package test; import*; import java.lang.*; import java.lang.ref.*; /** Temporary directories for testing.

Temporary directories are created under the directory given by the system property Each has the name dist-systems-n, where n is a number between 0 and 1023.

Temporary directories should be removed manually by calling remove. If, however, this function is not called, they will be removed automatically when the virtual machine exits. */ public class TemporaryDirectory { /** File object representing the directory. */ private final File directory; /** Flag used to indicate that the directory has already been removed. This is used to allow multiple calls to remove. Calls after the first one should not remove the directory - because the directory may have been since re-created for another purpose. */ private boolean removed; /** Upper bound on temporary directory name suffixes. */ private static final int bound = 1024; /** Creates a temporary directory. @throws FileNotFoundException If a directory cannot be created. This can occur due to permissions problems, or due to the exhaustion of temporary directory names. */ public TemporaryDirectory() throws FileNotFoundException { String temp_root_name = System.getProperty(""); File temp_root = new File(temp_root_name); for(int index = 0; index < bound; ++index) { String name = "dist-systems-" + index; File attempt = new File(temp_root, name); if(attempt.mkdir()) { directory = attempt; removed = false; // Make sure the directory is removed on virtual machine exit. Thread hook = new Thread(new CleanupShutdownHook(this)); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(hook); return; } } throw new FileNotFoundException("unable to create temporary directory"); } /** Recursively deletes a directory. @param file The directory to be deleted. @return true if the directory is successfully deleted, and false otherwise. */ private boolean deleteRecursive(File file) { if(file.isDirectory()) { for(String child : file.list()) { if(!deleteRecursive(new File(file, child))) return false; } } return file.delete(); } /** Removes a temporary directory.

This method may be called multiple times. If the directory is successfully removed, subsequent calls will do nothing. This ensures that subsequent calls to remove will not delete a new temporary directory created for another purpose. */ public synchronized void remove() { if(!removed) { removed = deleteRecursive(directory); } } /** Retrieves the File object representing the temporary directory. @return The File object. */ public File root() { return directory; } /** Recursively adds a file to the temporary directory. @param path Path to the file, represented as an array of path components. The subdirectory in which the file is located is created if it does not exist. @return A File object representing the new file. @throws IllegalArgumentException If path represents the temporary directory itself. @throws IOException If the file cannot be created. */ private File addPrivate(String[] path) throws IOException { if(path.length < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("path is the root directory"); // Find or create the directory in which the file will be located. File current_directory = directory; for(int index = 0; index < path.length - 1; ++index) { current_directory = new File(current_directory, path[index]); current_directory.mkdir(); if(!current_directory.isDirectory()) { throw new IOException("path component " + path[index] + " is " + "not a directory or cannot be created"); } } // Create the file. File file = new File(current_directory, path[path.length - 1]); if(file.createNewFile()) return file; else { throw new IOException("unable to create file " + path[path.length - 1]); } } /** Adds a file to the temporary directory. @param path The path to the file. @throws IllegalArgumentException If path represents the temporary directory itself. @throws IOException If the file cannot be created. */ public void add(String[] path) throws IOException { addPrivate(path); } /** Adds a file with the given contents to the temporary directory. @param path The path to the file. @param contents The contents of the file. @throws IllegalArgumentException If path represents the temporary directory itself. @throws IOException If the file cannot be created or the contents cannot be written. */ public void add(String[] path, String contents) throws IOException { File file = addPrivate(path); PrintWriter writer; try { writer = new PrintWriter(file); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { throw new IOException("did not create writeable file " + path[path.length - 1], e); } writer.print(contents); writer.close(); } /** Attempts to ensure that the directory is deleted when the object is garbage-collected. */ @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { try { remove(); } finally { super.finalize(); } } /** Cleanup task.

This class implements a task which will be run upon JVM shutdown. It contains a weak reference to the temporary directory object. This permits the temporary directory to be cleaned by the garbage collector as if the cleanup task did not exist. If the temporary directory object survives until JVM shutown, this task ensures that the temporary directory is removed. */ private static class CleanupShutdownHook implements Runnable { /** A weak reference to the TemporaryDirectory object. */ private final WeakReference directory; /** Creates and initializes the cleanup task. @param directory The temporary directory to be removed on JVM shutdown, if not previously removed by a call to remove or finalize. */ CleanupShutdownHook(TemporaryDirectory directory) { = new WeakReference(directory); } /** Attempts to ensure that the directory is deleted when the virtual machine exits. */ @Override public void run() { try { directory.get().remove(); } catch(Throwable t) { } } } }