17-654 -- Spring 2000

Somesh Jha
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

The purpose of the course is to teach analysis techniques for artifacts that arise during various phases of the software process. Some of the topics that are covered are model checking, object modeling, testing metrics, and statistical methods. Focus of the course is on fundamentals.

Time and Place:
Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:30-7:50pm in SEI A104.
A detailed schedule for lectures and homeworks can be found here [PS, PDF].

Somesh Jha (
Office: Wean 3112 (Phone: 412-268-5544)

Teaching Assistant:
Joao Pedro Sousa (
Office hours: TBA.

We will distribute detailed class notes. See the Class Notes page.
The following text book will be required for second half of the class. Please buy it from your favorite online publisher.

Statistical Methods in Software Engineering (Reliability and Risk), N.D. Singpurwalla and S.P. Wilson, Springer-Verlag, New York, Inc.

Announcements and Questions and Answers:

Grading and Homework Policy:

Suggestions/guidelines for project:

Useful Links: