Transitive Phrasal Verbs:

Degrees of Idiomaticity

Candice Amich



May 1, 2000



















Degrees of Idiomaticity

1. Introduction

I have been investigating the placement of the direct object (either proceeding or following the particle) of certain transitive phrasal verbs. We have learned that pronouns and definite noun phrases impose a constraint on word order in such a manner that the direct object will proceed the particle. It is my contention that the idiomatic link between the verb and its particle also places a constraint on word order in such a manner that the direct object will follow the particle. Though pronouns invariably proceed the direct object, it is my hypothesis that the idiomatic link between the verb and its particle is a stronger determinant of placement than whether or not the direct object is a definite noun phrase.

Consider, for example, the following phrases:

All the underlined phrases are definite noun phrases. We have learned that definite noun phrases should proceed the particle, but the Cobuild Corpus does not substantiate this claim. Rather, the strong idiomatic bond between the verbs and their particles seems to be preventing the direct objects from intervening.

Thus, my project entails grouping certain transitive phrasal verbs by degrees of idiomacticity. My hypothesis is that the stronger the idiomatic bond between the verb and its particle, the less likely it will be to tolerate an intervening object. I believe that the fact that we often do not exercise the privilege of "free variation" supports the claim that lexis conditions grammar. We become accustomed to grouping certain verbs and prepositions together (such as give and up), and rather than alternate whether we place the direct object before or after the particle, we consistently place the direct object after the particle, so as not to separate the verb from its preposition. This is what is meant by a "strong idiomatic link".

2. Query

            I went about investigating the problem of idiomaticity by brainstorming a list of transitive phrasal verbs and entering them into the corpus. The query I settled on was:


For the transitive phrasal verb, throw down, for example, I entered the following query:


I settled on a distance of up to four words between the verb and its particle; any smaller distance failed to capture many of the transitive phrasal verbs with intervening objects, while any larger distance included too much irrelevant data.

            Dependent on how many matching lines came up, I either studied them all, or at least 100 examples for each transitive phrasal verb. I then separated the examples into four groups: intransitives, transitive phrasal verbs with a pronoun as a direct object, transitive phrasal verbs with a direct object (excluding pronouns) preceding the particle, and transitive phrasal verbs with a direct object following the particle. The two latter groups comprise the "free variation" groups, meaning that according to "grammar rules," the direct object can be placed on either side of the particle.

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that the stronger the idiomatic bonds between the verb and preposition of the transitive phrasal verbs, the more likely the direct object will be placed after the particle, and the less likely it is that there will be "free variation". Thus, placement of the direct object in these cases can be thought of as an increasing probability the direct object will be placed before the particle as the idiomaticity of the transitive phrasal verb decreases. In order to obtain a ratio of idiomaticity, I divided the number of examples with the direct object preceding the particle (excluding pronouns) by the total number of examples where free variation should be occurring.

            For example, of 100 examples of the transitive phrasal verb blow up:

(a) Intransitive:                                                                                                           61

(b) Pronoun as Direct Object:                                                                                     9

(c) Direct Object Proceeds Particle:                                                                          4

(d) Direct Object Follows Particle:                                                                            26

Therefore, 4/(4+26)= 4/30= 13.3%.

13.3% of the time, the direct object proceeds the particle when there is "free variation".

Since if there were no constraints, the direct object should proceed the particle roughly 50% of the time, I judged all transitive phrasal verbs that take the direct object before the particle less than 15% of the time, such as blow up, to be low in "free variation," and high in idiomaticity. Thus, I grouped 14 transitive phrasal verbs into three groups: high idiomaticity (0-15%), moderate idiomaticity (16-35%), and low idiomaticity (36-100%).

3. Three Degrees of Idiomaticity                

(1) High Idiomaticity (0-15%)

Phrasal Verbs Intransitive Pronoun D.O. Proceeds D.O. Follows Free Variation*

Find Out                     86                    5                      0                      9                      0%

Give Up                       43                    6                      0                      51                    0%

Set Up                         48                    10                    0                      42                    0%

Call Off                       32                    5                      7                      56                    11%

Blow Up                      61                    9                      4                      26                    13%

(2) Moderate Idiomaticity (16-35%)

Phrasal Verbs Intransitive Pronoun D.O. Proceeds D.O. Follows Free Variation*

Spit Out                       19                    25                    9                      47                    16%

Chop Down**             7                      5                      7                      34                    17%

Tie Up                         58                    10                    6                      26                    19%

Bring In                      44                    18                    12                    26                    32%   

(3) Low Idiomaticity (36-100%)

Phrasal Verbs Intransitive Pronoun D.O. Proceeds D.O. Follows Free Variation*

Throw Down               23                    28                    19                    30                    39%

Turn On                      19                    10                    28                    43                    39%

Kick Over**                3                      6                      7                      9                      44%

Stick Out                     35                    16                    37                    12                    76%   

Carry Down**            1                      9                      14                    1                      93%

*Free variation score calculated as D.O. Proceeds/ (D.O. Proceeds + D.O. Follows). The percentage score is an indication of how often the direct object proceeded the particle when "free variation" was possible.

**These phrasal verbs had less than 100 matching lines.

4. Collocations at 0:1 and 0:4 Spans

            After determining which group each transitive phrasal verb belonged in, I looked at the collocations of the verbs at the 0:1 and 0:4 spans. My hypothesis was that verbs in the "high idiomaticity" group would have more significant t-scores with their particles at the 0:1 span, since this would mean the particle directly followed the verb. Conversely, I expected the verbs in the "moderate" and "low" groups to have more significant t-scores at the 0:4 span, since this would indicate more room for intervening objects. Below are the results:


                                                                                                 0:1 Span        0:4 Span

High Idiomaticity

Find Out (0%)                                                                                    54.3                 53.3    

Give Up (0%)                                                                                      36.6                 36.2

Set Up (0%)                                                                                        69.0                 70.2

Call Off (11%)                                                                                                7.3                   5.3

Blow Up (13%)                                                                                   13.5                 14.1

Moderate Idiomaticity

Spit Out (16%)                                                                                    3.6                   6.2

Chop Down (17%)                                                                              3.5                   4.6

Tie Up (19%)                                                                                      10.7                 11.9

Bring In (32%)                                                                                   16.9                 14.3

Low Idiomaticity

Throw Down (39%)                                                                            4.2                   5.2

Turn On (39%)                                                                                   14.6                 19.8

Kick Over (44%)                                                                                 1.7                   4.1

Stick Out (76%)                                                                                  5.4                   7.7

Carry Down (93%)*                                                                           -3.5                  --

*Carry had no collocation listing with down at the 0:4 span.

