Why I err

Man a mean between God and nothingness
Hence we can err.

     God could have made me so that I never err. But He knows best

God might have made me so that I never err, i.e. without free will
     This would not be better

I know enough to do right
     but I have free will, and so may err

Our will is infinite (Like God's)
     an all or nothing capacity
Unlike knowing, which is a matter of degree

We comprehend our freedom perfectly

Will is all or nothing for Descartes. Either free or not
Free will means. I make my own choice

No notion here of choices as influenced by reasons.
Any restriction or constraint would be a limitation
     and there are no limitations

What determines my choices?
     Nothing: I choose
          I just choose
Contrast to constrained choice.
     I choose because someone forces me
     because my own desire forces me
or a compulsion
     Gamblers or problems drinkers say: I cannot stop

My free will is as boundless as God's.

Clear and distinct idea of Free Will
     How do I know this?
     Descartes' Bad Argument

It is a clear and distinct idea.
I can see that.
     I wish Descartes had a better argument.