Monday January 29

1. 2nd Med

     A. The Cogito argument

          1. Inference or Necessary Truth?

          2. What am I?


          3. A Surprising Conclusion

          4. Meaning of this argument

     B. Imagination

     C. What Follows

          1. What I am

               a. Evil Demon
               b. Imagination

     D. The self (Hobbes' Objection)

          1. An enduring being

          2. A physical being?

          3. Historical Background

     E. The Concept of a Person

          1. 2 arguments about self

     F. Status of the cogito

          1. A Grammatical Point?

          2. A Linguistic Error?

          3. Metaphysics and Grammar

     G. The Wax. Understanding Change

          1. Mental and physical substances

          2. Mental Faculties

          3. Imagination not Part of self

          4. Internal/External Things

          5. Generalizing this conclusion

     H. Defeat of Skepticism