How should the content be presented?

In designing an appropriate layout you should attempt to answer the follow questions:
+ What type of media will be presented?
+ In what sequence will the media be presented (are they all on the screen at once or is there some sequence)?
+ What is the target display size and proportion (especially the area the user will see at any given time)?
+ Do not forget to include the default tool-bar in figuring the available display space -- for example, a 640 X 480 pixel screen resolution setting, the display space is only approximately 600 X 330 pixels.
+ Unlike the printed page, the proportions of screen display areas are almost universally wider than they are high.
+ Be aware of larger screen areas when designing smaller layout designs (is there too much white space at the bottom or the sides?).
+ Must the content be easily printed? If so, the layout must be no wider than 7.5 inches. Also, the printed page should be identifiable independent of the rest of the site (e.g. frames problem).