLLEGE 66 19 7TH YEAR COLLEGE 99 20 8TH YEAR COLLEGE OR MORE 3 95 UNGRADED ------- 1548 Refusal(-1) 3 Don't Know(-2) 2 TOTAL =========> 1553 VALID SKIP(-4) 5870 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1561 Min: 0 Max: 95 Mean: 14.77 Lead In: T67669.00[Default] T67668.00[1:1] Default Next Question: T67671.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T76356.00 [YSAQ-000A000001] Survey Year: 2011 PRIMARY VARIABLE R'S HEIGHT - FEET Approximately what is your height? UNIVERSE: All Feet: 0 0 1 1 6 2 3 3 98 4 5727 5 1414 6 6 7 ------- 7255 Refusal(-1) 55 Don't Know(-2) 109 TOTAL =========> 7419 VALID SKIP(-4) 4 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1561 Min: 1 Max: 7 Mean: 5.18 Hard Minimum: [2] Hard Maximum: [7] Lead In: T76351.00[Default] T76355.00[Default] Default Next Question: T76357.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T76357.00 [YSAQ-000A000002] Survey Year: 2011 PRIMARY VARIABLE R'S HEIGHT - INCHES Approximately what is your height? UNIVERSE: All Inches: 671 0 550 1 680 2 644 3 646 4 567 5 638 6 702 7 504 8 565 9 529 10 554 11 7 12 ------- 7257 Refusal(-1) 55 Don't Know(-2) 111 TOTAL =========> 7423 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1561 Min: 0 Max: 12 Mean: 5.32 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [12] Lead In: T76356.00[Default] Default Next Question: T76358.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T76358.00 [YSAQ-000B] Survey Year: 2011 PRIMARY VARIABLE R'S WEIGHT - POUNDS Approximately what is your weight? UNIVERSE: All 0 0 2 1 TO 24 0 25 TO 49 2 50 TO 74 18 75 TO 99 481 100 TO 124 1249 125 TO 149 1646 150 TO 174 1444 175 TO 199 1053 200 TO 224 551 225 TO 249 740 250 TO 99999999: 250+ ------- 7186 Refusal(-1) 107 Don't Know(-2) 130 TOTAL =========> 7423 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1561 Min: 1 Max: 472 Mean: 183.24 Hard Minimum: [1] Hard Maximum: [999] Soft Minimum: [50] Soft Maximum: [400] Lead In: T76357.00[Default] Default Next Question: T76359.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T76388.00 [YSAQ-360C] Survey Year: 2011 PRIMARY VARIABLE HAS R SMOKED SINCE DLI? Have you smoked a cigarette since the last interview on [date of last interview]? UNIVERSE: All 2752 1 YES (Go To T76389.00) 4588 0 NO ------- 7340 Refusal(-1) 60 Don't Know(-2) 23 TOTAL =========> 7423 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1561 Min: 0 Max: 1 Mean: .37 Lead In: T76386.00[Default] T76387.00[Default] Default Next Question: T76391.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T76392.00 [YSAQ-364D] Survey Year: 2011 PRIMARY VARIABLE HAS R DRANK SINCE DLI? Have you had a drink of an alcoholic beverage since the last interview on [date of last interview]? (By a drink we mean a can or bottle of beer, a glass of wine, a mixed drink, or a shot of liquor.) UNIVERSE: All except prisoners in an insecure environment 5350 1 YES (Go To T76393.00) 1867 0 NO ------- 7217 Refusal(-1) 92 Don't Know(-2) 29 TOTAL =========> 7338 VALID SKIP(-4) 85 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1561 Min: 0 Max: 1 Mean: .74 Lead In: T76391.00[Default] Default Next Question: T76397.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T76398.00 [YSAQ-371] Survey Year: 2011 PRIMARY VARIABLE # DAYS USE MARIJUANA IN LAST 30 DAYS? On how many days have you used marijuana in the last 30 days? UNIVERSE: All except prisoners in an insecure environment; has used marijuana since DLI 236 0 (Go To T76400.00) 294 1 TO 4 81 5 TO 9 61 10 TO 14 63 15 TO 19 58 20 TO 24 92 25 TO 29 268 30 ------- 1153 Refusal(-1) 7 Don't Know(-2) 18 TOTAL =========> 1178 VALID SKIP(-4) 6245 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1561 Min: 0 Max: 30 Mean: 12.38 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [30] Lead In: T76397.00[1:1] Default Next Question: T76399.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T76400.00 [YSAQ-372CC] Survey Year: 2011 PRIMARY VARIABLE HAS R USED COCAINE/HARD DRUGS SINCE DLI? Excluding marijuana and alcohol, since the date of last interview, have you used any drugs like cocaine, crack, heroin, or crystal meth, or any other substance not prescribed by a doctor, in order to get high or to achieve an altered state? UNIVERSE: All except prisoners in an insecure environment 215 1 YES (Go To T76401.00) 7023 0 NO ------- 7238 Refusal(-1) 74 Don't Know(-2) 26 TOTAL =========> 7338 VALID SKIP(-4) 85 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1561 Min: 0 Max: 1 Mean: .03 Lead In: T76397.00[Default] T76399.00[Default] T76398.00[0:0] Default Next Question: T76403.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T76403.00 [YSAQ-373] Survey Year: 2011 PRIMARY VARIABLE R DESCRIBE WEIGHT How do you describe your weight? UNIVERSE: All except prisoners in an insecure environment 70 1 VERY UNDERWEIGHT 522 2 SLIGHTLY UNDERWEIGHT 2894 3 ABOUT THE RIGHT WEIGHT 2921 4 SLIGHTLY OVERWEIGHT 812 5 VERY OVERWEIGHT ------- 7219 Refusal(-1) 66 Don't Know(-2) 53 TOTAL =========> 7338 VALID SKIP(-4) 85 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1561 Min: 1 Max: 5 Mean: 3.54 Lead In: T76400.00[Default] T76402.00[Default] T76401.00[0:0] Default Next Question: T76404.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T76404.00 [YSAQ-374] Survey Year: 2011 PRIMARY VARIABLE WHAT R DO ABOUT WEIGHT Which of the following are you trying to do now about your weight? UNIVERSE: All except prisoners in an insecure environment 3547 1 LOSE WEIGHT 648 2 GAIN WEIGHT 1609 3 STAY THE SAME WEIGHT 1431 4 NOT TRYING TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT MY WEIGHT ------- 7235 Refusal(-1) 57 Don't Know(-2) 46 TOTAL =========> 7338 VALID SKIP(-4) 85 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1561 Min: 1 Max: 4 Mean: 2.13 Lead In: T76403.00[Default] Default Next Question: T76405.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T77311.00 [YEMP_INDCODE-2002.01] Survey Year: 2011 PRIMARY VARIABLE YEMP, TYPE OF BUS OR INDUSTRY CODE (2002 CENSUS 4-DIGIT) 01 (ROS ITEM) UNIVERSE: R >= 14 has valid employer These are 2002 Census Industry Codes 45 170 TO 290: AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES 45 370 TO 490: MINING 38 570 TO 690: UTILITIES 430 770: CONSTRUCTION 451 1070 TO 3990: MANUFACTURING 176 4070 TO 4590: WHOLESALE TRADE 692 4670 TO 5790: RETAIL TRADE 0 5890: ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATION SERVICES 202 6070 TO 6390: TRANSPORTATION AND WAREHOUSING 149 6470 TO 6780: INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION 415 6870 TO 7190: FINANCE, INSURANCE, AND REAL ESTATE 813 7270 TO 7790: PROFESSIONAL AND RELATED SERVICES 1378 7860 TO 8470: EDUCATIONAL, HEALTH, AND SOCIAL SERVICES 718 8560 TO 8690: ENTERTAINMENT, ACCOMODATIONS, AND FOOD SERVICES 333 8770 TO 9290: OTHER SERVICES 249 9370 TO 9590: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 22 9670 TO 9890: ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY 10 9950 TO 9990: ACS SPECIAL CODES ------- 6166 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 129 TOTAL =========> 6295 VALID SKIP(-4) 1128 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1561 Min: 170 Max: 9990 Mean: 6517.75 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [9999] Lead In: T77310.00[Default] Default Next Question: T77312.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U00148.00 [CV_BIO_CHILD_HH] Survey Year: 2015 PRIMARY VARIABLE # BIO CHILDREN R HAS IN HOUSEHOLD Number of biological children born and residing in the household as of the survey date. Note: Rs without any biological children are assigned a valid skip (-4). 710 0 1375 1 1494 2 809 3 270 4 83 5 26 6 4 7 1 8 0 9 1 10 TO 999: 10+ ------- 4773 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 25 TOTAL =========> 4798 VALID SKIP(-4) 2305 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 1881 Min: 0 Max: 12 Mean: 1.78 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [20] Lead In: U00147.00[Default] Default Next Question: U00149.