"A DIFFERENT PLACE" 1ST MILESTONE: SEEING THE ISSUE. * Provocative problem case (paradigm case): a classroom drama and monologues of the individual participants Basic point: unrecognized cultural differences can cause interpersonal conflicts. 2ND MILESTONE: DEFINING THE PROBLEM. * Culture as habits of the mind and heart (of how we think and feel) * The concept of Value Orientations and its four dimensions: Authority, Relational, Activity, and Temporal. Basic point: A group's culture can be understood in terms of how its members define and perceive authority, human relations, activity, and time, and understanding culture in this way may provide a means to minimize cultural conflict in the classroom. 3RD MILESTONE: CHOOSING A SOLUTION (THE PORTION OF THE VIDEO WE DID NOT SEE). * See that "accommodation" is superior to "assimilation" * Create community Basic point: The makers of this video argue that we should view culture as habits of thinking and feeling that can vary along certain crucial dimensions and use this insight to build community. In building community, they argue, we should abandon the assimilation model (typified by Charlie: "It's our country. They're the ones who should [international students], not us.") in favor of accommodation, a model in which all change, learning to how to understand and respond to those of another culture (just as Amy and Johanna wished to do). 76-101