Causation in Individuals: Exercise 4-1

Exercise Context:
There was a fire in the first Apollo spacecraft during a test on the pad at Cape Kennedy. After the fire, there was a lot of finger pointing about the "cause" of the fire. This much was known:
01 There was a spark in the cabin in a wire with faulty insulation.
02 The spark was caused by electrical current in the wire.
03 The test being conducted at the time was a high pressure test of the capsule that called for the cabin to be pressured to 17 lbs. per square inch of pure oxygen.
04 At 15 lbs. per square inch of pure oxygen, the nylon netting that held the wires and the Velcro used on the cabin to hold things down burns explosively.
05 At 5 lbs per square inch (the normal pressure in the cabin during space flight), these materials do not burn easily.
Would a person who claimed that the fire was caused by the current in the wire be wrong? Whether your answer is "yes" or "no", justify your answer.

Proceed to Exercise:
1-1 1-2 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 4-1 4-2