from visual import * from visual.graph import * # A visualization of the Carnot cycle # Bruce Sherwood, December 2001 # A rough approximation is made that the connecting rod exerts a force # on the flywheel whose magnitude is the force of the gas on the piston. # This assumes that the piston has negligible mass compared to the flywheel # and it ignores geometrical issues associated with the piston at an angle. # Ignore intermolecular collisions. Note that when the engine gets going # very fast and the piston speed is comparable to the molecular speeds, # the velocity distribution becomes peculiar (y components dominate). def showT(): temp = T if T > TH: # small adjustments to eliminate e.g. '401 K' from displaying temp = TH elif T < TL: temp = TL thermometer.axis.y = temp*Tscale Tlabel.text = str(int(round(temp)))+' K' def showomega(): omegalabel.text = str(round(10.*L.z/Iwheel)/10.)+' rad/s' maxcount = 10000 # if > 0, pause every maxcount time steps (50 is a good value) # if maxcount very large, pause at end of each phase (isothermal or adiabatic) winh=800 winw=800 scene = display(title="Carnot Cycle", width=winw, height=winh, x=0, y=0) TH = 400.0 TL = 335.0 T = TH thick = 0.1 wide = 1. deep = wide high = 2. Lreservoir = 2.*deep offsetReservoir = 1.4*Lreservoir Tscale = (0.7*high)/T gamma = 1.4 # monatomic gas Rwheel = 0.8*wide Iwheel = 10. Rpin = 0.8*Rwheel theta = -0.9*pi/2. L = vector(0.,0.,0.) dt = 0.01 cylcolor = (0.788,0.788,0.788) pistoncolor = (1.000,0.704,0.000) cyl = frame() bottom = box(frame=cyl, pos=(0,-thick/2.,0), size=(wide,thick,deep), color=cylcolor) left = box(frame=cyl, pos=(-wide/2.-thick/2.,high/2.,-thick/2.), size=(thick,high+2.*thick,deep+thick), color=cylcolor) right = box(frame=cyl, pos=(wide/2.+thick/2.,high/2.,-thick/2.), size=(thick,high+2.*thick,deep+thick), color=cylcolor) back = box(frame=cyl, pos=(0,high/2.,-deep/2.-thick/2.), size=(wide,high+2.*thick,thick), color=cylcolor) front = box(frame=cyl, pos=(0,high/2.,deep/2.+thick/2.), size=(wide+2.*thick,high+2.*thick,thick), color=cylcolor) lifter = frame(frame=cyl, pos=(0,0.2*high+thick/2.,0)) wheel = cylinder(frame=cyl, pos=(0,2.*high,-2.*thick), axis=(0,0,thick), radius=Rwheel, color=cylcolor) axle = cylinder(frame=cyl, pos=wheel.pos-vector(0,0,2.*thick), axis=(0,0,3.5*thick), radius=thick/2., pin = cylinder(frame=cyl, pos=wheel.pos+Rpin*vector(cos(theta),sin(theta),0), axis=(0,0,3.*thick), radius=thick/2., stripes = frame(pos=wheel.pos) stripe1 = curve(frame=stripes, pos=[(-Rwheel,0,1.05*thick), (Rwheel,0,1.05*thick)], stripe2 = curve(frame=stripes, pos=[(0,-Rwheel,1.05*thick), (0,Rwheel,1.05*thick)], stripes.rotate(angle=theta, axis=(0,0,1)) piston = box(frame=lifter, pos=(0,0,0), size=(wide,thick,deep), color=pistoncolor) pivot = cylinder(frame=lifter, pos=piston.pos+vector(0,thick/2.,-thick/2.), axis=(0,0,thick), radius=thick/2., color=pistoncolor) rod = cylinder(frame=lifter, pos=(pivot.x,pivot.y,0), axis=cyl.pos+pin.pos-(lifter.pos+pivot.pos)-vector(0,0,pin.z), radius=thick/5., color=pistoncolor) Lrod = mag(rod.axis) thermometer = cylinder(frame=cyl, pos=(bottom.x+wide/2.+thick/2.,bottom.y+thick,deep/2.), radius=thick/5., axis=(0,T*Tscale,0), sphere(frame=cyl, pos=thermometer.pos, radius=thick/2., color=thermometer.color) Tlabel = label(frame=cyl, pos=(bottom.x+wide/2.+thick/2.+thick,bottom.y+high/2.,deep/2.), xoffset=10, line=0, box=0, text=str(int(round(T)))+' K') omegalabel = label(frame=cyl, pos=wheel.pos+vector(Rwheel,0,0), xoffset=10, line=0, box=0, text='0 rad/s') scene.autoscale = 0 = (0,0.8*high,0) THreservoir = frame(pos=bottom.pos+vector(0,-Lreservoir/2.-thick/2.,0)) box(frame=THreservoir, pos=(0,0,0),size=(Lreservoir,Lreservoir,Lreservoir), label(frame=THreservoir, pos=(0,0.4*Lreservoir,Lreservoir/2.), text=str(int(round(TH)))+' K', line=0, box=0) TLreservoir = frame(pos=THreservoir.pos+vector(offsetReservoir,0,0)) box(frame=TLreservoir, pos=(0,0,0),size=(Lreservoir,Lreservoir,Lreservoir), label(frame=TLreservoir, pos=(0,0.4*Lreservoir,Lreservoir/2.), text=str(int(round(TL)))+' K', line=0, box=0) gdisplay(title='PV', xtitle='V', ytitle='P', xmax=2.0, ymax=75, x=winw, y=0, width=400, height=winh) PV = gcurve(color=color.cyan) P = Pinitial = 66. # from old Ppiston+Nweights*Pweight = 12+3*18 T = Tinitial = TH showT() Natoms = 50 # change this to have more or fewer atoms Matom = 4E-3/6E23 # helium mass Ratom = 0.03 # wildly exaggerated size of helium atom k = 1.4E-23 # Boltzmann constant Atoms = [] colors = [,,, color.yellow, color.cyan, color.magenta] poslist = [] plist = [] mlist = [] rlist = [] offset = 1.1*Ratom pavg = sqrt(2.