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U17180.00 [YEMP_INDCODE-2002.01] Survey Year: 2017 PRIMARY VARIABLE YEMP, TYPE OF BUS OR INDUSTRY CODE (2002 CENSUS 4-DIGIT) 01 (ROS ITEM) UNIVERSE: R >= 14 has valid employer These are 2002 Census Industry Codes 43 170 TO 290: AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES 29 370 TO 490: MINING 32 570 TO 690: UTILITIES 391 770: CONSTRUCTION 493 1070 TO 3990: MANUFACTURING 127 4070 TO 4590: WHOLESALE TRADE 560 4670 TO 5790: RETAIL TRADE 0 5890: ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATION SERVICES 262 6070 TO 6390: TRANSPORTATION AND WAREHOUSING 107 6470 TO 6780: INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION 392 6870 TO 7190: FINANCE, INSURANCE, AND REAL ESTATE 757 7270 TO 7790: PROFESSIONAL AND RELATED SERVICES 1355 7860 TO 8470: EDUCATIONAL, HEALTH, AND SOCIAL SERVICES 529 8560 TO 8690: ENTERTAINMENT, ACCOMODATIONS, AND FOOD SERVICES 237 8770 TO 9290: OTHER SERVICES 262 9370 TO 9590: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 13 9670 TO 9890: ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY 225 9950 TO 9990: ACS SPECIAL CODES ------- 5814 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 65 TOTAL =========> 5879 VALID SKIP(-4) 855 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 2250 Min: 170 Max: 9990 Mean: 6609.4 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [9999] Lead In: None. Default Next Question: U17181.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U17194.00 [YEMP_OCCODE-2002.01] Survey Year: 2017 PRIMARY VARIABLE YEMP, OCCUPATION/JOB CODE (2002 CENSUS 4-DIGIT) 01 (ROS ITEM) UNIVERSE: R >= 14 has valid employer These are 2002 Census Occupation Codes 601 10 TO 430: EXECUTIVE, ADMINISTRATIVE AND MANAGERIAL 293 500 TO 950: MANAGEMENT RELATED 161 1000 TO 1240: MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER SCIENTISTS 50 1300 TO 1530: ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS, AND SURVEYORS 21 1540 TO 1560: ENGINEERING AND RELATED TECHNICIANS 22 1600 TO 1760: PHYSICAL SCIENTISTS 24 1800 TO 1860: SOCIAL SCIENTISTS AND RELATED WORKERS 5 1900 TO 1960: LIFE, PHYSICAL, AND SOCIAL SCIENCE TECHNICIANS 126 2000 TO 2060: COUNSELORS, SOCIAL, AND RELIGIOUS WORKERS 63 2100 TO 2150: LAWYERS, JUDGES, AND LEGAL SUPPORT WORKERS 286 2200 TO 2340: TEACHERS 47 2400 TO 2550: EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND LIBRARY WORKERS 75 2600 TO 2760: ENTERTAINERS AND PERFORMERS, SPORTS AND RELATED WORKERS 66 2800 TO 2960: MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION WORKERS 213 3000 TO 3260: HEALTH DIAGNOSIS AND TREATING PRACTITIONERS 285 3300 TO 3650: HEALTH CARE TECHNICAL AND SUPPORT 155 3700 TO 3950: PROTECTIVE SERVICE 323 4000 TO 4160: FOOD PREPARATIONS AND SERVING RELATED 198 4200 TO 4250: CLEANING AND BUILDING SERVICE 31 4300 TO 4430: ENTERTAINMENT ATTENDANTS AND RELATED WORKERS 0 4460: FUNERAL RELATED OCCUPATIONS 207 4500 TO 4650: PERSONAL CARE AND SERVICE WORKERS 502 4700 TO 4960: SALES AND RELATED WORKERS 803 5000 TO 5930: OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT WORKERS 23 6000 TO 6130: FARMING, FISHING, AND FORESTRY 313 6200 TO 6940: CONSTRUCTION TRADES AND EXTRACTION WORKERS 204 7000 TO 7620: INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR WORKERS 78 7700 TO 7750: PRODUCTION AND OPERATING WORKERS 19 7800 TO 7850: FOOD PREPARATION 222 7900 TO 8960: SETTER, OPERATORS, AND TENDERS 405 9000 TO 9750: TRANSPORTATION AND MATERIAL MOVING WORKERS 13 9800 TO 9840: MILITARY SPECIFIC OCCUPATIONS 18 9950 TO 9990: ACS SPECIAL CODES ------- 5852 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 65 TOTAL =========> 5917 VALID SKIP(-4) 817 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 2250 Min: 10 Max: 9990 Mean: 4257.92 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [9999] Lead In: U17193.00[Default] Default Next Question: U17195.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U18524.00 [CV_MARSTAT_COLLAPSED] Survey Year: 2017 PRIMARY VARIABLE RS COLLAPSED MARITAL STATUS Collapsed marital status as of the survey date. 2766 0 Never-married 3066 1 Married 154 2 Separated 663 3 Divorced 23 4 Widowed ------- 6672 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 62 TOTAL =========> 6734 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 2250 Min: 0 Max: 4 Mean: .82 Lead In: U18523.00[Default] Default Next Question: U18525.