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Class optionCalc.BSTNode


public class BSTNode
extends Node

Variable Index

 o left
A reference to the left subtree
 o right
A reference to the right subtree

Constructor Index

 o BSTNode(KeyInterface)
Do your initialization here.

Method Index

 o InsertElement(KeyInterface)
Inserts the given key in the binary search tree and adds it to the linked list (if it has not already been inserted).


 o left
 public BSTNode left
A reference to the left subtree

 o right
 public BSTNode right
A reference to the right subtree


 o BSTNode
 public BSTNode(KeyInterface k)
Do your initialization here.


 o InsertElement
 public Node InsertElement(KeyInterface k)
Inserts the given key in the binary search tree and adds it to the linked list (if it has not already been inserted). Returns a reference to the inserted/found node.

k - the (KeyInterface) data to insert
InsertElement in class Node

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