*Matom*1.5*k*TH)*(5E-5/dt) # average kinetic energy p**2/(2mass) = (3/2)kT for i in range(Natoms): Lmin = -wide/2.+offset Lmax = wide/2.-offset x = Lmin+(Lmax-Lmin)*random() Lmin = bottom.y+thick/2.+offset Lmax = lifter.y+piston.y-thick/2.-offset y = Lmin+(Lmax-Lmin)*random() Lmin = -deep/2.+offset Lmax = deep/2.-offset z = Lmin+(Lmax-Lmin)*random() Atoms = Atoms+[sphere(pos=(x,y,z), radius=Ratom, color=colors[i % 6])] angle = pi*random() phi = 2*pi*random() px = pavg*sin(angle)*cos(phi) py = pavg*sin(angle)*sin(phi) pz = pavg*cos(angle) poslist.append((x,y,z)) plist.append((px,py,pz)) mlist.append(Matom) rlist.append(Ratom) pos = array(poslist) p = array(plist) m = array(mlist) m.shape = (Natoms,1) # Numeric Python: (1 by Natoms) vs. (Natoms by 1) radius = array(rlist) pos = pos+(p/m)*(dt/2.) # initial half-step corner1 = array((-wide/2.+offset,bottom.y+thick/2.+offset,-deep/2.+offset)) corner2 = array((wide/2.-offset,lifter.y+piston.y-thick/2.-offset,deep/2.-offset)) picked = None yinitial = lifter.y # begin isothermal expansion at TH (phase 0) phase = 1 plot = 1 plotcolor = count = maxcount scene.mouse.getclick() front.visible = 0 scene.mouse.getclick() while 1: rate(500) torque = cross(pin.pos-wheel.pos,P*norm(rod.axis)) # approximate force L += torque*dt dtheta = (L.z/Iwheel)*dt theta += dtheta stripes.rotate(angle=dtheta, axis=(0,0,1)) pin.pos = (wheel.x+Rpin*cos(theta),wheel.y+Rpin*sin(theta),pin.z) oldy = (cyl.y+wheel.y)-(lifter.y+rod.y) newy = -Rpin*sin(theta)+sqrt(Lrod**2-(Rpin*cos(theta))**2) deltay = oldy-newy oldliftery = lifter.y lifter.y += deltay rod.axis = (cyl.pos+pin.pos)-(lifter.pos+rod.pos)-vector(0,0,pin.z) if phase == 1 or phase == 3: # isothermal P = P*oldliftery/lifter.y else: # adiabatic P = P*(oldliftery/lifter.y)**gamma T = Tinitial*(P*lifter.y)/(Pinitial*yinitial) showT() showomega() if plot: PV.plot(pos=(lifter.y,P), color=plotcolor) if phase == 1: # isothermal expansion if lifter.y >= 1.1: phase = 2 plotcolor = color.yellow if maxcount > 0 and count != 0: scene.mouse.getclick() THreservoir.x -= offsetReservoir if maxcount > 0 and count != 0: count = maxcount scene.mouse.getclick() elif phase == 2: # adiabatic expansion if pin.x < 0 and T >= TL: phase = 3 plotcolor = color.cyan if maxcount > 0 and count != 0: scene.mouse.getclick() TLreservoir.x -= offsetReservoir if maxcount > 0 and count != 0: count = maxcount scene.mouse.getclick() elif phase == 3: # isothermal compression if lifter.y <= 0.7: phase = 4 plotcolor = color.yellow if maxcount > 0 and count != 0: scene.mouse.getclick() TLreservoir.x += offsetReservoir if maxcount > 0 and count != 0: count = maxcount scene.mouse.getclick() else: # adiabatic compression if T >= TH: phase = 1 plotcolor = plot = 0 if maxcount > 0 and count != 0: scene.mouse.getclick() THreservoir.x += offsetReservoir if maxcount > 0 and count != 0: count = maxcount scene.mouse.getclick() maxcount = 0 count -= 1 if count == 0: count = maxcount scene.mouse.getclick() # Update all positions of gas molecules pos = pos+(p/m)*dt # Bounce off walls outside = less_equal(pos,corner1) # walls closest to origin p1 = p*outside p = p-p1+abs(p1) # force p component inward corner2 = array((wide/2.-offset,lifter.y+piston.y-thick/2.-offset,deep/2.-offset)) outside = greater_equal(pos,corner2) # walls farther from origin p1 = p*outside p = p-p1-abs(p1) # force p component inward dp = 2.*Matom*deltay/dt hit = greater(pos+(p/m)*dt,array((wide,lifter.y+piston.y-thick/2.-offset,deep))) p1 = p*hit p = p-p1-abs(p1)+dp*hit if deltay < 0: # piston headed down, move molecules down if above piston pos = pos-pos*hit+(lifter.y+piston.y-thick/2.-offset)*hit # Make sure the current average energy is consistent with the current temperature pavgnow = sum(mag(p))/Natoms p = p*sqrt(T/Tinitial)*(pavg/pavgnow) # Update positions of display objects for i in range(Natoms): Atoms[i].pos = pos[i]