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U28570.00 [YINC-1400] Survey Year: 2017 PRIMARY VARIABLE R RECEIVE INCOME FROM JOB IN PAST YEAR? During 2016, did you receive any income from a job such as wages, salary, commissions, or tips? Please include any income you received from doing odd jobs, temporary or seasonal work, and service in the military, the military reserves, or the National Guard. Also, please be sure to include any 2016 income from the jobs you discussed with me earlier. UNIVERSE: All 5510 1 YES 1173 0 NO (Go To U28574.00) ------- 6683 Refusal(-1) 39 (Go To U28571.00) Don't Know(-2) 9 (Go To U28571.00) Invalid Skip(-3) 3 TOTAL =========> 6734 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 2250 Min: 0 Max: 1 Mean: .82 Lead In: U28569.00[Default] Default Next Question: U28572.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U28572.00 [YINC-1700] Survey Year: 2017 PRIMARY VARIABLE TOTAL INCOME FROM WAGES AND SALARY IN PAST YEAR During 2016, how much income did you receive from wages, salary, commissions, or tips from all jobs, before deductions for taxes or for anything else? UNIVERSE: R received income from job Truncated values are applied to the top 2 percent of respondents with valid non-missing responses. The lowest value for the top 2 percent of cases is used as the truncation level ($ 149,000 for this variable). Values for all cases at or over that level are averaged. That average is then assigned to each of the top 2 percent of the cases. 31 0 35 1 TO 999 34 1000 TO 1999 25 2000 TO 2999 36 3000 TO 3999 29 4000 TO 4999 65 5000 TO 5999 21 6000 TO 6999 22 7000 TO 7999 36 8000 TO 8999 30 9000 TO 9999 239 10000 TO 14999 256 15000 TO 19999 329 20000 TO 24999 1920 25000 TO 49999 1983 50000 TO 99999999: 50000+ ------- 5091 Refusal(-1) 68 (Go To U28573.00) Don't Know(-2) 362 (Go To U28573.00) Invalid Skip(-3) 2 TOTAL =========> 5523 VALID SKIP(-4) 1211 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 2250 Min: 0 Max: 235884 Mean: 49477.02 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [5000000] Soft Minimum: [0] Soft Maximum: [200000] Lead In: U28570.00[Default] U28571.00[Default] Default Next Question: U28574.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U28573.00 [YINC-1800] Survey Year: 2017 PRIMARY VARIABLE ESTIMATED INCOME FROM WAGES AND SALARY IN PAST YEAR (REFER TO SHOWCARD FF) [Please look at this card] What is your best estimate of the amount you received in 2016 in wages, salary, commissions and tips? (IF SHOWCARDS ARE NOT BEING USED, ADD: I will read the categories in order. Please stop me when I reach the correct one.) UNIVERSE: R DK/RF to answer how much income received from all jobs 51 1 A. $1 - $5,000 50 2 B. $5,001 - $10,000 113 3 C. $10,001 - $25,000 97 4 D. $25,001 - $50,000 45 5 E. $50,001 - $100,000 10 6 F. $100,001 - $250,000 4 7 G. More than $250,000 ------- 370 Refusal(-1) 47 Don't Know(-2) 14 Invalid Skip(-3) 1 TOTAL =========> 432 VALID SKIP(-4) 6302 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 2250 Min: 1 Max: 7 Mean: 3.22 Lead In: U28572.00[-2:-1] Default Next Question: U28574.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U28581.00 [YINC-2400] Survey Year: 2017 PRIMARY VARIABLE SPOUSE RECEIVE ANY INCOME FROM A JOB IN PAST YEAR? Now I would like to ask about the earnings and business income of your [spouse/partner]. During 2016, did your [spouse/partner] receive any income from a job such as wages, salary, commissions, or tips? Please include any income your [spouse/partner] received from doing odd jobs, temporary or seasonal work, and service in the military, the military reserves or the National Guard. UNIVERSE: R is married/living with partner 3430 1 YES 685 0 NO (Go To U28587.00) ------- 4115 Refusal(-1) 43 (Go To U28582.00) Don't Know(-2) 30 (Go To U28587.00) TOTAL =========> 4188 VALID SKIP(-4) 2546 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 2250 Min: 0 Max: 1 Mean: .83 Lead In: U28580.00[1:1] Default Next Question: U28583.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U28585.00 [YINC-2600] Survey Year: 2017 PRIMARY VARIABLE SPOUSES TOTAL INCOME FROM WAGES AND SALARY PAST YEAR During 2016, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive from wages, salary, commissions, or tips from all jobs, before deductions for taxes or anything else? UNIVERSE: R is married/living with partner; S/P received income from a job such as wages/salary/commissions/tips Truncated values are applied to the top 2 percent of respondents with valid non-missing responses. The lowest value for the top 2 percent of cases is used as the truncation level ($ 173,000 for this variable). Values for all cases at or over that level are averaged. That average is then assigned to each of the top 2 percent of the cases. 