
New this week

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A1 Research Direction
A2 Kick'n Opportunities
A3 Concept Development
A4 Second Iteration
A5 Final Presentation




Team KiCK iT

Team Kick It is working to develop a interactive wireless product that utilizes third generation technology to connect a community or family.

"Form....gettin warmer." -Team Kick It

What's New for the Week of: October 30, 2001
We got everything in place to kick off our form and interaction explorations. We even had a Saturday meeting with Jodi to disscus our directions. Kick It is now split into two teams, one examining form, one screen interface.

Goals for the Week of October 23, 2001
Explore form concepts.

What we accomplished
For the week of October 30th:

Goals from the Week of November 6, 2001
A list of what we want to accomplish for next week.
  • Generate strong form and interaction concepts.
  • Get feedback on these concepts.

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Copyright 2001 Carnegie Mellon University. September, 2001.