Systems Analysis and Design


Exercise 5


  1. Explain the inheritance principle as used in OOA. How does it apply to classification and assembly structures? (5)
  2. How is the encapsulation principle used in OOA? (5)
  3. How would you distinguish an <<extends>> relationship from a <<uses>> relationship in Use-Case models? (5)
  4. Explain the concept of an Association Class with an example. (5)


Object Diagram:

Prepare an object diagram showing at least ten relationships among the following object classes. Include associations, aggregations, and generalizations. As you prepare the diagram, you may need additional object classes. Finally add 15 attributes and at lest 5 operations to the object diagram.

School, playground, principal, school board, classroom, book, student, teacher, cafeteria, rest room, computer, desk. (20)