            It seems that the verbs with higher t-scores at the 0:1 span level reflect strong idiomatic links between the verbs and their particles, while the verbs that have higher t-scores at the 0:4 span level reflect semantic links between the verbs and their particles.

While the results substantiate my hypothesis that transitive phrasal verbs lower in idiomaticity would have greater t-scores at the 0:4 span, I did not know whether the differences between the t-scores at the differing span levels were significant. In order to get a clearer picture of the data, I created a formula that would account for the 0:1 span in the 0:4 span.

5. Formula: Accounting for the 0:1 Span in the 0:4 Span

            I created a formula to get a ratio for the number of instances the verb appeared a span of two to four words from its particle divided by the total number of instances the verb appeared within a distance of four words from its particle. This formula allowed to subtract out the instances in the 0:4 span already included in the 0:1 span. The greater the ratio, the weaker the idiomatic link between the verb and its particle.

Phrasal Verbs # of instances paired at 0:1 span # of instances paired at 0:4 span Ratio*

High Idiomaticity (17%)**

Find Out (0%)                        3054                                        3242                            6%     

Give Up (0%)                          1453                                        1742                            17%

Set Up (0%)                            4876                                        5387                            9%     

Call Off (11%)                                    81                                            117                              31%

Blow Up (13%)                       194                                          248                              22%

Moderate Idiomaticity (49%)**

Spit Out (16%)                        14                                            42                                67%   

Chop Down (17%)                  13                                            24                                46%

Tie Up (19%)                          124                                          183                              32%

Bring In (32%)                       551                                          1087                            49%

Low Idiomaticity (69%)**

Throw Down (39%)                22                                            43                                49%   

Turn On (39%)                       344                                          882                              61%   

Kick Over (44%)                     9                                              42                                81%   

Stick Out (76%)                      43                                            109                              61%   

Carry Down (93%)*               1                                              20                                95%


*The ratio is calculated by subtracting the number of instances at the 0:1 span from the 0:4 span and then dividing the result by the total number of instances from the 0:4 span. For example, for find out: (3242-3054)/ 3242= 188/ 3242= .06

The lower the percentage, the stronger the idiomatic bond and vice versa.

**These are the average ratios for the three levels of idiomaticity.

6. Analysis of the Results

            Based on the three approaches discussed above, it has been shown that the fourteen transitive phrasal verbs I examined can be divided into three groups based on varying levels of idiomaticity. The first step involved using the Cobuild Corpus to determine the percentage of times the direct object was placed before the particle when "free variation" was a possibility. I then used these percentages to divide the transitive phrasal verbs into three groups of varying idiomaticity. The lower the percentage, the greater the idiomatic link between the verb and its particle.

            I then looked at collocations of the verbs at the 0:1 and 0:4 spans. My hypothesis that the stronger the idiomatic bond between the verb and its particle, the more likely t-scores at the 0:1 span would be higher was substantiated. The last step involved creating a formula to remove the 0:1 span from the 0:4 span. My second hypothesis that the weaker the idiomatic link between the verb and its particle, the higher the ratio would be (since it is an indication of space for an intervening object) was also substantiated.

            A further indication of the greater idiomaticity of the transitive phrasal verbs in the first group is the number of examples that were actually intransitives. On average, 54% of the examples of the high idiomaticity group were transitives, while only 32% of the examples were intransitives for the moderate group, and a mere 16% of the examples for the group lowest in idiomaticity. This make sense since intransitives do not have direct objects and transitive phrasal verbs high in idiomaticity also tend not to tolerate intervening direct objects.


7. Conclusion

            It can be concluded that rather than the "official" theory of "free variation," placement of the direct object is dependent upon the strength of the idiomatic links between certain verbs and their prepositions. Thus, it makes more sense to think of the placement of the direct object before the particle as an increasing probability for transitive phrasal verbs with weaker idiomatic links. Viewing the placement of the direct object as dependent on the idiomatic link between the verb and its particle suggests that rather than "free variation," there are constraints on the placement of the direct object.

            Future research is needed to determine what exactly makes one transitive phrasal verb high in idiomaticity and another low. A possibility is that separating the particle from its verb is not as significant to meaning for transitive phrasal verbs low in idiomaticity. For example, the preposition over is not as necessary to understanding the meaning of kick over, as the preposition off is necessary to understanding the meaning of call off. It seems that transitive phrasal verbs with greater physical, literal meaning ( spit out, chop down, throw down, kick over, etc.) have weaker idiomatic links than transitive phrasal verbs with more abstract meanings (find out, give up, call off). It also seems as if the objects the transitive phrasal verbs with stronger idiomatic bonds take are more abstract than the direct objects the transitive phrasal verbs with weaker idiomatic links take (call off the wedding vs. kick the trash over).

            The main goal of this project has been to corroborate, using three different approaches, the evidence that placement of the direct object when there is "free variation" is in actuality constrained by issues of idiomaticity. It has also been a worthwhile exercise in using collocations at differing spans to support claims of patterns. The constrained placement of the direct object depending on the strength of the idiomatic bond between the verb and its particle is an interesting example of how patterns of usage are better predictors of how people speak than notions of exercising "free variation."









Transitive Phrasal Verbs: Degrees of Idiomaticity

High Idiomaticity:

Find Out- 0% (placement of intervening object when there is "free variation")

Give Up- 0%

Set Up- 0%

Call Off- 11%

Blow Up- 13%

Moderate Idiomaticity:

Spit Out- 16%

Chop Down- 17%

Tie Up- 19%

Bring In- 32%

Low Idiomaticity:

Throw Down- 39%

Turn On- 39%

Kick Over- 44%

Stick Out- 76%

Carry Down- 93%














Find Out

Corpus Total Number of Average Number per

Occurrences Million Words

ukspok 1187 128.0/million

ukephem 343 109.8/million

sunnow 625 107.3/million

ukbooks 525 98.1/million

ukmags 445 90.8/million

npr 250 79.9/million

today 406 77.4/million

usephem 92 75.1/million

usbooks 406 72.2/million

bbc 141 54.0/million

oznews 263 49.3/million

times 227 39.4/million

Hit any key to continue...

Query is "find@/VERB+4out/IN"

Term 1 in your query has been selected as the node

4910 matching lines

status symbol, particularly when you find out why they became convicts. <p>

<p> <h> Further information </h> To find out more about the fitting and

researchers to ask questions - to find out what you, and people like you,

you a ring in a couple of weeks to find out if this is all right, to save

you would pose in an investigation to find out why so few girls passed phy-

obsessed, consumed with the desire to find out what happened to his beloved;

London as an opportunity for you to find out more about us. The offices will

kinds of people and we have to find out who you are. Managing stress is

for you in reading the paper to find out what the questions are or <ZF1>

you can er <tc text=pause> get to find out whether a library's got c a

talked to the guy that's doing it to find out what his problem is? <M01> Mm.

