PAA  Photon activation analysis. See instrumental photon activation analysis .  

PAC  Perturbed angular correlation .

PACKING FRACTION  The mass excess  of a nucleus divided by the mass number; that is, the average mass excess per nucleon.

PAES  Positron-annihilation-induced Auger-electron emission spectroscopy.   

PAIR ATTENUATION COEFFICIENT  The attenuation coefficient  when only the pair production  process is taken into account. IUPAC82..

PAIR PRODUCTION  The simultaneous formation of an electron  and a positron  as a result of the interaction of a photon  of sufficient energy (> 1.02 MeV) with the field of a charged particle .  

PARALYSIS TIME  See dead time .

PARENT  A nuclide  which is a precursor  to another nuclide in a decay chain .

PARITY  A symmetry property of a spatial wave function. The parity is said to be even (or +) if the wave function is left unchanged by reversing the sign of all the coordinates, odd (or -) if the sign of the wave function is thereby changed. NM.

PARTIAL CROSS SECTION  The portion of the total cross section  corresponding to a particular final reaction channel, that is, to a distinct set of reaction products.

PARTIAL DECAY CONSTANT  For a radionuclide , the probability in unit time for the decay  of one of its nuclei  by one of several modes of decay . IUPAC82..

PARTICLE  A nuclear  or an elementary particle . IUPAC82..

PARTICLE DENSITY  The number of particles  divided by the containing volume. IUPAC82..

PARTICLE FLUX DENSITY  See flux density, particle .

PARTICLE-INDUCED DESORPTION MASS SPECTROMETRY  Time-of-flight mass analysis of a sample that is desorbed from a surface as a result of bombardment by microbeams  of charged particles , most often heavy-ions, for instance with a nuclide decaying by spontaneous fission .

PARTICLE-INDUCED GAMMA EMISSION  Charged particle activation analysis  in which the gamma radiations are detected on line) from the electromagnetic de-excitation of the product nuclei. CRC.

PARTICLE-INDUCED PROMPT PHOTON SPECTROMETRY  See particle-induced gamma emission .  

PARTICLE-INDUCED X-RAY EMISSION SPECTROSCOPY  Any technique in which a specimen is bombarded with a focused beam of high-energy particles (protons, a-particles, or heavier ions) and the characteristic x-ray spectrum generated in the specimen is recorded. C.

PARTICLE, NUCLEAR  A nucleus  or any of its constituents in any of their energy states. IUPAC82..

PARTICLE, ELEMENTARY  A particle  in which, at the present, no structure can be observed at moderate energies. IUPAC82..

PARTITION COEFFICIENT  Distribution ratio  of a radionuclide between two phases.

PASSIVE ASSAY OR INTERROGATION  A non-destructive measurement of nuclear material content or element or isotopic concentration of an item carried out by observing spontaneous radiations . SAFE.

PDMS  Particle-induced desorption mass spectrometry .

PEAK ANALYSIS  The extraction of relevant peak parameters (i.e., position, area) from a measured spectrum . IUPAC82..

PEAK AREA METHOD  A method of peak analysis  in which a peak area is calculated by subtracting an estimate of the underlying continuum in a relevant part of a measured spectrum . IUPAC82..

PEAK FITTING  A method of peak analysis  in which a relevant part of a spectrum is fitted with a theoretical response function. IUPAC82..

PEAK-TO-COMPTON RATIO  In a gamma-ray spectrum, the relative heights of the full energy peak  to the broad continuum that lies below its Compton edge . It is a measure of a detector's ability to distinguish full energy peaks from the general smooth background in a complex spectrum. 

PELLICLE  In nuclear emulsions , the thin layer or film of photographic emulsion material.

PENETRATION FACTOR  The fraction of particles (or probability per particle) which pass through a classically forbidden barrier. The barrier can be due to centripetal and Coulomb effects, for example.

PERTURBED ANGULAR CORRELATIONS  Angular correlations  between coincident  radiations in which the angular correlation coefficients  have a time-dependent factor which depends on the lifetime of the intermediate state and on the interaction of the nuclear electromagnetic moments with the local atomic or molecular electric field.

PESA  See proton elastic scattering analysis .

PET  Positron emission tomography  

PGAA  Prompt gamma-ray activation analysis. See prompt gamma-ray neutron activation analysis .

PGNAA  Prompt gamma-ray neutron activation analysis .

