Nietzsche's concept of genealogy. 
	Here I build on our discussion of interpretation
Just as we can interpret 
	everyday actions
so too we can understand institutions. In particular Christian morality
We do this the same way. Give reasons which make sense of actor's activity
	by their own lights
What beliefs would the actor have had, in order to act as she/he did

To understand a practice you need to do more than analyze its present nature
You must look at its history

The world is like a text- it can be interpreted various ways, it has a structure,
a meaning.

An influential example 
	Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish, 1979
What is the meaning of penal practices
This question itself may sound odd-
	the meaning of institutions what is that? 

As: a text has a meaning, so too do institutions. 
In the eighteen century, there was public torture. 

"The public execution is to be understood not only as a judicial, but also a
political ritual. It belongs... to the ceremonies by which power is manifested"
(p. 47).

By 80 years later, this practice was changed. Prisons were different-executions
were 'painless'. 


Some historians believe this change marks practice. 
We tend to believe in progress
Foucault doesn't.  

His goal: "Try to study the metamorphosis of punitive methods on the basis of a
political technology of the body in which might be read a common history of power
relations and object relations." (p. 24)


And he links prisons to a broader analysis.

Elementary education "of each individual and the simultaneous work of all... It
made the educational space function like a learning machine, but also as a
machine for supervising, hierarchizing, rewarding" (147).