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Lab 9 - Departmental Exam Practice
Due: Monday, April 10, 2006 11:59PM

The Assignment

By now, you should have completed all of the linked-list and BST questions published by the department. This assignment is nothing more than a spot. Please do the following:
  1. Read a description of the balancedFactorOfNode() method
  2. Create thorough test input and expected output for this method
  3. Download the BST class
  4. Create a new class, ExtendedBST, which extends BST.
  5. Add a stub for the balancedFactorOfNode() method to BST
  6. Add a stub for the main() method to BST
  7. Implement a test driver within the main() method. You may hard-code your inputs or take inut from a file
  8. Implement a test driver
  9. Debug your solution


You should submit a single .zip file containing the following: