33-332 Physical Mechanics II

Course Overview

Physical Mechanics II is the second course in a two-semester sequence on advanced classical mechanics for physics majors. The course will begin with a review of coordinate systems, frames of reference, Newton's laws, and the concepts of energy, momentum, and angular momentum. Motion in noninertial reference frames and perturbation theory will then be studied, followed by the dynamics of rigid bodies, coupled oscillations, and nonlinear oscillations and chaos. Time permitting, Hamiltonian dynamics will be introduced. As in the first semester, this course is a quantitative one and will require the use of advanced mathematics to solve more difficult physical problems.

Course Outline

Test Dates

Test I Monday, February 9
Test II Monday, March 22
Test III Monday, April 12

Final Examination

Monday, May 3,   8:30am - 11:30am (3 hours)       DH 1112