from visual import * from string import find print """ Bruce Sherwood Fall 2000 Model the propagation of sound through a metal. Linear chain of (N+2) atoms, first and last atoms fixed in position. Atoms connected by interatomic "springs" (16 N/m for Al, 5 N/m for Pb). Four parts of program to model propagation of sound through a metal: (1) Click an atom to displace it, then click repeatedly to see motion. (2) Same as (1), but also shows graph of displacements. (3) Click an atom to displace it, click anywhere when pulse reaches right end. (4) Same as (3), but lead atoms (Pb) instead of aluminum (Al). Move to next part or back by clicking an atom at the end of the chain. Atoms at the end of the chain are fixed in position. """ sw = scene.width = 800. sh = scene.height = 600. scene.x = scene.y = 0 scene.userzoom = scene.userspin = 0 gray = (0.5,0.5,0.5) def cleaneformat(string): # convert 2.5E-006 to 2.5E-6; 2.5E+006 to 2.5E6 index = find(string, 'E') if index == -1: return string # not E format index = index+1 if string[index] == '-': index = index+1 elif string[index] == '+': string = string[:index]+string[index+1:] while string[index] == '0': string = string[:index]+string[index+1:] return string def makeinvisible(axis, disp, atoms, ticks, labels): axis.visible = 0 disp.visible = 0 for atom in atoms: atom.visible = 0 for tick in ticks: tick.visible = 0 for lab in labels: lab.visible = 0 def propagate(N, metal, showcurve=1, d = properties[metal]['d'] # inter-nuclear distance m = properties[metal]['m'] # mass of one atome ks = properties[metal]['ks'] # effective stiffness of interatomic "spring" force dxinitial = 0.3*d # initial displacement of touched atom sy = ((N+2)*d)*(sh/sw) # height of display in world coordinates yoffset = d+(sy-d)/2. # location of curve centerline axis = curve(pos=[(0,yoffset,-d/10.), ((N+1)*d,yoffset,-d/10.)], color=gray, visible=showcurve) scale = 2.*((sy-d)/2.)/dxinitial # scale up graph of displacements if N <= 10: scale = scale/2. disp = curve(color=color.cyan, visible=showcurve) for nn in range(N+2): disp.append(pos=(nn*d,yoffset,0)) atoms = [] ticks = [] for nn in range(N+2): # movable masses from 1 to N; end atoms fixed atoms.append(sphere(pos=(nn*d,0.5*d,0), radius=0.5*d, color=atomcolor)) atoms[nn].p = vector(0,0,0) if N <= 10: if not (nn == 0 or nn == (N+1)): ticks.append(curve(pos=[(nn*d,1.1*d,0),(nn*d,1.5*d,0)], color=gray)) atoms[0].color = gray atoms[N+1].color = gray labels = [0,0,0] labels[0] = label(pos=atoms[0].pos+vector(0,d/2.,0), text='Back', yoffset=10, linecolor=gray) labels[1] = label(pos=atoms[N+1].pos+vector(0,d/2.,0), text='Next', yoffset=10, linecolor=gray) s = '%d %s atoms, ' % (N, metal) + cleaneformat('%1.1E m' % ((N+1)*d)) labels[2] = label(pos=((N+1)*d/2.,d/2.,0), yoffset=10, height=20, text= s, visible=0, box=0, line=0) if N > 10: labels[2].visible = 1 if showcurve: = ((N+1)*d/2.,sy/2.,0) else: = ((N+1)*d/2.,0,0) while 1: scene.mouse.getclick() # watch for clicking an atom to displace it if scene.mouse.pick in atoms: ith = atoms.index(scene.mouse.pick) if ith == 0 or ith == N+1: # clicked an end atom makeinvisible(axis, disp, atoms, ticks, labels) if ith == 0: return 'Back' else: return 'Next' atoms[ith].x = ith*d+dxinitial disp.y[ith] = yoffset+scale*dxinitial break t = 0. while 1: # main loop; for N <= 10 click to advance, else free run if N <= 10 or scene.mouse.clicked: scene.mouse.getclick() if scene.mouse.pick in atoms: ith = atoms.index(scene.mouse.pick) if ith == 0 or ith == N+1: makeinvisible(axis, disp, atoms, ticks, labels) if ith == 0: return 'Back' else: return 'Next' if N > 10.: break rate(100) for nn in range(1, N+1): Fright = ks*(atoms[nn+1].x-atoms[nn].x-d) # force exerted by atom to right Fleft = -ks*(atoms[nn].x-atoms[nn-1].x-d) # force exerted by atom to left atoms[nn].p.x = atoms[nn].p.x+(Fright+Fleft)*dt # update momentum for nn in range(1, N+1): # after updating all momenta, update positions atoms[nn].x = atoms[nn].x+(atoms[nn].p.x/m)*dt disp.y[nn] = yoffset+scale*(atoms[nn].x-nn*d) t = t+dt if N > 10: s = 'v = %0.0f m/s' % ((N-ith)*d/t) # speed of sound arr = arrow(pos=(atoms[ith].x,0.1*N*d,0), axis=(atoms[N].x-atoms[ith].x,0,0), shaftwidth=d, color=color.cyan) report = label(pos=arr.pos+0.5*arr.axis, height=20, yoffset=15, text=s, box=0, line=0) print s scene.mouse.getclick() arr.visible = 0 report.visible = 0 if scene.mouse.pick in atoms: ith = atoms.index(scene.mouse.pick) if ith == 0 or ith == N+1: makeinvisible(axis, disp, atoms, ticks, labels) if ith == 0: return 'Back' else: return 'Next' makeinvisible(axis, disp, atoms, ticks, labels) return 'Next' def setstate(ret, state, maxstate): if ret == 'Next': state = state+1 else: state = state-1 if state < 0: state = maxstate if state > maxstate: state = 0 return state properties = {'Al': {'m': 27e-3/6e23, 'ks': 16., 'd': (1./2.7e-3)**(1./3.)*0.01}, 'Pb': {'m': 207e-3/6e23, 'ks': 5., 'd': (1./11.6e-3)**(1./3.)*0.01} } for metal in properties.keys(): properties[metal]['d'] = properties[metal]['d']*properties[metal]['m']**(1./3.) dt = 2.*pi*sqrt(properties['Al']['m']/properties['Al']['ks'])/30. dAl = properties['Al']['d'] state = 0 maxstate = 3 while 1: if state == 0: length = 10.*dAl N = int(length/properties['Al']['d']) scene.range = (N+4)*dAl/2. ret = propagate(N, 'Al', showcurve=0) state = setstate(ret, state, maxstate) elif state == 1: length = 10.*dAl N = int(length/properties['Al']['d']) scene.range = (N+4)*dAl/2. ret = propagate(N, 'Al', showcurve=1) state = setstate(ret, state, maxstate) elif state == 2: length = 100.*dAl N = int(length/properties['Al']['d']) scene.range = 1.1*length/2. ret = propagate(N, 'Al', showcurve=1) state = setstate(ret, state, maxstate) elif state == 3: length = 100.*dAl N = int(length/properties['Pb']['d']) scene.range = 1.1*length/2. ret = propagate(N, 'Pb', showcurve=1, state = setstate(ret, state, maxstate)