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January 25, 2008 (Lecture 6)



XML is here. XML is not a fad. XML is not hype. If you haven't already, I predict that you will write an XML application within the next few years. I fear that the only ways out are a change of vocation, prison, or death.

Extensible Markup Language (XML): Overview

The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a text mark-up language similar in appearance to HTML. Both HTML and XML, for example, use <tags>. But, despite the cosmetic similarity, XML and HTML have very different missions in the world.

Despite recent revisions that blurr its purpose, HTML is basically a presentation language. Although only loosely, it allows a document author to describe how various elements of a document should appear when interpreted by the client-agent. For example HTML can describe the font's size, style, and color, or the placement of an image. It also allows the author to describe the structure of a document, including such things as paragraphs and headers, so that the client-agent can display them appropriately. It also allows documents to be linked to each other through the now ubiquitous hypertext links.

XML, by contrast, describes the structure of the document and the meaning of its elements, not how they should be displayed. In many cases, XML documents are only processed and never displayed. In those cases where they are displayed, the XML document, which contains the annoted data, must be further described, for example by XSL or CSS, to allow for its meaningful presentation.

Some people like to suggest that XML is a language for describing the semantics of data. I, for one, think that this type of language might be a little strong. Yes, a well-formed XML document can often, without any further information, be meaningfully interpreted by a human reader. But, this isn't only the case -- and is almost never the case in situations where the context of the data isn't already known to the reader. Proper XML can always be parsed by an ignorant machine -- but nothing meaningful will happen unless the machine has been programmed to solve a problem with the given data.

Suggesting that XML describes the semantics of data is correct -- but no more so than suggesting that well-formed and well-named data structures describe the semantics of a program.

Why is XML important?

XML is critically important, because it is what it promises to be, an extensible way of describing data, while remaining light-weight portable and transferable, and human-friendly.

One of the most critical problems is the representation of data. It appears any time data is acquired, stored, or interchanged. XML is "one solution that fits all". Plain text can be represented everywhere and interchanged among environments without much difficulty. Furthermore, since XML tags are defined by the document author, not the standard writer, and because XML supports namespaces, XML is truly extensible.

Additionally, standards have evolved around XML to handle all of the peripheral challenges of producing real-world solutions using XML. For example, applications can be created rapidly using DOM or SAX-2, and the presentation of XML can be described using XSL or CSS. Futhermore DTDs and Schemas can be used to describe XML formats. As a result DTDs and Schemas are natural tools for describing the protocol between components of an application and validating the compliance of the implementation.

A Few Details of the XML Language

A full discussion of XML is beyond the scope of 15-498. There are tons of great resources at the local bookstore and on the Web. But, here are a few observations that will get us through the 15-498 material: using XML as a tool for marshalling RPC.

Metadata: ?xml

Unlike HTML documents, there are no tags to begin or end the document. There isn't a header, per se, either. Instead XML documents begin with a simple prologue. Althought this prologue is technically option, in practice, it is almost alwasy used -- as it should be.

This is a minimal prologue, identifying only the version of XML.

<?xml version="1.0">

Here is another one, this time it also indicates the character set.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1">

Metadata: target Specification

The same data type might be used by different types of applications. For example, a data type describing a customer order might be processed by either a sale application, a refund application, or a backorder application. In some cases, the target application can be encoded into the data type. But, in other cases, the type is an established standard and cannot be changed.

To solve this problem, XML provides the ?target tag. It specifies application specific metadata that is not part of the document:

<?target BLAH BLAH?>

Open Tags Must Be Closed

Unlike HTML, open tags must be closed. In other words, each <tag> must have a corresponding </tag>. No, really -- you must do this. Anything is is an error and will be recognized as such by the parser at the other end. In those cases where a tag stands by itself, rather than denotes a boundary, a slightly different form is used: <tag/>. This type of tag does does not need to be, and should not be, closed.


In HTML, valid tags were defined by the standard. In XML, programmers can define their own elements and attributes. This definition usually takes the form of a DTD or Schema specification, which we'll discuss shortly.