18 0 13 1 TO 999 9 1000 TO 1999 11 2000 TO 2999 6 3000 TO 3999 10 4000 TO 4999 24 5000 TO 5999 7 6000 TO 6999 11 7000 TO 7999 22 8000 TO 8999 10 9000 TO 9999 101 10000 TO 14999 137 15000 TO 19999 213 20000 TO 24999 1122 25000 TO 49999 1342 50000 TO 99999999: 50000+ ------- 3056 Refusal(-1) 81 (Go To U28586.00) Don't Know(-2) 332 (Go To U28586.00) TOTAL =========> 3469 VALID SKIP(-4) 3265 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 2250 Min: 0 Max: 283919 Mean: 53567.05 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [5000000] Soft Minimum: [0] Soft Maximum: [200000] Lead In: U28584.00[Default] U28583.00[0:0] Default Next Question: U28587.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U28586.00 [YINC-2700] Survey Year: 2017 PRIMARY VARIABLE ESTIMATED SPOUSES TOTAL INCOME FROM WAGES AND SALARY PAST YEAR (REFER TO SHOWCARD FF) [Please look at this card] Can you tell me the letter of the category that is your best estimate of the amount your [spouse/partner] received in 2016 in wages, salary, commissions and tips? (IF SHOWCARDS ARE NOT BEING USED, ADD: I will read the categories in order. Please stop me when I reach the correct one.) UNIVERSE: R is married/living with partner; S/P received income from a job such as wages/salary/commissions/tips; DK/RF to answer about income S/P received 21 1 A. $1 - $5,000 26 2 B. $5,001 - $10,000 63 3 C. $10,001 - $25,000 111 4 D. $25,001 - $50,000 60 5 E. $50,001 - $100,000 19 6 F. $100,001 - $250,000 5 7 G. More than $250,000 ------- 305 Refusal(-1) 62 Don't Know(-2) 46 TOTAL =========> 413 VALID SKIP(-4) 6321 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 2250 Min: 1 Max: 7 Mean: 3.79 Lead In: U28585.00[-2:-1] Default Next Question: U28587.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z90315.00 [CVC_YTH_REL_HH_AGE6_YCHR] Survey Year: XRND PRIMARY VARIABLE CVC_YTH_REL_HH_AGE6_ YCHR CUMULATIVE VARIABLE: Relationship of the parent figure(s)/guardian(s) in the household to the respondent at age 6. These variables are derived from the respondent's answers to the childhood retrospective section (YCHR) found in rounds 7 through 9. 1001 1 Both biological parents 85 2 Biological mother, other parent present 0 3 Biological father, other parent present 518 4 Biological mother, marital status unknown 61 5 Biological dad, marital status unknown 76 6 Adoptive parent(s) 15 7 Foster parent(s) 146 8 Other adults, biologial parent status unknown, not group quarters 0 9 Group quarters 2 10 Anything else ------- 1904 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 52 TOTAL =========> 1956 VALID SKIP(-4) 7028 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 1 Max: 10 Mean: 2.78 Lead In: Z90314.00[Default] Default Next Question: Z90316.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z90337.00 [CVC_SAT_MATH_SCORE_2007] Survey Year: XRND PRIMARY VARIABLE HIGHEST SAT MATH SCORE 2007 CUMULATIVE VARIABLE: Highest SAT MATH score. This variable is created for all respondents regardless of interview status in the latest round the variable was created (round 11); CVC_SAT_MATH_RND_2007 provides the latest round from which the respondent's highest score is determined.that information was used to create this variable. 97 1 200 - 300 229 2 301 - 400 666 3 401 - 500 806 4 501 - 600 464 5 601 - 700 204 6 701 - 800 0 0 Have not yet received the scores ------- 2466 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 954 TOTAL =========> 3420 VALID SKIP(-4) 5564 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 1 Max: 6 Mean: 3.78 Lead In: Z90323.00[Default] Default Next Question: Z90338.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z90339.00 [CVC_SAT_VERBAL_SCORE_2007] Survey Year: XRND PRIMARY VARIABLE HIGHEST SAT VERBAL SCORE 2007 CUMULATIVE VARIABLE: Highest SAT VERBAL score. This variable is created for all respondents regardless of interview status in the latest round the variable was created (round 11); CVC_SAT_VERBAL_RND_2007 provides the latest round from which the respondent's highest score is determined.that information was used to create this variable. 