No More Decaff...

Due Date:  Thursday October 21, 1999 at start of class.

Using Objects and methods of the classes Grahics, Font, and Color, make a drawing suitable for the family fridge.

This is also an exploratory lab.  The drawing can be as complex or as simple as you wish.  The more you tinker, the easier later stuff will be. The Class References that you need to refer to begin on page 75 in chapter 2  These classes are discussed in the reading on the following pages:
 Graphics pg 48
 Color  pg 53
 Font  pg 54

The classes Point, Dimension and Rectangle are not needed for this lab  You may be able to use them in later labs so a quick read might be helpful.

These classes are also discussed in the web page readings that were distributed last week but they just refer you into the text book.

Try to use a Font and Color object of your own definition in your drawing.

You should follow the conventions as demonstrated in the program you copied in for Lab 8.  Following conventions is part of learning to program.

Remember that the name of the class you define must the same as the name of the file.  We strongly suggest you call this class Lab9 and that you name the file  Your html file should also be named Lab9.htm.

Be sure to put your name in a comment at the top of the program

Handin Instructions:
You should hand in a folder that contains these two files: and Lab9.html.  DO NOT HAND IN THE FILE Lab9.class - it is too big.  Name the folder with this convention

15-119 Fall 99                                                              Lab 9

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