Half past eight then go and s go and find out what clothes she was going to

useful just <ZF1> le <ZF0> lets us find out more about ourself and <ZF1>

and sat there for an hour only to find out that I was totally wasting my

<F01> <tc text=laughs> <M02> you'll find out exactly when my wife's out the

to the C C As then or do they just find out through their own <ZGY> <F02>

what he calls a comprehensive plan to find out who is behind the continuing

that they are not denuded at all. We find out they're very rich, very powerful

advice, information. I have to try to find out what that information was. <o>

sound of that. And did you manage to find out anything before the trap was

the nurses, if that's what you want. Find out how much they really care - and

ancestors, I think, otherwise I might find out where I am. As it is, I can only

anyway." <p> No," Largo said. `Just find out what the hell she's doing." <p>

contained in the Four Steps, he can find out whether the feelings provoked by

You had to push quite hard to find out if there were any problems <p>

and gain respect that way. <p> I find out more about a player when he's

the women pulled into a lay-by to find out what was the matter the

can I have the address again I'll find out for you. We will get someone to

official sources. Fans should always find out the face value and seat location

technical players. England will find that out." <hl> Sub Ian's Cup hitch;

like a lorry. I was too scared to find out how it rattled at juggernaut

thinner. And it was easier for her to find out exactly what was going on

with a different boyfriend. <p> Finding out that I was pregnant was a

Th th <ZF0> this is partly about finding out what people think so it's

of which the garage must spend time finding out why the catalyst failed. <p>

processing differ from lab to lab? AP finds out <p> One of the biggest factors

you could possibly eat." <p> When she found out it was not necessary to eat

a threw a bit of a wobbly when they found out the door fell off. <F01> Yeah.

some interesting area where you have found out lots of information <ZF1> and

And then when FX come along and we found out as <ZF1> I <ZF0> I couldn't

Give Up

Corpus Total Number of Average Number per

Occurences Million Words

sunnow 643 110.4/million

today 429              81.7/milliom 

npr 229 73.2/million

ukmags 343 70.0/million

usbooks 386 68.6/million

ukbooks 350 65.4/million

ukephem 189 60.5/million

ukspok 544 58.7/million

bbc 152 58.2/million

times 295 51.2/million

oznews 272 51.0/million

usephem 20 16.3/million

Hit any key to continue...

Query is "give@/VERB+4up/IN"

Term 1 in your query has been selected as the node

3852 matching lines

Tanya Harding. <p> Starter Harding gave up three hits in four innings, and

<c> photograph </c> Melanie O'Reilly gave up a career in nursing for the

and until my dad retired and then she gave them both up. <F01> Mm. <F02> Er my

she <ZF0> she used to smoke but she gave up. She just smokes when she's like

Persuaded? Drugged? Gunpoint? I gave up. Lots of puzzles in clan

time for an `emergency" visit, I gave up hope. On the way home I kept

at the London School of Economics who gave up his academic career to become an

week. <p> Acutely aware of what she gave up to have Kerry, Cathryn - who was

the CSA. We would be better off if we gave up work and went on to benefits.

The crowds were so big that Madonna gave up trying to get in and went back to

cent of women say they would rather give up sex than their TV remote control

for their behaviour and promise to give up a lifestyle which they consider

<p> We must carry on. We must never give up. <p> No tyranny lasts forever.

a lot of tolerance. You have to give up everything-your dreams, your

which prevented them from having to give up at crucial times. <p> But it is

that sort of question. What made you give up bricklaying <M02> Erm just the

why you erm gave up decided to give up <F03> Cos my mum did trust me but

Mm <F05> And it was hard for her to give up just looking at those cigarettes

has rejected the idea that he should give up the leadership of the Soviet

cabinet has asked Saddam Hussein to give up Kuwait. The analysts said few

first and foremost, they want them to give up. They want to capture Gorazde,

him. <p> He would not, of course, give up on his son. <o> Her relatives

However, Susua did not intend to give up her secrets easily and, after

or society) is extremely reluctant to give up power over others, since to do so

the baby girl that she didn't want to give her up to the Sterns. Mrs. Whitehead

forward to old age as a time you can give up having to act tough. Why not give

eon vouchers, and we would probably give up hanging around sandwich bars

injured my leg, which forced me to give up teaching. <p> I received my

director Paul Anderson had better not give up his day job just yet. <p> Cert

crash but her injuries forced her to give up her nursing career. Mr Halley, of

gave her the inspiration to finally give up her addiction and start a new

Two Jags" Prescott's plans to make us give up our cars (The Sun, May 5). Why

It was horrendous. I had tried to give up drugs a few times myself so I

Super League club Leeds, who have not given up the chase for the hottest

Canary exhibitor, who had just given up, was being delivered. Nicky had

lot of the good councillors have just given up trying <F01> Yeah. <M01> and I

now one third of their entire site is given up to water-purification plant.

I didn't consider. I thought he'd given up on me." <p> What you want to

as flags at the hemline, she'd simply given up. She fisted her hands. She

you might have taken us to have given up breathing altogether. <p> In

Set Up

Corpus Total Number of Average Number per

Occurrences Million Words

bbc 499 191.2/million

sunnow 817 140.3/million

times 734 127.3/million

today 575 109.6/million

oznews 570 106.8/million

ukmags 522 106.5/million

ukspok 771 83.1/million

npr 245 78.3/million

ukephem 232 74.3/million

ukbooks 380 71.0/million

usephem 79 64.5/million

usbooks 362 64.3/million

Hit any key to continue...

Query is "set@/VERB+4up/IN"