69 1 200 - 300 226 2 301 - 400 660 3 401 - 500 832 4 501 - 600 483 5 601 - 700 158 6 701 - 800 0 0 Have not yet received the scores ------- 2428 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 992 TOTAL =========> 3420 VALID SKIP(-4) 5564 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 1 Max: 6 Mean: 3.79 Lead In: Z90338.00[Default] Default Next Question: Z90340.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z90341.00 [CVC_ACT_SCORE_2007] Survey Year: XRND PRIMARY VARIABLE HIGHEST ACT SCORE 2007 CUMULATIVE VARIABLE: Highest ACT score. This variable is created for all respondents regardless of interview status in the latest round the variable was created (round 11); CVC_ACT_SCORE_2007 provides the latest round that information was used to create this variable. 4 1 0 - 6 23 2 7 - 12 458 3 13 - 18 944 4 19 - 24 474 5 25 - 30 102 6 31 - 36 0 0 Have not yet received the scores ------- 2005 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 420 TOTAL =========> 2425 VALID SKIP(-4) 6559 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 1 Max: 6 Mean: 4.08 Lead In: Z90340.00[Default] Default Next Question: Z90342.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z90489.00 [CVC_HH_NET_WORTH_20] Survey Year: XRND PRIMARY VARIABLE NET WORTH OF HOUSEHOLD AT AGE 20 CUMULATIVE VARIABLE: Household net worth at age 20. This variable is created for all respondents regardless of interview status in the current round; CVC_ASSETS_RND_20 provides the round of the respondent's age 20 assets interview. /*Topcoded at predetermined values. Respondents with household net worth values above $600,000 were topcoded to a value of $600,000. Negative values of -1, -2, -3, -4, or -5 do not reflect negative monetary amounts; these numbers represent standard NLSY97 codes.*/ 357 -9999999 TO -3000: < -2999 68 -2999 TO -2000 90 -1999 TO -1000 97 -999 TO -1 83 0 141 1 TO 1000 250 1001 TO 2000 1923 2001 TO 3000 927 3001 TO 5000 1559 5001 TO 10000 1158 10001 TO 20000 360 20001 TO 30000 236 30001 TO 40000 118 40001 TO 50000 55 50001 TO 65000 119 65001 TO 80000 42 80001 TO 100000 31 100001 TO 150000 65 150001 TO 200000 87 200001 TO 999999999: 200001+ ------- 7766 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 776 TOTAL =========> 8542 VALID SKIP(-4) 442 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: -197500 Max: 600000 Mean: 14692.9 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [9999999] Lead In: Z91226.00[Default] Default Next Question: Z90490.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z90490.00 [CVC_HH_NET_WORTH_25] Survey Year: XRND PRIMARY VARIABLE NET WORTH OF HOUSEHOLD AT AGE 25 CUMULATIVE VARIABLE: Household net worth at age 25. This variable is created for all respondents regardless of interview status in the current round; CVC_ASSETS_RND_25 provides the round of the respondent's age 25 assets interview. /*Topcoded at predetermined values. Respondents with household net worth values above $600,000 were topcoded to a value of $600,000. Negative values of -1, -2, -3, -4, or -5 do not reflect negative monetary amounts; these numbers represent standard NLSY97 codes.*/ 1037 -9999999 TO -3000: < -2999 89 -2999 TO -2000 79 -1999 TO -1000 99 -999 TO -1 173 0 134 1 TO 1000 166 1001 TO 2000 791 2001 TO 3000 446 3001 TO 5000 921 5001 TO 10000 852 10001 TO 20000 470 20001 TO 30000 310 30001 TO 40000 195 40001 TO 50000 178 50001 TO 65000 140 65001 TO 80000 132 80001 TO 100000 189 100001 TO 150000 103 150001 TO 200000 208 200001 TO 999999999: 200001+ ------- 6712 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 1438 TOTAL =========> 8150 VALID SKIP(-4) 834 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: -997500 Max: 600000 Mean: 25702.7 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [9999999] Lead In: Z90489.00[Default] Default Next Question: Z90491.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z90498.00 [CVC_ASSETS_FINANCIAL_25] Survey Year: XRND PRIMARY VARIABLE FINANCIAL ASSETS AT AGE 25 CUMULATIVE VARIABLE: Value of financial assets at age 25. This variable is created for all respondents regardless of interview status in the current round; CVC_ASSETS_RND_25 provides the round of the respondent's age 25 assets interview. /*Topcoded to predetermined values. Respondents with finacial asset values above $300,000 were topcoded to a value of $300,000. Negative values of -1, -2, -3, -4, or -5 do not reflect negative monetary amounts; these numbers represent standard NLSY97 codes.