# (16-726): Project 1 starter Python code # credit to https://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs194-26/fa18/hw/proj1/data/colorize_skel.py # these are just some suggested libraries # instead of scikit-image you could use matplotlib and opencv to read, write, and display images import numpy as np import skimage as sk import skimage.io as skio # name of the input file imname = 'cathedral.jpg' # read in the image im = skio.imread(imname) # convert to double (might want to do this later on to save memory) im = sk.img_as_float(im) # compute the height of each part (just 1/3 of total) height = np.floor(im.shape[0] / 3.0).astype(np.int) # separate color channels b = im[:height] g = im[height: 2*height] r = im[2*height: 3*height] # align the images # functions that might be useful for aligning the images include: # np.roll, np.sum, sk.transform.rescale (for multiscale) ### ag = align(g, b) ### ar = align(r, b) # create a color image im_out = np.dstack([ar, ag, b]) # save the image fname = '/out_path/out_fname.jpg' skio.imsave(fname, im_out) # display the image skio.imshow(im_out) skio.show()