Term 1 in your query has been selected as the node

5786 matching instances

cost &dollar; 2 each anda bar will be set up near the surf club. <p> All

Francois Mitterrand. <p> Controls set up in the Cold War years to prevent

to the hilt by the institutions set up to protect the rights of people

it," she said. <p> Now they want to set up a canteen in Doom adgee." <p> She

Card Protection Plan Ltd (CPP Ltd) to set up and provide the plan for which

who is registered as a doctor to set themselves up as a liposuction

Trust, Croatia Appeal has been set up by Lady Beresford-Peirse, herself

had recently decorated, or of one you set up specially. An astounding 400 of

to feed on the lawn, so be it. I would set up the equipment around a pile of

Right. <M0X> We should be able to set it up so that <F0X> <tc text=laughs>

were <M01> <tc text=coughs> <F01> set up and eventually we decided to

for? <M02> No. No. It We decided to set it up. I think I from what I did in

It was a type of a social club. We set up that you see sometimes although

Monday. Erm I've just really got it set up. <ZGY> <F01> Mm <F02> well it's

day except Tuesday. Local delivery, set-up and removal of old mattress with

East and West Germany have agreed to set up a special working party to iron

conditions in the refugee camps set up in the desert sand of the neutral

system. So he went out of his way to set up something which was called `The

But a Presidential Commssion is to be set up to study whether women can take

My husband the other day had a meeting set up with somebody and arrived there

been monitoring the situation. They set up a hot-line to take complaints

any training or qualifications, and set up in practice. Before starting the

which is a relatively new organization set up to combat the growing problem,

He crossed to where he'd already set up the Maadi-Griffin sniper rifle by

by the intimacy of the rhythms we'd set up with each other all night. <p>

with record and reveal. Have students set up their own papers in three

the country to civilian rule. He set up two parties himself, one `a

contracts, so that new projects can be set up faster, routine projects can

collapses. <p> Landhurst was set up by the flamboyant Ted Ball. He

opinion, they can pay for it. I have set up my own company for my outside

<p> With these new rules, we can set up our own businesses, and

and Brabham models. Then in 1967 he set up Frank Williams Racing, along with

next season and has been trying to set up a meeting with the elusive

Crown Court heard, the gang had been set up by former convict Graham Titley.

defeat by Becker. <p> That would set up a fourth final this year between

visually impaired. The challenge was set up by the National Council for the

forward. The young defender set up Coyne who headed on to Eliphas

a chance. That was when I decided to set up my own club and Sheffield was the

for biomedical materials will be set up within the Scottish College of

some of the 54 Japanese companies that set up in Wales and helped save its

Call Off

Corpus Total Number of Average Number per

Occurrences Million Words

bbc 58 22.2/million

sunnow 104 17.9/million

today 82 15.6/million

oznews 62 11.6/million

npr 20 6.4/million

times 35 6.1/million

ukbooks 27 5.0/million

ukmags 20 4.1/million

usbooks 18 3.2/million

ukspok 12 1.3/million

usephem 1 0.8/million

ukephem 2 0.6/million

Hit any key to continue...

Query is "call@/VERB+4off/IN"

Term 1 in your query has been selected as the node

441 matching lines

teams had asked the Cup committee to call off the day's racing, with winds

official protests threatened to call off the tour. <p> Further sparks

was sufficiently influential to call off the hounds. Sopko and his staff

by admitting error and agreeing to call off the visit indefinitely. <h>

moderate, Mr Said Guechi, had to call off his news conference before it

to convene the Congress in order to call off the referendum. This week,

We've got to get things together or call off the attack! <o> He'd probably

lives in." <p> Listen, I'm going to call this whole thing off if I hear you

have got it half right they should call the flotation off because, as today'

struck back. <p> The 6ft man yelled `Call your dog off" before escaping at

Silajdzic immediately threatened to call off talks with Serb chiefs. <p> He

Wardle and wife Greta have had to call off their FOURTH white wedding

there was no need `at this stage" to call off England's game with Tunisia

month, but in September Woods called the marriage off. <p> Mr Wynne said

The Turkish President's visit was called off at the last moment after the

pieces which they handled so well he called off the training session early. <p>

antitrust grounds. <p> The company called off the deal. <p> <h> PERSONAL

<p> Earlier this month, the ACTU called off a protest rally and march on

the sky. She took it as a sign, and called the whole thing off. On Walt's

and Hindu nationalist rally has been called off in a New Delhi park, for fear

and er <tc text=pause> he I think he called it off I'm not sure. And then I

town of Kurdzhali, demonstrators called off a blockade of bus and rail

by prominent Palestinians has been called off. The strike had been mounted

state of Jammu and Kashmir is being called off. The strike was in protest at

offers. In April this year they called off another planned general strike

here." So finally he relented. We called it off that day. We did not go

not. The German commander therefore called off the attack when he was inches

the absence of Saverimutto, who was called off on some Irish wild goose chase.

the day against the South East was called off because of a frozen pitch. <p>

the monasteries or the Royal Navy called off its pursuit of pirate

between the management teams were called off, but late on Thursday C&W

finalists' match against Swindon was called off last night because of a water-

gallop," he said. <h> Leicester called off;Football </h> <p> TODAY's

magnificent ceremony came to being called off. Today, in the second part of

A search by two lifeboats was called off after three hours. <p> The

explained: `The transfer has been called off on medical grounds. <p> It is

the two top Premiership matches were called off less than an hour before kick-

have expected the referendum to be called off." Delegates arriving for the

strike on London's Northern Line was called off with hours to spare last night

Blow Up

Corpus Total Number of Average Number per

Occurrences Million Words

bbc 63 24.1/million

sunnow 109 18.7/million

npr 58 18.5/million

today 75 14.3/million

oznews 67 12.6/million

times 67 11.6/million

ukbooks 62 11.6/million

usbooks 63 11.2/million

ukspok 85 9.2/million

ukmags 34 6.9/million

usephem 5 4.1/million

ukephem 9 2.9/million

Hit any key to continue...

Query is "blow@/VERB+4up/IN"

Term 1 in your query has been selected as the node

697 matching lines

to his rescue and certain death he blew himself up with a hand grenade. <p>

building effort similar to what blew up in Washington's face in Somalia.

