package rmi; import test.*; /** Sample unit test for the class SampleClassUnderTest.

Unit tests, unlike conformance tests, are located in the same package as the classes they are testing. This means they are not restricted to testing only the public interfaces of the classes in each package - they can also access the package-private classes and methods in their package.

Unit tests are isolated from the code they are testing. They are kept under the unit/ directory.

Delete this class and SampleClassUnderTest before submitting your code. */ public class SampleUnitTest extends Test { /** Test notice. */ public static final String notice = "running sample unit test"; /** Performs the sample test. @throws TestFailed If the test fails. */ @Override protected void perform() throws TestFailed { SampleClassUnderTest sample = new SampleClassUnderTest(); if(sample.triple(4) != 3 * 4) throw new TestFailed("triple returned incorrect result"); } }