*/ 0 -9999999 TO -3000: < -2999 0 -2999 TO -2000 0 -1999 TO -1000 0 -999 TO -1 2317 0 1619 1 TO 1000 540 1001 TO 2000 364 2001 TO 3000 426 3001 TO 5000 554 5001 TO 10000 469 10001 TO 20000 195 20001 TO 30000 135 30001 TO 40000 77 40001 TO 50000 68 50001 TO 65000 51 65001 TO 80000 48 80001 TO 100000 67 100001 TO 150000 34 150001 TO 200000 75 200001 TO 999999999: 200001+ ------- 7039 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 1111 TOTAL =========> 8150 VALID SKIP(-4) 834 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 0 Max: 300000 Mean: 10556.3 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [9999999] Lead In: Z90497.00[Default] Default Next Question: Z90499.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z90501.00 [CVC_ASSETS_DEBTS_20] Survey Year: XRND PRIMARY VARIABLE DEBT AT AGE 20 CUMULATIVE VARIABLE: Amount of financial debt owed at age 20. This variable is created for all respondents regardless of interview status in the current round; CVC_ASSETS_RND_20 provides the round of the respondent's age 20 assets interview. /*Topcoded to predetermined values. Respondents with non-housing debt values above $370,000 were topcoded to a value of $370,000. Negative values of -1, -2, -3, -4, or -5 do not reflect negative monetary amounts; these numbers represent standard NLSY97 codes.*/ 0 -9999999 TO -3000: < -2999 0 -2999 TO -2000 0 -1999 TO -1000 0 -999 TO -1 4613 0 972 1 TO 1000 394 1001 TO 2000 281 2001 TO 3000 444 3001 TO 5000 731 5001 TO 10000 656 10001 TO 20000 184 20001 TO 30000 59 30001 TO 40000 20 40001 TO 50000 10 50001 TO 65000 3 65001 TO 80000 6 80001 TO 100000 1 100001 TO 150000 1 150001 TO 200000 0 200001 TO 999999999: 200001+ ------- 8375 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 167 TOTAL =========> 8542 VALID SKIP(-4) 442 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 0 Max: 200000 Mean: 3394.51 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [9999999] Lead In: Z90500.00[Default] Default Next Question: Z90502.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z91219.00 [CVC_HH_NET_WORTH_30] Survey Year: XRND PRIMARY VARIABLE NET WORTH OF HOUSEHOLD AT AGE 30 CUMULATIVE VARIABLE: Household net worth at age 30. This variable is created for all respondents regardless of interview status in the current round; CVC_ASSETS_RND_30 provides the round of the respondent's age 30 assets interview. /*Topcoded at predetermined values. Respondents with household net worth values above $600,000 were topcoded to a value of $600,000. Negative values of -1, -2, -3, -4, or -5 do not reflect negative monetary amounts; these numbers represent standard NLSY97 codes.*/ 1021 -9999999 TO -3000: < -2999 56 -2999 TO -2000 41 -1999 TO -1000 62 -999 TO -1 200 0 101 1 TO 1000 89 1001 TO 2000 514 2001 TO 3000 267 3001 TO 5000 639 5001 TO 10000 762 10001 TO 20000 462 20001 TO 30000 310 30001 TO 40000 296 40001 TO 50000 269 50001 TO 65000 231 65001 TO 80000 267 80001 TO 100000 366 100001 TO 150000 235 150001 TO 200000 514 200001 TO 999999999: 200001+ ------- 6702 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 1008 TOTAL =========> 7710 VALID SKIP(-4) 1274 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: -5014150 Max: 600000 Mean: 50841.6 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [9999999] Lead In: None. Default Next Question: Z91220.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z91220.00 [CVC_HOUSE_VALUE_30] Survey Year: XRND PRIMARY VARIABLE HOUSE VALUE AT AGE 30 CUMULATIVE VARIABLE: Value of Rs primary housing at age 30. This variable is created for all respondents regardless of interview status in the current round; CVC_ASSETS_RND_30 provides the round of the respondent's age 30 assets interview. /*Topcoded at predetermined values. Respondents with house values above $425, 000 were topcoded to a value of $425,000. Negative values of -1, -2, -3, -4, or -5 do not reflect negative monetary amounts; these numbers represent standard NLSY97 codes.