/** Unit tests.

Each unit test resides in the same package as the code it is testing - unlike a conformance test, which resides in a separate package. This allows the unit test to test package-private classes and methods.

Unit tests must be written to match the internal structure of each version of this project. This package is provided for your convenience for you to test your own code, if you wish to use the package for this.

To create a new unit test, create a .java file in a subdirectory of unit/, and place in it a public class derived from {@link test.Test}. For example, if you intend to write a test for locks in the naming server, you might create a new file unit/naming/LockTest.java. The class in the new file should reside in the same package as the class being tested. In the example, the first Java directive in the file LockTest.java would be package naming.

After creating your test, add its class to the array of tests in the main method of unit.UnitTest. To run all unit tests, execute java -cp .:unit unit.UnitTest from the command line. On a Windows system, execute java -cp ".;unit" unit.UnitTests instead. */ package unit;