One consesequence of this is that different applications might use the same tags in different ways. As a result, the name space can't be global -- it would be polluted without effort. To address this potential problem, XML implements name spaces. Name spaces are simply defined using a locator, such as a URL.

A namespace can be set within the beginning tag of an element. It then applies as the default to that element and to all elements nested within it:

<elementName xmlns=>

When a particular instance of an element should use another namespace, the namespace can be named explicitly within the tag. This is done using the : operator as shown below. "ns" is the name of the namespace. Notice how it is used as the prefix of the elementName and specified through a URL via the "xmlns" attribute.

<ns:elementName xmlns:ns=>


XML's mechanism for specifying the queivalent of HTML HREFs is the "xlink: attribute. It can be applied to any tag. Notice the example below which link's my first name and last name, nested within the person element, to by Web page:

<person xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="">

The link above is a one-to-one link, much as is provided in HTML. In addition, XML can actually provide a one-to-many link, as is shown below. In the example below, there are three different links from "phone" -- to a cell phone, office phone, and home phone.

<person xlink:type="extended"">
<phone xlink:type="locator" xml:label="cell" href="cell.html"/>
<phone xlink:type="locator" xml:label="office" href="office.html"/>
<phone xlink:type="locator" xml:label="home" href="home.html"/>

Related Technologies: Specifying an XML format

Many, many technologies have sprung up around XML. We certainly can't even mention all of them today, never mind discuss them in detail. But, I do want to give you a quick lay of the land, just so you'll be a little more conversational and have some sense of the tools that are available.

One of the most critical aspects of making XML applications work is describing the data format. This is, in effect, the protocol that will be used between the components. A good specification will serve not only as a document for the programmer, but also as a device for the application to validate its input. There are two common approaches to this task: Document Type Definitions (DTDs) and Schemas.

My favorite of the two is also the least powerful, the DTD. To dilute the value of my opinion, I will tell you that DTDs only all the specification of the structure of an XML document, but not the type associated with the elements. Some people also consider the syntax of DTDs to be a bit overcomplicated. What to say in my defense? One is comfortable with what one has used -- and many, many people do use DTDs.

The other alternative is to use an XML Schema. Schemas, as a tool for describing the structure and type of data, are a very old tool -- they are a popular device in database design, for example. There is an adopted standard language for specifying schemas for XML. This language allows the writing of a specification, similar in function to a DTD, but it is typed and somewhat more flexible in structure. The increased flexibility, as you might imagine, can result in a much looser and less manageable specification.

Related Technologies: APIs

Application programmers don't need to write their applications from scratch. Two popular technologies make this task much easier: The Document Object Model (DOM) and the Simple API for XML (SAX-2).

Of these two, DOM is my less favored. This is because DOM builds and keeps in memory a tree representing the entire XML document. For example, consider the document shown below:

<?xml version="1.0"> <person> <fname>Greg</fname> <lname>Greg</lname> <phone> <home>412-687-6198</home> <office>412-268-1590</office> </phone> </person>

This can be represented as the tree below:

DOM builds this tree as the XML document is being processed, and then uses the tree to process the document -- this can take up a huge number of resources, especially for large documents. And, it is especially wasteful if only a small component of the document is actually of concern.

For most of the limited work I've done with XML, I've found SAX-2 (the second version of SAX), to be a much more user-friendly model. It works very, very loosely like yacc. It ties the recognition of features of an XML document to code that should be activated when they are found. For example, if some action should be taken when a first name is located, SAX is an excellent tool. But, there are no absolutes here -- we can all think up plenty of examples that require the state of multiple parts of the document to act -- in which case DOM becomes a reasonable model.


XML is an excellent tool for representing RPC calls or RMI invocations. All of the important pieces of information, including the method name, paramters, and return values, can be specified using XML. XML-RPC is a standard for doing that and is supported in many languages and evnironments through libraries.

XML-RPC is a fairly intuitive serialization of method invocations, returns, and faults. These messages are typically sent via HTTP's POST method. The format of the messages is readily seen by example.

A Simple Example of an RPC Call

The only thing in the example below that isn't intuitive is that there is no specification of the return value. This is because one isn't needed. The reason is that the format for the return value is known a prior. Programs know whether or not a function will return a value and, if it does, what type it will be. As a result, there is no reason to specify this.