*/ 0 -9999999 TO -3000: < -2999 0 -2999 TO -2000 0 -1999 TO -1000 0 -999 TO -1 5350 0 5 1 TO 1000 5 1001 TO 2000 6 2001 TO 3000 16 3001 TO 5000 28 5001 TO 10000 54 10001 TO 20000 25 20001 TO 30000 56 30001 TO 40000 39 40001 TO 50000 70 50001 TO 65000 136 65001 TO 80000 166 80001 TO 100000 498 100001 TO 150000 466 150001 TO 200000 722 200001 TO 999999999: 200001+ ------- 7642 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 68 TOTAL =========> 7710 VALID SKIP(-4) 1274 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 0 Max: 425000 Mean: 52910.55 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [9999999] Lead In: Z91219.00[Default] Default Next Question: Z91221.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z91222.00 [CVC_HOUSE_TYPE_30] Survey Year: XRND PRIMARY VARIABLE HOUSE TYPE AT AGE 30 CUMULATIVE VARIABLE: Primary type of owned housing at age 30. This variable is created for all respondents regardless of interview status in the current round; CVC_ASSETS_RND_30 provides the round of the respondent's age 30 assets interview. COMMENT: Users should note that due to a change in the questionnaire, the categories describing the type of residence owned by the respondent at age 30 are different than the type of residence categories in prior rounds (e.g., assets at age 25). 1936 1 House 2 2 Ranch/Farm 156 3 Mobile Home 5352 6 R does not own 247 9 Owns other residence type ------- 7693 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 17 TOTAL =========> 7710 VALID SKIP(-4) 1274 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 1 Max: 9 Mean: 4.78 Lead In: Z91221.00[Default] Default Next Question: Z91223.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z91223.00 [CVC_ASSETS_FINANCIAL_30] Survey Year: XRND PRIMARY VARIABLE FINANCIAL ASSETS AT AGE 30 CUMULATIVE VARIABLE: Value of financial assets at age 30. This variable is created for all respondents regardless of interview status in the current round; CVC_ASSETS_RND_30 provides the round of the respondent's age 30 assets interview. /*Topcoded to predetermined values. Respondents with finacial asset values above $300,000 were topcoded to a value of $300,000. Negative values of -1, -2, -3, -4, or -5 do not reflect negative monetary amounts; these numbers represent standard NLSY97 codes.*/ 0 -9999999 TO -3000: < -2999 0 -2999 TO -2000 0 -1999 TO -1000 0 -999 TO -1 1820 0 1183 1 TO 1000 403 1001 TO 2000 309 2001 TO 3000 419 3001 TO 5000 575 5001 TO 10000 595 10001 TO 20000 355 20001 TO 30000 275 30001 TO 40000 180 40001 TO 50000 205 50001 TO 65000 163 65001 TO 80000 118 80001 TO 100000 163 100001 TO 150000 100 150001 TO 200000 153 200001 TO 999999999: 200001+ ------- 7016 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 694 TOTAL =========> 7710 VALID SKIP(-4) 1274 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 0 Max: 300000 Mean: 22316.29 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [9999999] Lead In: Z91222.00[Default] Default Next Question: Z91224.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z91225.00 [CVC_ASSETS_DEBTS_30] Survey Year: XRND PRIMARY VARIABLE DEBT AT AGE 30 CUMULATIVE VARIABLE: Amount of financial debt owed at age 30. This variable is created for all respondents regardless of interview status in the current round; CVC_ASSETS_RND_30 provides the round of the respondent's age 30 assets interview. /*Topcoded to predetermined values. Respondents with non-housing debt values above $370,000 were topcoded to a value of $370,000. Negative values of -1, -2, -3, -4, or -5 do not reflect negative monetary amounts; these numbers represent standard NLSY97 codes.*/ 0 -9999999 TO -3000: < -2999 0 -2999 TO -2000 0 -1999 TO -1000 0 -999 TO -1 2526 0 340 1 TO 1000 290 1001 TO 2000 218 2001 TO 3000 370 3001 TO 5000 724 5001 TO 10000 1000 10001 TO 20000 672 20001 TO 30000 427 30001 TO 40000 286 40001 TO 50000 241 50001 TO 65000 135 65001 TO 80000 109 80001 TO 100000 62 100001 TO 150000 26 150001 TO 200000 31 200001 TO 999999999: 200001+ ------- 7457 Refusal(-1) 0 Don't Know(-2) 0 Invalid Skip(-3) 253 TOTAL =========> 7710 VALID SKIP(-4) 1274 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) 0 Min: 0 Max: 370000 Mean: 16597.07 Hard Minimum: [0] Hard Maximum: [9999999] Lead In: Z91224.00[Default] Default Next Question: Z91226.00