and up until Easter really it only blew up over Easter and they're the same

<M01> Right. Yes <F01> and er cause I blew up with the doctor 'cos I thought

In Southern Lebanon a suicide bomber blew herself up in the path of an Israeli

in the building where the transformer blew up. Dale Willman, newscaster: <p> US

a gas leak, which started a fire and blew up one of the facility's gas

was now intolerable and soon blew up. <p> It is perhaps hard - and

presumed was the com-pound's latrine blew up with the force of an ammunition

them to American custody. Engineers blew up mountains of Iraqi ammunition and

<p> This time last season Newcastle blew up, but they show no sign of doing

of Ed O'Brien, the IRA terrorist who blew himself up in the Aldwych bus

Germans or the Italians. <p> The row blew up after Britain clashed with other

with us, so did he and then this all blew up on Friday," he said. <p> <h>

1998 </dt> TWO H-bombs from Norway blew up Bolton's hopes of staying in the

not illegal. Blow me, what a furore blew up when it was revealed Gazza 'luvs

Grand Prix. Then Hill's engine blew up. <hl> Soaps slide back as 21m

with the Deen Brothers in a plot to blow up the hospital for the valuable

down the motorway with no oil in and blow up the engine, you couldn't say it

<M01> Yeah. <M02> that model will blow up. <M01> Right. <M02> It violates

I mean not saying this is going to blow up but I mean supposing there was an

group. The group have threatened to blow up their hostages unless troops are

card. You don't expect your car to blow up, but it does. Things like that

piece of machinery. Senna managed to blow up on his first run.' <p> At the

this German major who's supposed to blow this bridge up. He tries to hold it

of the war. `In the operation to blow up the Germans' heavy water plant,

right <h> I was axed for trying to blow up EastEnders;David Yallop </h> <p>

nearby home. Experts used a robot to blow up the box near South Ruislip

the Brighton bombers who tried to blow up her Cabinet in 1984. And the Iron

sheets. He claimed: `I don't like to blow myself up or knock myself down. But

people and injuring hundreds more by blowing up an Oklahoma City office block

a vegetable which here we are er I'm blowing up for you on the left. Here's the

may have been responsible for the blowing up of the Pan Am aircraft over

exactly as they were. Whether blowing up model trains or finding unusual

Late one afternoon a storm came blowing up so fast that he first thought

over ridges and into valleys, blowing up the sides and blowing away. It

to wait a moment or two before blowing up, not making a decision and

the last three decades shooting and blowing each other up. Not forgetting the

she does, but when their yacht is blown up and all on board are apparently

some pictures er taken and get them blown up to like A four size and I'm

Spit Out

Corpus Total Number of Average Number per

Occurrences Million Words

usbooks 24 4.3/million

ukbooks 16 3.0/million

ukmags 13 2.7/million

sunnow 12 2.1/million

ukspok 13 1.4/million

times 8 1.4/million

oznews 7 1.3/million

today 6 1.1/million

usephem 1 0.8/million

npr 2 0.6/million

ukephem 1 0.3/million

bbc 0 0.0/million

Hit any key to continue...

Query is "spit@/VERB+4out/IN"

Term 1 in your query has been selected as the node

103 matching lines

place, and who won't be chewed up and spat out. <p> I would like to think

when swallowed up by the Spaniard and spat out at the back of the group chasing

are unrelenting, the vocals are spat out and psychotic. From thereon in,

but in three years they used and spat out every possible Goth cliche. 5

books. <o> He went to the window and spat out. <p> Porcelain, cutlery,

them bowls of inedible gruel, they spat it out, and threatened to beat the

He shook his head. In disgust, they spat out gobbets of betel nut juice, red

admiration. Worms and slimes!" Otho spat out. `Why don't you ask for the

knife in it. His face contorted, he spat out curses. Dizzy from her running

hummed, and a few seconds later it spat out a sheet of paper. Jeff grabbed

lever of a flaming jet, and Digby spat out my name, twice, terse and

seek. Oedipus: <f> Now twice you have spat out infamy. You'll pay for it! <f>

packages made from the pieces she spat out are displayed in a glittering

now. I saw them used up and spat out. I told them it would be like

weedkiller told yesterday how she spat out a drink in disgust. <p>

have been left behind, swallowed up, spat out and left as the forgotten heroes

remains of the chewed-up butt when he spat out the sarnie because it tasted

grandson a mint and after a while he spat it out. Surprised, she asked: `Don't

drop in a nickel and I can usually spit out what I need." <p> <h> STYLE </h>

understand why hardened professionals spit so much of it out. <p> Until they go

that you find boring chew them up and spit them out into cheap, quick-witted

could suck them in and then you can spit them out. <M02> <ZG1> Oh yeah.

as well? <M02> Oh yeah. <F01> Can it spit them out in any form? <M02> No <ZF1>

<F01> Yeah. <M01> <ZGY> you know spit them out. <ZF1> It's not <ZF0> it's

again <M02> <tc text=laughs> <M01> Spit it out man. What do you want <M04>

madness". <p> Son of a pig! Spit that out. <o> And Prem Lal, for

shaking his head hard as if he could spit out the taste of shame. He got up

pieces of data to process and will spit out another 500 million pieces as

You mean 'cause I'm sensitive?" He spit the words out like he was insulted.

down his window and frantically spit it out while Firebug watched him in

of his aching mouth, took it again, spit it out again. This time, slippery,

My legs gave way. I just had time to spit it out before I realised that I was

steep, narrow roads which eventually spit you out on to a vast, empty

that Italy could `eat him alive" and spit out what's left of his career. <p>

manager wants Mike Atherton's men to `spit out their grievances" at close of

when there was doubt I ate it up and spit it out I faced it all and I stood

Jonathan, 28, said: `I couldn't spit it out on camera. It's the first

re as accurate as a Master of Wine spitting out the claret. <p> The labrador

impression he is about to explode, spitting out his vocals in an accent that

urgent, military drums with Heather spitting out a tidal wave of vitriol

Chop Down

Corpus Total Number of Average Number per

Occurrences Million Words

today 8 1.5/million

ukmags 7 1.4/million

npr 4 1.3/million

usbooks 7 1.2/million

times 6 1.0/million

sunnow 6 1.0/million

ukbooks 5 0.9/million

ukspok 8 0.9/million

usephem 1 0.8/million

bbc 1 0.4/million

oznews 1 0.2/million

ukephem 0 0.0/million

Hit any key to continue...

Query is "chop@/VERB+4down/IN"

Term 1 in your query has been selected as the node

54 matching lines

protested at a plan to chop down 100 trees in the park in which

M62 motorway so Peter was loathe to chop down several established trees in

Eddie Burnett does his level best to chop down relative newcomer Lester

dark. They break up the seats. They chop down mature trees Vince is upset and

got lots of mouths to feed You can't chop your rainforests down my friend I'm

pay us otherwise and then we won't chop them down. Well we're not going to

drop the logo? <tc text=pause> Really chop this down in size. Yeah <ZF1> just

have <M01> The council would come and chop the tree down <ZGY> <F01> Well <F02>

come down and And all he does is just chop it down and I clear it <M01> Yeah

in <M01> Yeah <M02> But I used to chop it down and keep it summat like it

to producers to make sure they don't chop a tree down to get the oil out of

barely grow 1/3 as much, so farmers chop down forests on the hillsides to get

those fields either, so they have to chop down more forests and on top of

desert. <p> Deserts happen because we chop down trees. It isn't as simple as

cautiously to take up his axe, to chop down a rotten tree or so on the

Miguel. He's on the way up. I want to chop him down. And I want you to help

down acorns and pinenuts. We don't chop down trees. We only use dead weed.

