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Project 2: Hand-in Procedure


Just like for Project 1, create a directory named "FirstAndrewID-SecondAndrewID" at:


If you need to submit updated versions, create new directories, naming them "FirstAndrewID-SecondAndrewID.2" "FirstAndrewID-SecondAndrewID.2" etc. We will look at only the newest version.

Important Things to Note

  • Provide a Makefile or something equivalent (e.g., for ant). We will need to be able to compile your submitted code on Andrew machines. In particular, we will not be able to use Eclipse for importing and compiling your project.
  • All your source code should be placed in a directory named "src," under the root of your submission directory.
  • Avoid any hard-coded parameters, such as host names, path names, and port numbers.
  • Submit your report in PDF, named "report.pdf," under the root of your submission directory.
  • Make sure to explain the overall design of your system, not just descriptions of classes you implemented. E.g., what are the components of your system and what are their roles? How do they interact?
  • Test your implementation on Andrew machines before submission.
  • Provide step-by-step instructions for running and testing your code, so that people outside your team are able to do so easily.
  • Please do not submit a revision history with your code. E.g., no .git in your source directory.
  • Make your code readable by others, with proper indentation and comments placed as appropriate.

    Please note that submissions not following these guidelines can significantly affect the grading process.