PHA  Pulse height analysis or analyzer .

PHOTOACTIVATION  Activation  induced by photons, that is, by electromagnetic radiation.

PHOTOEFFECT  See photoelectric effect .

PHOTOELECTRIC ATTENUATION COEFFICIENT  The attenuation coefficient  when only the photoelectric process is taken into account. IUPAC82..

PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT  The complete absorption  of a photon  by an atom  with the emission of an orbital electron . Synonymous with photoeffect . IUPAC82..

PHOTOELECTRIC PEAK  Of a spectrum of gamma radiation , the part of the spectral response curve corresponding to the absorption  in the radiation detector  by the photoelectric effect  of the detected gamma energy. In most cases the peak also contains the events caused by multiple processes and use of the expressions total absorption peak  or full energy peak  is to be preferred. Synonymous with photopeak . IUPAC82..

PHOTOELECTRON  The electron ejected from an atom which completely absorbs a photon  in the photoelectric effect .

PHOTOFRACTION  The fraction of detected gamma-rays that produce output signals in the photopeak  region. NM.

PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBE  A vacuum tube containing a photosensitive layer which serves as the cathode for an electron multiplier.

PHOTON  A quantum of electromagnetic radiation . IUPAC82..

PHOTON ACTIVATION  See activation . 

PHOTONEUTRON  A neutron  which is ejected from a nucleus as a consequence of the absorption of a photon .

PHOTONUCLEAR REACTION  A nuclear reaction induced by absorption of a photon .  

PHOTOPEAK  See photoelectric peak .

PHOTOPEAK EFFICIENCY, ABSOLUTE  Of a gamma-ray spectrometer , the counting efficiency  when only considering the events recorded in the photopeak . IUPAC82..

PHOTOPEAK EFFICIENCY, INTRINSIC  The detector efficiency  when only considering counts resulting from the photoelectric effect . IUPAC82..

PIG  A small shielding container for storing or carrying radioactive  material or for housing a detector system for measuring radioactivity.

PIGE  Particle-induced gamma emission .

PIGME  See particle induced gamma emission .

PILE  Obsolete term for a nuclear reactor . NM.

PILE-UP  The processing by a radiation spectrometer  of pulses resulting from the simultaneous absorption  of independent particles  or photons  in a radiation detector . As a result they are counted as one single particle  or photon  with energy between the individual energies and the sum of these energies. IUPAC82..

P.I.N SEMICONDUCTOR DETECTOR  See semiconductor detector, P.I.N.  

PIPPS  Particle-induced prompt photon spectroscopy .

PIXE  Particle-induced x-ray emission .

PLASMA DESORPTION MASS SPECTROMETRY  See Particle-induced desorption mass spectrometry .

PLATEAU  The plot of counting rate against voltage applied to a Geiger counter  in the presence of a constant source of radiation. As the voltage is increased from zero, this counting rate first rises sharply to a plateau several hundred volts long. Over the plateau the counting rate rises very slowly, and at the end it increases rapidly as instability sets in. NM.

PM  Photomultiplier  tube.

PNEUMATIC TUBE  A cylindrical pipe for transporting a rabbit (sample) by means of compressed air.

POCKET ION CHAMBER  A small dosimeter  having a physical appearance similar to a fountain pen, used to monitor the amount of radiation to which an individual is exposed. NM.

POPOP  diphenyloxazolbenzene, used in liquid scintillation spectroscopy as a wavelength shifter.

POSITION SENSITIVE DETECTOR  A radiation detector which records not only physical properties of the radiation, but also where it impinges on the detector surface.

POSITRON  A positively charged electron . IUPAC82..

POSITRON ANNIHILATION  The conversion of a positron and its antiparticle, the electron, into annihilation radiation .

POSITRON DECAY  Radioactive decay  in which the emission of a positron  by the decaying nucleus  occurs, accompanied by an emitted neutrino.  

POSITRON EMISSION TOMOGRAPHY  An external technique for the rapid serial reconstruction of the spatial distribution of any positron-emitting radioisotope that has been administered in vivo . J.

POSITRON-ANNIHILATION-INDUCED AUGER-ELECTRON EMISSION SPECTROSCOPY  A form of Auger electron emission spectroscopy  based on the use of thermalized positrons  whose annihilation  excites the Auger emission. The surface analysis technique is particularly sensitive to the outermost few ngstroms layer.

POSITRONIUM  The short-lived atom consisting of a positron and electron.  

POSTLABELING  A method for determination and measurement of covalent DNA adducts based on enzymatic incorporation of 32P into DNA nucleotides.

POWER, STOPPING  See stopping power .  

PPO  2,5-diphenyloxalol, used in liquid scintillation spectrometry  as a primary scintillator.

PRA  Prompt radiation analysis. Use prompt gamma neutron activation analysis .

PREAMPLIFIER  An amplifier whose primary function is boosting the output of a low-level frequency source to an intermediate level so that the signal may be further processed without appreciable degradation of the signal-to-noise ratio of the system. M.

PRECISION  A measure for the reproducibility of measurements within a set, that is, of the scatter or dispersion of a set about its central value. IUPAC82..  

PRECONCENTRATION  In trace analysis: a process resulting in an increase in the concentration or the amount of the components of interest. As a synonym, enrichment is not recommended.

PRECURSOR  Of a nuclide , any radioactive nuclide  which precedes that nuclide  in a decay chain . IUPAC82..

PROJECTILE  A particle  in a beam being used for irradiation .

PROMPT GAMMA  A gamma ray  which is emitted from an excited state of a nucleus immediately upon formation of that excited state by a previous decay step or reaction.  

PROMPT GAMMA NEUTRON ACTIVATION ANALYSIS  Neutron activation analysis in which the radiation of the neutron capture gamma-ray cascade is detected on-line , that is, simultaneously with the production. KE.

PROMPT NEUTRON ACTIVATION ANALYSIS  See prompt gamma neutron activation analysis .

PROMPT RADIATION ANALYSIS  See prompt gamma neutron activation analysis .

PROOFREADER  "A malefactor who atones for making your writing nonsense by permitting the compositor to make it unintelligible." Ambrose Bierce in The Devil's Dictionary .

PROPORTIONAL COUNTER (TUBE)  See counter tube, proportional .

PROTON  A single nucleon, of mass number one, which is the nucleus of the hydrogen atom.  

PROTON ELASTIC SCATTERING ANALYSIS  Elastic recoil detection analysis  using a proton beam.

PROTON NUMBER  See atomic number .

PROTON MICROBEAM  A highly collimated and focused beam of protons. KE.  

Ps  The symbol for positronium  used to emphasize the analogy of positronium to atomic hydrogen.

PSEUDOCYCLIC ACTIVATION ANALYSIS  A variation of cyclic activation analysis  in which a delay is introduced between irradiation and spectrum acquisition. FR.

PSEUDO-RADIOCOLLOID  An inactive colloid which incorporates radionuclides.  

PULSE AMPLITUDE ANALYZER  A sub-assembly for determining the distribution function of a set of pulses in terms of their amplitudes. Synonymous with pulse height analyzer . IUPAC82..

PULSE AMPLITUDE SELECTOR  A circuit which gives an output pulse for each input pulse whose amplitude lies within a chosen interval. Synonymous with single channel pulse height analyzer . IUPAC82..

PULSE HEIGHT ANALYSIS  The process of determining the spectrum of radiation energies through use of a pulse height analyzer .

PULSE HEIGHT ANALYZER  See pulse amplitude analyzer .

PULSE HEIGHT ANALYZER, MULTICHANNEL  A pulse amplitude analyzer  which includes a storage function to record the number of pulses received per channel. IUPAC82..

PULSE HEIGHT ANALYZER, SINGLE CHANNEL  See pulse amplitude selector .

PULSED NEUTRONS  Neutrons of transient high flux density  produced in certain reactors when control rods are removed. KE.

PULSED REACTOR ACTIVATION ANALYSIS  Activation analysis  using pulsed neutrons . KE.

PUREX PROCESS  A separation scheme for recovering plutonium and uranium from fission products in reactor fuel. The process is based on the efficient partitioning of Pu and U into TBP . Ch.

PURITY, ISOTOPIC  See abundance, isotopic .

PURITY, RADIOCHEMICAL  For a material, the fraction of the stated isotope present in the stated chemical form. IUPAC82..

PURITY, RADIONUCLIDIC  Of a material, that fraction of the total activity which is present in the form of the stated radionuclide  (including its daughter products). IUPAC82..

PWR  Pressurized water reactor.