Due: 11:00 AM on Wednesday, March 1, 2000 1. Complete a class diagram of the program that you wrote to satisfy the requirements of project 1. Try to be as complete as possible so that you will be able to learn as much as possible from the work that you did. If possible, use Rational Rose. 2. Write a post mortem of your work on project 1. Some issues to consider are: a) What do you think of your design as a result of i) looking at the class diagram you just completed ii) problems that you encountered writing the program b) Which tools did you use to support your work? How well did they work for you? What problems did the tools cause? Which problems did the tools solve for you? c) Are there features of the programming language that you used that made your job easier or harder? If so, please describe them and how they helped or hindered your work. d) Which things you did worked well? Which things you did worked badly? How would you change what you did to get a better result? IMPORTANT NOTE Your post-mortem will not influence your project 1 grade in any way. The grading of the post mortem question is determined by your ability to clearly describe your experiences, things that worked and things that didn't work. Feel free to describe most anything that contributed to your work positively and negatively. The only answer that completely lacks credibility is a statement to the effect that everything went well and no mistakes were made. The more you think about the project while working on the post mortem, the more you will learn from doing the project.