I am sore. Don't hurt me!" But they chop it down and cut it up. <p> The

on to do his dirty work for him, chop down the dissidents, maintain order,

between a businessman, who wants to chop down the trees, and his daughter,

their lot, they would not have to chop down forests <p> <h> Mercer

Danielle Laws said: `If they want to chop this one down they will have to saw

and a good thing too. You can't just chop down trees because you don't like

of years, and then it's been chopped down and it's been processed and

and you know <M02> Yes <F01> you've chopped down your trees <M02> Yes <F01> so

came through your back gate, chopped down your favorite shade tree, and

companies and ordinary citizens have chopped down the forests on the hillsides,

with his left arm and simultaneously chopped his right hand down viciously on

was reputed to have single-handedly chopped down a maypole. Lord Cowarth's

up and down to keep warm while he chopped down trees and cut them into logs

than Snoot earned in a year. He'd chopped down many a woodlot for a fraction

snarled. `Accept your fate." Then he chopped his hand down, hard, on the side

an audible howl of pain as Parkinson chopped him down near time and he is

disdain credit cards, which had chopped down Amex's American market share

<p> Twenty acres of woodland were chopped down and 138 carpenters were used

there might never again be a tree chopped down or an unfriendly aerosol

tree which meant it could have been chopped down. <p> A crane was brought in

to the ground by Batty and then chopped down by Shearer within the space

and sheds in the street and even chopped down telephone poles and made

Tie Up

Corpus Total Number of Average Number per

Occurrences Million Words

sunnow 103 17.7/million

today 71 13.5/million

ukmags 48 9.8/million

ukspok 90 9.7/million

ukbooks 47 8.8/million

times 47 8.2/million

oznews 42 7.9/million

usbooks 43 7.6/million

npr 20 6.4/million

ukephem 14 4.5/million

bbc 11 4.2/million

usephem 1 0.8/million

Hit any key to continue...

Query is "tie@/VERB+4up/IN"

Term 1 in your query has been selected as the node

537 matching lines

<h> ASIAN BIZ </h> PAKISTAN hopes to tie up projects worth about &dollar; 1.

cascade pouring out of the cliffs. We tie up the boats and wade up the creek

Enchanted April, Cinema Paradiso and Tie Me Up! Tie me Down! <p> <c> PHOTOS

the <F01> Mm <M01> they're trying to tie up what loose ends now and erm er

instant access account. Do not tie up any of your money for a long

oil, tack together, splice, glue, tie up, and find dirty, squeaky, broken,

to 7 per cent. <p> Equity Tessas will tie up your capital for five years and

during the summer. Redknapp hopes to tie up the deal when Liverpool return

and last night he was hoping to tie up a deal with Aston Villa's Graham

Celtic because they need the points to tie up the title. Hopefully the

away from it all. He is also set to tie up a deal keeping Paul Ritchie at

clip on the top of my head in order to tie my hair up, and I don't think I will

stately paddlewheelers when it was tied up at Expo dispensing the famous

shopping centre. <p> She had been tied up, sexually assaulted and bashed

is, if you have a thousand dollars tied up in your boat and your battery,

shown in the catalogue. <p> <h> Get Tied up in Science </h> Inspired by

which are quite sinister, things tied up with the Americanisation of this

climate, who wants their money tied up in art that cannot be resold on

it doesn't matter there is probably tied up with the fact that's a kind of

The <ZF0> the erm books were all tied up with tape and the tape had burst

<tc text=pause> <ZF1> I <ZF0> I just tied the end up again and put it back in

know. And <tc text=pause> <ZGY> value tied up in <tc text=sighs> you know a

around and when she's got her hair tied up like me she pulls her hairband

Hairstyle If hair is long have it tied up with hair band <F02> Oh yeah.

Owner All the money that we have is tied up in a credit union. Right now, as

on his economic plan and nothing gets tied up on the House or Senate floor. <p>

I don't own a single house. They are tied up with companies." <p> Untie them."

us, made me help tie up Dad, and then tied me up!" When did all this happen?"

and a body. The spiritual aspect is tied up with our relationship with

and how'd a guy like Hall get tied up with that bunch?" <p> If you'll

you are willing to keep your money tied up for at least five years, forget

<p> <h> Man dies after ten days tied up in his flat </h> <b> Adam Fresco

while his wife and daughter were tied up in another room. <p> It has been

Tufnell, who just a six weeks ago had tied the Kiwis up in knots. <p> Instead,

controlled run, but Lorraine Hanson tied up badly over the last 100m to

Perkes </h> <p> A FRAIL pensioner was tied up and tortured in his bed by masked

them. <p> Everything seemed neatly tied up. It was as if Frank Bruno

rescue Raith's title dream after he tied up a move from St Johnstone. Boss

in the Govan area of Glasgow. He tied up a <KPD> 300,000 deal with Glasgow

Bring In

Corpus Total Number of Average Number per

Occurrences Million Words

sunnow 436 74.9/million

bbc 194 74.3/million

today 341 65.0/million

ukspok 584 63.0/million

times 350 60.7/million

npr 182 58.2/million

ukbooks 293 54.7/million

ukmags 223 45.5/million

usephem 52 42.5/million

usbooks 220 39.1/million

ukephem 113 36.2/million

oznews 192 36.0/million

Hit any key to continue...

Query is "bring@/VERB+4in/IN"

Term 1 in your query has been selected as the node

3180 matching lines

raise his foot from the ground and `bring it down in a stamping motion". <p>

design from an original angle. To bring `the outside in", she created huge

but, e.g., it is no use trying to bring in an adult married brother with

for vice chancellors to go out and bring money in <M02> Yeah. <M01> wasn't

then you go to the working party to bring in the big stuff <M01> Right. <F01>

So I says Oh I've one at home. I'll bring it in. <F02> Yeah. Yeah. <M17> But

because of the erm <ZF1> t t <ZF0> to bring discipline <ZF1> in <ZF0> in a

Union, the United States and Japan to bring about disarmament in Asia and the

in the agricultural sector and bring it in line with industry. In

<f> Thyself do grace to them and bring them in. <f> Exit Polonius. <f> He

already warned that a dry winter will bring more severe drought problems in the

a disparate mish-mash - it should bring in measures encouraging the use of

Justice is now considering whether to bring in such sticks. I would quite

for the top, absolutely. I'm going to bring Ronan in to give them advice and

There's a lot of people with jobs bringing in &pound; 100 a wee and less If a

this is something I try to keep bringing in. <ZF1> Not <ZF0> not every day

in their bases while the army was bringing in fresh officers by helicopter in

Seemed to be," Largo said. `She was bringing in the sheep because she was

well to strengthen their defence by bringing in Jason Cundy and Neil Ruddock.

WIMS in which brings IRIS in which brings FIP in it brings all of those

can do the job for us." McEneaney brings in rookies Dermot McDermott, Cyril

<p> <b> DAVIES R </b> Crime body brought in to probe MP's murder THE New

questions people asked me when they brought in a horse to part exchange. If

<F03> Probably because I was <ZF1> brought <ZF0> brought up in that era.

the extended opening hours we've brought in but that was brought in in

I've <ZF0> I've got I mean so I brought in a lot of the sort of church

to build, and he simply has not brought in enough gamblers to--to win the

They were at such a loss, they brought in the local sheriff from McLennan

we were going to land. Skilfully he brought us in on a small patch of grass

Accordingly every rouble invested brought in less income. There were more

of items on her shopping list are brought in from all over the world in

College of Nursing. <p> Police were brought in by a coroner to investigate the

he picks me for them." Durrant was brought in from the cold exactly a year

Ignore </subh> With the players we brought in we should have been challenging

claims Richard Gough will be brought in to help. <subh> Alien </subh>




Throw Down

Corpus Total Number of Average Number per

Occurrences Million Words

usbooks 46 8.2/million

ukbooks 29 5.4/million

today 23 4.4/million

sunnow 25 4.3/million

ukmags 13 2.7/million

times 15 2.6/million

bbc 6 2.3/million

ukspok 21 2.3/million

npr 7 2.2/million

oznews 9 1.7/million

usephem 1 0.8/million

ukephem 2 0.6/million

Hit any key to continue...

