6A. Deformed Shape Plot and Extracting Nodal Values

In this step, we are going to obtain the deformed shape plot to see how the displacement boundary conditions and the applied load affect the plate.

General Postproc

Plot Results

PLOT RESULTS -> Deformed shape

PLOT DEFORMED SHAPE -> click on Def + undeformed.

Click OK.

On the ANSYS Graphics window should now appear a blue deformed plate. The dashed shape represents the undeformed plate.

It is clear that the plate has lengthened uniformly in the x-direction and contracted uniformly in the y-direction as expected. Also the plate deformations satisfy the displacement constraints.

You can now query stress, strain and displacement values directly off of your deformed mesh plot.

MAIN MENU -> General Postproc

      GENERAL POSTPROC -> Query Results

QUERY RESULTS -> Subgrid Solution


QUERY NODAL SOLUTION DATA -> Click on Stress X-direction

Select any node you want to know its stress in x direction. The stress in x direction of nodes you selected will appear right next to the nodes (as in the figure below).

Do the same steps to get the results for strain xx, strain yy, and displacement in x and y directions. (Go back to the steps where you click on Subgrid Solution. Then instead of clicking on Stress X-direction, you should click on Strain XX or Strain YY)

The plots should look something like figures below. (To clear the old values before querying new values, go to Plot on the menu bar, then choose Replot)

To display strain in X-direction.


To display Displacement in X-direction.

<--------Displacement X-dir
Note: The number in the red circle is the maximum displacement on the far right edge of the plate.

<--------Displacement Y-dir