6 claims that could be made about the significance of a contribution l.) Previous research or ways of approaching this topic are completely wrong: 'My research/approach is completely original -- doesn't link up with any tradition'. 2.) Previous research or ways of approaching this topic are mostly wrong: 'My research/approach is highly original -- quite different from what has gone before.' 3.) Previous research or ways of approaching this topic are somewhat wrong: 'My research/approach both fits in with tradition and departs from it in important ways.' 4.) Previous research or ways of approaching this topic are not wrong, but have missed/ignored some things: ‘My research/approach fills in the gaps left by previous research/approaches'. 5.) Previous research or ways of approaching this topic are essentially right, but can be extended: 'My research/approach is an extension of well established tradition.' 6.) Previous research or ways of approaching this topic are right and flawless: 'My research/approach is not original, but it replicates/lends support to previous research'. *Adapted from 'References to Other Researchers in Literary Research Articles', by Sally Jacoby published in English Language Research Journal, 1 (1987): 33-78.