  User-Agent: SomeRPCClient/1.0.0 (HostOSName)
  Content-Type: text/xml
  Content-length: 184

  <?xml version="1.0">
            <value><string>Gregory Kesden</string></name>
            <value><string>Forbes Avenue</string></name>
            <name>Building number</name>

A Simple Example Of An RPC Response

There isn't much suprising in this example of the return of an RPC procedure:
  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  Connection: close
  Content-length: 180
  Content-Type: text/xml
  Content-length: 184
  Date: Fri 24 Jan 2003 04:04:02 GMT
  Server: SomeRPCProgram/1.0.0-HostOSName

  <?xml version="1.0">
      <value><string>Greg Kesden</string></value>

A Fault During An RPC Call

The example below shows how XML-RPC specifies the failure of an RPC call. The return contains a short fault code, and a more meaningful, more intuitive explanation:

  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  Connection: close
  Content-length: 180
  Content-Type: text/xml
  Content-length: 184
  Date: Fri 24 Jan 2003 04:04:02 GMT
  Server: SomeRPCProgram/1.0.0-HostOSName

  <?xml version="1.0">
            <value>Bad things happen to good people, but who are you?

The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)

Another XML-based technique for implementing RPC is through the Simple OBject Access Protocol (SOAP). Although this protocol was initially conceived to solve exactly this problem, it has grown into a much more general-purpose protocol. As it stands now, it can be used to send almost any type of message within an application or among applications in a networked environment.

A SOAP message consists of an optional header and a body contained within an envelope. The header contains metadata needed for processing the message and the body contains the message itself. SOAP messages can pass through intermediaries on their way to the final destination. As a result, the header might, for example, contain information about how intermediaries should interact with the message. RPC via SOAP doesn't require a header.

In general, a SOAP message has the form:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">

  <! the header >

  <! the body >


RPC via SOAP doesn't require a header, but let's take a look at an example, anyway, just for completeness. The header below includes the mustUnderstand attribute. This instructs the processor that it must understand a nested SOAP message, or it should fault. There are other options within a header, as well.

  <soap:soapRPCrequest soap:mustUnderstand="1"

A SOAP RPC Procedure Call

The example below illustrates how SOAP can be used to marshall an RPC call. For the most part, it is pretty intuitive, but there are a couple of things that I'd like to point out.

First, please notice the SOAPAction: line in the HTTP header. This line is option. It provides the URL of a plain-language description of what the SOAP body is trying to accomplish, for example, invoking a remote method.

The second is the the use of the xsd name space and the related type definitions. "xsd" is an abbrevation of XML Schema Datatypes. These data types are contained, no surprise, within the "xsd" namespace. The xsd data types serve much the same purpose for RPC within SOAP as XDR serves for ONC RPC and CDL serves for CORBA.

POST /NameOfService HTTP/1.1
Content-type: text/xml
Content-length: 500
SOAPAction: ""

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">

    <ns:someProcedure xmlns:ns=>"
      <ns:someParameter xsi:type="xsd:string">SomeString</ns:someParameter>
      <ns:someOtherParm xsi:type="xsd:int">10

The Return of a SOAP RPC Call

The code below shows the return from an RPC call. It should be very self-documenting:

HTTP 1.1 200 OK
Content-type: text/xml
Content-length: 500

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">

  <! SOAP RPC doesn't need a header -- this piece is just for conversation>
  <soap:soapRPCrequest soap:mustUnderstand="1"

    <ns:someProcedure xmlns:ns=">
      <ns:someReturn xsi:type="xsd:string">ReturnValue</ns:someReturn>

Problems During an RPC Call

As is the case with any RPC call, bad things can happen. And, as is the case in any remote invocation facility, SOAP's RPC needs to be able to handle this. It does this by returning a fault as shown below. I think the format is pretty self-documenting.

HTTP 1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-type: text/xml
Content-length: 500

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">

    <faultstring>Bad things happen to good people.</faultcode>

Some Good Reading Material on the Web