Query is "throw@/VERB+4down/IN"

Term 1 in your query has been selected as the node

197 matching lines

and police stood in disbelief, Jo threw down the knife which was specially

the famed director in Rome when he threw a cockroach down the front of her

of the process. We kicked back and threw down with some of the finest

used, who swore her daughter threw her down the steps again and

felt the fast pounding of her heart, threw the pillow down and raced from the

we needed help on the ground and I threw down the drag rope and shouted at a

thoughts. <326> In frustration she threw down the notes she'd been counting

a knife on Carlos last week. He threw her down two flights of stairs and

John's hand. The branch broke and he threw it down. Freeway was bleeding over

to go over the partition to him. I threw a clock down, and then I thought of

on the taboret beside the couch, and threw himself down, with a long sigh,

me the worst. <p> But instead he threw down a challenge. He told me to get

VIRGIN airline boss Richard Branson threw down a new cheap fares challenge to

to her nose. Burly Geoff Knights threw PC James Hall down a staircase

to beat, but the Newcastle keeper threw himself down to make a crucial

used they did <ZG1> g used to <ZG0> throw people down the bank <ZG1> yeah

<M0X> give me these dice <M0X> Throw the dice down <M0X> Who are you

<p> You have exactly one minute to throw down your weapons and come out,

for a slate quarry and they used to throw their dead sheep down it instead of

She went out into the garden to throw herself down the well. But

<f> looking out <f> She's gone now. Throw it down quickly, for the Lord knows

short mid-wicket and dived foward to throw down the stumps, running out Hegg

help from their 'fans', continue to throw their promotion chances down the

gate then come out and then was throwing down like through the gate into

faces." They often hunted all day, throwing themselves down in the shade

putting up salt-lick shelters, throwing down hay. When the white folks

should look on the bright side. Throwing all that money down the drain will

in your pocket it's money being thrown down the drain go and spend it don'

And by the time the gauntlet was thrown down by former Defence Secretary

to ecumenism. It seemed a gauntlet thrown down to the modern world. The

escaped after him. But the sun had thrown down a magic ring and killed her.

head, and abdomen; and finally thrown down a flight of iron steps. The

Sanderson said. A challenge was thrown down last year by Sir Anthony

<p> The 35-year-old victim was also thrown down a flight of stairs and had his

One of the oddest challenges he has thrown down to people in the street was to

Andy Warrington and McMillan throws down the line to Williams beaten in

high or a tree ten metres high. It throws down a tap more than 30 metres into

come here. <f> Mrs. Linde <f> <f> throws the dress down on the sofa <f> What'

himself to look untidy MDUL/He throws down the paper and crosses to fire-

Turn On

Corpus Total Number of Average Number per

Occurrences Million Words

sunnow 385 66.1/million

usbooks 329 58.5/million

today 267 50.9/million

ukbooks 235 43.9/million

ukmags 200 40.8/million

times 201 34.9/million

npr 94 30.0/million

oznews 160 30.0/million

usephem 35 28.6/million

ukspok 157 16.9/million

bbc 43 16.5/million

ukephem 46 14.7/million

Hit any key to continue...

Query is "turn@/VERB+4on/IN"

Term 1 in your query has been selected as the node

2152 matching lines

t have the appeal to make you want to turn on once the novelty wears off. <p>

alongside the wharf here and we'll turn on a tap, fill it up, and they can

the touch of just one knob, you can turn it on or off and adjust its

with lots of men who didn't really turn me on but who seemed like good

are other times though when it did turn on and off so the concept is still

in the retracted off position. To turn it on, simply extend the lamp. Needs

history's view of George Bush will turn on how he uses his unique leverage

wheeled platform like a skateboard. Turn it on and watch. The fan propels a

with cold as he passed. He saw Bud turn the dome light on and rearrange the

sexual feelings but that it helps turn someone on (thus making it the

producer Hula. <p> 86 FREAK POWER: Turn On, Tune In, Cop Out 1993; re-entry

the Comstrad man explains: first, you turn on your laptop. Then you insert

</bl> <dt> 09 April 1998 </dt> How to turn a woman on 0891 333 351 Add zing to

was so quiet I could hear the fridge turn on and the motor run. There was

in January, Glass has continued to turn on the style for the Dons. Now he

finally off, Spurs were able to turn on all the tricks and should have

But now it's all changing. You can't turn on the TV set without seeing some

So what you would do is you go and turn on the gas oven and sit with your

<p> He called in his local MP who turned the heat on the water company. <p>

suburb today, Catherine Andreyev turned the dial on a cannister of carbon

her and each other so much. She turned on the water, adjusting the

back, her finger on the button, then turned it on. Arakny watched as Olly

Up in the room we began unpacking. I turned on the television to provide Ted

forth over the windshield. Charlene turned on the radio and found a Madonna

sayin Miguel shook his head, but he turned on the car with a whoosh. I mean, I

tape into his playback machine and turned it on. It was there all right. It

with relish how the ambulance driver turned on the siren and flashing blue

looked good in them. To be honest it turned me on a bit. She also said I would

to do is little tiny things like turning the lights on. Now it turns the

who is saying that t Barnes never turns it on for England. <M03> Mm huh.

Just as women have to discover what turns their man on and how to give him









Kick Over

Corpus Total Number of Average Number per

Occurrences Million Words

today 14 2.7/million

sunnow 11 1.9/million

usbooks 8 1.4/million

oznews 6 1.1/million

times 6 1.0/million

ukmags 5 1.0/million

ukbooks 5 0.9/million

usephem 1 0.8/million

ukspok 6 0.6/million

npr 2 0.6/million

ukephem 0 0.0/million

bbc 0 0.0/million

Hit any key to continue...

Query is "kick@/VERB+4over/IN"

Term 1 in your query has been selected as the node

64 matching lines

all set up wrongly and so they would kick it over and go and buy Chinese (

him kicking opportunities. <p> I just kick over. <p> I don't count the points,"

To let him put you on his knees and kick you over. <tc text=pause> Let you

is catch that tube and it's going to kick the boat over and it usually ejects

<p> Drago dropped the gun. <p> Kick it over here." <p> Drago did as he

The dog's owner, Tony Oxley, saw them kick the ball over his fence and waved

them. <p> When Anderson blew up and kicked a chair over, McCracken and Dymock

<tc text=laughs> <M01> <ZGY> till he kicked the table over. <F0X> But we <ZF1>

foot. Not leaning. Not about to be kicked over. Only 2 in. long, fits easily

over a post where it would not be kicked over. Now what?" asked Arakny. Now

Both of them shattered. Then he kicked the table over, shouting at Lenny

with a clatter, and Mr. Trancas kicked it over the concrete behind him.

weighted with stones before being kicked over the edge of a scaffold

by its claws but one of the boys kicked it over. <p> The cat was crying

stormed off court swearing and kicked over a chair in the VIP area. <h>

the knifeman yelled obscenities and kicked over school desks. <p> Fifth-

treatment for stings after a boy kicked over a wasps' nest during a camping

it if I put men into the Drive, kicking dustbins over. <o> Quiet padding

we scattered two gun crews, kicking over powder barrels and slashing

He swung his feet to the floor, kicking over the whisky bottle. For a

as good as the words on their backs, kicking over a table to send plates and

side. Third-placed Hearts will be kicking themselves over the slump that's

as he screams out the lyrics. He kicks over his can of beer, he's 18 years

get trying to get <ZF1> he <ZF0> he kicks water over you erm you c you're
















Stick Out

Corpus Total Number of Average Number per

Occurrences Million Words

usbooks 53 9.4/million

ukspok 72 7.8/million

ukmags 36 7.3/million

ukbooks 36 6.7/million

times 35 6.1/million

today 31 5.9/million

sunnow 34 5.8/million

usephem 4 3.3/million

oznews 16 3.0/million

npr 9 2.9/million

bbc 5 1.9/million

ukephem 4 1.3/million

Hit any key to continue...

Query is "stick@/VERB+4out/IN"

Term 1 in your query has been selected as the node

335 matching lines

<p> They're just determined to stick it out. <p> For many of the younger

there are producers willing to stick their necks out occasionally and

suddenly, of their own accord, they stick their tongue out from the flat

ve got to go out there and sort of stick it out. And to be quite honest erm

I used to make a joke and I used to stick them out and say and do my Bugs

<M01> Yeah. It says er if you can stick a warning triangle out er fifty

they go to speek, their tongue might stick out or go up into the top of their

this time of year? Not likely. They'd stick out like a sore thumb for a start.'

redeeming conviction they had left to stick this one out, at least do what they

claptrap" I was trying to stick my neck out. <p> But now my

of Jupiter. <p> But if I have to stick my neck out, I'd say Eldorado will

He said I needed to get in and stick my foot out. I've never been a

a goner and had only one chance - to stick my arm out and hope for the best.

just the top half of the pilot sticking out of the foam. You have to be

him. I've got a great shot of him sticking his tongue out at me.' <p> David

me says Hill It was a case of him sticking his neck out, and I was also

up area if they had a pointed stick sticking out of the steering wheel aimed at

and shouting and having a huff. Sticking his bottom lip out. Folding his

long with a steel mounting bracket sticking out a little over 2&inch; to the

you will lie down with your feet sticking out over the rim where I can see

praise of the people of Berlin for sticking their necks out on the side of the

<p> But hold on. What's that sticking out of the wall next to the dart

too. He never appears with pyjamas sticking out of an antique suit, as Spencer

this time with a poacher's goal, sticking out a foot to divert the ball past

more than a small sandy bank sticking out of the sea. <p> The only

SOME celebrities just can't resist sticking out their tongues whenever a

the hole? <p> 1) No, but the hair sticks out. <p> 2) Blackheads mostly. <p>

your tooth," he says. `The one that sticks out. I used to have that <p> He

poured from broken taps on pipes that stuck out of the ground. <p> One splashed

were right. <F0X> <ZGY> I should have stuck it out <ZGY> I was wrong <ZGY> at

a bit longer. <M01> Now if he hasn't stuck it out a bit longer I can only

<M02> Absolutely hopeless. I stuck it out <tc text=coughs> it was a

Why not have two little black things stuck out there? They could be painted.

a look at some of the numbers that stuck out. <p> Delos Smith (Senior

get it out?" <p> My dear brother, I'm stuck out here. I can't trust anyone.

wife, in nightie and curlers, stuck her head out of the camper window,

on the first floor opened and Congo stuck his head out and shouted in his

Maybe I'll do better from now on." He stuck his hand out. `Friends?" Friends,"

hadn't deigned to touch his hay. She stuck her tongue out at him, then

Carry Down

Corpus Total Number of Average Number per

Occurrences Million Words

ukbooks 16 3.0/million

usbooks 15 2.7/million

ukspok 13 1.4/million

ukmags 5 1.0/million

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on all fours up the stairs and then carried Darren down to safety. <p> Tanya

Well the next morning dad and mum carried him down to the theatre. He didn't

re very helpful. I mean our MX once carried the whole thing down and left

of Room 224, wrapped and boxed, then carried down the stairs, across the foyer,

the morrow dawn Garin, Mic and Otho carried their gear down to the boathouse.

other and I said, `My God, they've carried him down into China." The Army

left their children with him and carried the boats down to the water. They

through waters that so recently carried the hill-mother Kondlamma down to

fell to the rough road. Coolies carried ironstone down from a quarry in

in the back of the Wagoneer. Snoot carried them down from the house in

here and there, waiting to be carried down to the kitchen. Liddie's room

Before he left the apartment, he carried it down the dark hall to the

the wire neck of the hanger. He carried everything down the attic stairs.

and a raspberry lime rickey. He carried them down to the river. Behind

those weeks ago. I extracted it and carried it back down the hall to where

now scheduled for attack. Deptula carried the completed plan down the hall

time to time while renovations are carried out. <p> <h> Thumbs down for

for life. <p> Joy's mother Janet carried her daughter down the street

we walk along. I get a few bits she carries it everything I sit down on a

now picked up the ball and we will carry it down the field. <p> By the end

are folded around the corners to carry the entablature <ZF1> down the s

same because most of the missionaries carry down from England is about the same

swung to one side outside the door to carry him down the alleyway. From under

for bringing me my goods." I'll carry them down for you. Where are you

easy walking, with a pack animal to carry their gear down a proper dwarven

do to turn aside my Wyrd. Shall I carry you down to the valley floor?" You

were already clearing a way for us to carry the giant boats down to the river.

or in the topsoil the worms will carry it down and do their cultivation

draining the flooded north-west and carrying the waters down to the massive

Gerard wangled himself onto the bus carrying fans down to the game. `It was a