15-498 Course Staff


Name: Gregory Kesden
Email: gkesden@cs.cmu.edu
Url: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~gkesden
Office: WeH 8020 (right in front of the elevators on the 8th floor)
Office phone: 412-268-1590
Home phone: 412-687-6198
Office hours: 11:30-12:20MWF and 3:30-4:20TuTh

Please note:

Office hours are times that I do my best to reserve exclusively for "drop in - no appointment" meetings with students, but I am often available at times other than office hours.

Please don't hesitate to call or drop by at other times, or to request an appointment. Office hours are convenient -- if they are convenient for you. If not, please, please, please email or call for an appointment, or just take your chances and drop by -- if I'm not teaching, I'm likely here.

Please remember -- I'm here to help. I appreciate the opportunity to serve you. Do give me the chance.

Some students have found it useful to finger me at my UNIX workstation, gigo.sp.cs.cmu.edu, or the departmental cycle server ux8.sp.cs.cmu.edu. If I have a reasonably short idle time on either machine and I'm logged in locally or from my Windows box fubar.sp.cs.cmu.edu, chances are that I'm in my office.

Please note: Both my home and office phones forward to my cell phone. Feel free to call anytime at any hour. Generally speaking, I turn my phone off when it is inconvenient to answer.

Need Help?

I can't emphasize enough -- I'm here to help!